4x scope pubg real life. The map seriously needs 4x and probably 6.
4x scope pubg real life I've noticed there's an insane glint on 4x, haven't tried 8x yet, but i'm guessing it's the same. Therefore, you should have the best setting for 4x scope and base on the strategies and roles. 3rd Person (TPP) No scope: 136-145 1st Person (FPP) No scope: 101-110 Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 66-75 2x Scopes: 46-55 3x Scopes: 26-35 4x Scopes: 21-30 As someone with little interest in guns I was actually surprised to find out that all the guns in pubg are based on real life weapons. The Real Housewives of Dallas; My 600-lb Life; Last Week Tonight with John Oliver; Celebrity. Aug 11, 2017 @ 3:22pm Range Guide for 4x Scopes Range Guide for 4x Scopes [wepubg. Kim Kardashian; Doja Cat; Iggy Azalea; Basically this means that you really don't need to zero your weapon using a 4x Scope on up to 500 meters, unless to aim for absolute accuracy. 4x scope needs a slight adjustment to the top of the red pin in the optical. While this scope appears mediocre in regard to its zoom power and reticle, the reticle allows the user an improvised method of rangefinding - a standing person 100 Lots of practice. Sea. It's that simple! Now, as you may notice the first hash is actually at 4, or 400m. So if you look at the image you linked, the 300m example shows the center of the scope on the bullseye. . Open comment ScoutOp is one of the best PUBG Mobile players in the Indian Esports community. AKM M16A4 SCAR-L M416 GROZA AUG A3 Kar98K I also hate the 3x but just had a full game where the best scope I could find was a holo. Here are the completed guide and some pro tips for 4x scope in PUBG Mobile. No zoom means you save time on calculating trajectory, Im ready to shoot wacky, please please please provide UNZOOMED examples for different ranges. Every scope should have a trade off, the 4x is good for range but hard to use in close quarters. Also the holographic sight for it isn't 1x either because you clearly zoom in - if it was a 1x sight, you wouldn't at all. Practice with dot sights and 2x, 3x, and 4x scopes. The M24 is mentioned as a “weapon system” as a result of it consists of not solely a rifle, but additionally a detachable telescopic sight and different accessories. After using them in game I decided to find out more about their real life counterparts. If You cant see him properly on 4X this mean he's to far for any kind of firefight anyway so why bother No zoom means you save time on calculating trajectory, Im ready to shoot instantly after scoping in. 62mm brethren. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Link to Part 2: https://www. Main Page; All Pages; Interactive Maps; Weapons. So if your 4x scope sens is for example 10 when you ADS, you're aiming at a guy and he moves slightly to the left, if you move your stick to the left it won't immediately go full 10 sense speed, it will start way slower (depending on aim acceleration setting) and then speed up to full 10 sens after you move it enough. In reality, even the 4X ACOG has pretty bad eye-relief, and a "black border" before you line it up perfectly with In real life the ranging marks on an RCO are real based on the zero of the weapon. I aimed for the head and was just barely going over him, aimed at the PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS > General Discussions > Topic Details. So if for example you already have a 6x on your sniper, and you need a scope for you SMG, and you come across another 6x and a 3x, even though the 6x can go down to 3x, you'd want the 3x since you can aim down sights quite a bit faster and PUBG Mobile is one of the leading battle royale titles across various countries. it’s about scoring big in real life too! Win PUBG Mobile G-Coins by playing games on Playbite. Yesterday, I found a 8x and want to try my new skill and saldy the scope is now like this I know there's bullet drop, travel time, scope zeroing, etc. You can find this attachment in Ground Loots. Follow me on Instagram : https://instagram. 40 GHzGPU Posted by u/tt11272897 - 23 votes and 43 comments What "old" was set to is the correct and proper way to set an Acog IRL. Real Life ACOG 4x Now, let's take a look at what the markings actually mean in a real-life ACOG scope. Sensitivity DP-28 By Using 4x Scope. When testing the 4x ACOG scope for a guide video to my youtube channel, I discovered that (at longer ranges especially) the scope is severely misaligned. TIL that everyone playing PUBG has never shot a real gun before PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS is a battle royale that pits 100 players against each other. Mini 14; Mk14 EBR; QBU; SKS; More; Put the selector on double-tap and leave it there unless you're shooting towards 100 metres. PUBG Mobile provides various scopes for players to choose from, one of which is the 4x PUBG scope. With higher base damage and muzzle velocity than the AKM, Beryl M762, or Groza, the Mutant does the most damage per shot of any assault rifle, and is easier to use at long range than its other 7. Practice with it. This link is suggesting that you leave the gun at a default zeroing which is IIRC 100m but also depends on what you're using About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright PUBG MOBILE SCOPE SETTINGS 2025 | PUBG SCOPE SENSITIVITY SETTINGS 2X 3X 4X 6X 8X 2025 | BGMI SCOPE SETTINGS IN 2025🌐TikTokhttps://www. Cancel Play Now. The Thermal Scope uses heat signatures to help you find obscured enemies more easily. I read the part of this guide about the 8X, you can see the scope on this picture. 62mm ammunition and is specialized for medium-range engagements. However that doesn't explain why the SLR has the 55. With a built in rangefinder, and its 4x zoom, the ACOG scope is one of the About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright 4X arguably is just perfect range as you can comfortably see and shoot people that might be a real danger to you. I do remember seeing an image of a side by side comparison so I'm pretty sure they're identical. Although I'll almost always go for a 6x over the 3x or 4x, there is the downside of having slower ADS speed with it over the others. A lot of people say they can't spray with a scope but the scope doesn't make the spray worse, it just shows you how bad or how good it is. sort of makes sense because I have trouble using the chevron's on 4x scopes correctly it seems. com/taufiqhfz The largest community for PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS on PC, Xbox and PlayStation. com/watch?v=TaQH5DXVQhUIn this video, I show you guys as many guns in PUBG with the real life guns through my own persona How to CONTROL 4x Scope The RIGHT Way!| PUBG/BGMI Tips And Tutorial #pubgmobile #pubgsensitivity In this short video I have told you about how to control the The Real Housewives of Atlanta; The Bachelor; Sister Wives; 90 Day Fiance; Wife Swap; The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; My 600-lb Life; Last Week Tonight with John Oliver The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Typically, you would like to feel the reality of using different weapons as if you are shooting them yourself in real life. They're based on the real life reticle options you can get for the ACOG, although the sniper crosshair does seem to be fictional. com/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/status/866621003350265857The Blue dot is for demonstration purposes only. 3x full time is too intense for room-to-room fights etc It's not weird at all that the range-finding and hash marks are different across scopes because that is true in real-life. In case you’re wondering: Playbite simply makes money from (not super annoying) ads Use the 4x scope for very long-range combat. You can obtain this scope attachment from Ground loot but it is rare. 8x Scope is a long range scope that can only attach with The M24 sniper weapon system (SWS) is the military and police version of the Remington Model 700 rifle, M24 being the model name assigned by the united states Army after adoption as their standard sniper riflein 1988. Most of the time, when I Know PUBG do a great job banning cheats but i am seeing a huge increase of players using "Keyboard and Mouse". Personal Info – The 2x Aimpoint Scope is a sight type attachment in BATTLEGROUNDS. Go to the training grounds, AKM, 3X extended mag, suppressor and a 3 bag full of ammo. Unsubscribe Description. PG-117 – PG-117 Soviet ‘Fast Boat’ The standard boat in PUBG is a rickety old Soviet tub from World War II, but it can shift across large bodies of water when you need it to. To balance it, it should only be in crates, should replace the gun in the crate, and should be locked to 4x? Or perhaps 2x. My issue is that it feels as if many players have an unfair advantage. 4x zoom, about 2x as much as SMGs get at their usual 1. Mounting 4x scope on the DP-28 will make the DP-28’s long-range shots precise. Reply reply PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS is a battle royale that pits 100 players against each other. PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS. 32. Yesterday I had a circle with a dot reticle PUBG began with the iconic 8×8 map Erangel; today, with Update 12. I know it's designed as a close quarters map, but lets face it, most of the battles are people firing from ridgelines to ridgelines and no scopes makes this dogshit. tiktok. PUBG Mobile Guns In Real Life!A big thanks to PUBG Mobile for sponsoring this video. Sensitivity For M416 With 4x Scope. but i downed someone yesterday using the 4x on a AKM from about 50m. Sort by: Best. 4x Scope is a true medium range scope that is extremely accurate and simple reticle which makes it the most useful medium-range scope. Kim Kardashian; The largest community for PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS on PC, Xbox and PlayStation. 4x Scope is a scope attachment that mostly uses in medium range combat. The new Thermal Scope will be world-spawned loot. Recoil can be muscle memory, but because there are so many guns/scopes for me personally very few configurations are muscle memory. 4x thermal scope . Now im an AR with red dot and K9 4x scope kind of guy. The rest of the time, if I'm on the move, I prefer to have a 2x on top. Play free now! Available on Steam, Xbox and Playstation platforms! i guess that 4x is kinda in the middle in terms of scopes since i can scope out long distances without the reticle bugging me Range Guide for 4x Scopes Very helpful if you dont like zero-ing or dont have the time. Take your 2rb shots and aim for centre mass. Every other game alters the actual reticle to have the chevron on the centerline of the reticle. Compensating for recoil happens in real time. Sensitivity in PUBG Mobile is personal and customizable according to your preference, but mainly PUBG M416 Tactical with ACOG 4x scope&forgrip&An/peq-2 reworked version 绝地求生 M416 突击步枪战术型 替换 M16. Ꝁ𝐫ⱥᴋ𝐞 X | Pubg In Real Life . #bgmi #pubg #bgmilover #bgmiindiangamer #gamingviral #gamerviral #gamigviral #pubglover #indiangamer #pubg The Real Housewives of Dallas; My 600-lb Life; Last Week Tonight with John Oliver; Celebrity. Using a scope in PUBG can give you a significant advantage in combat. Original Video Credit: https://twitter. I have read that in the last patch they have changed the 4x scope a bit but I still can't What about RCO scopes in PUBG? Companies don’t own the right to this idea, it’s been used in real world applications since the scopes came out by trijicon ALT+1 = Red Dot ALT+2 = Holo sight ALT+3 = 2x scope ALT+4 = 4x scope ALT+5 = 8x scope ALT+6 = 15x scope PUBg update is set to shake things up with the addition of a new PUBG spotter scope - and players are already calling it overpowered Custom, Training, and Sandbox modes, and will give you real-time distance to the target you’re aiming at. ke/PUBGMobile18TexasPlinkingT 26 votes, 21 comments. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a scope in PUBG? There are both advantages and disadvantages to using a scope in PUBG. Would probably run it on most smgs, all ARs, frequently on DMRs, and even snipers until I find a bigger scope. skaffa. Players can become pros at the game by configuring their sensitivity settings for better aim and accuracy. Download PUBG MOBILE here: http://combostri. PUBG Mobile 4x scope sensitivity will affect your gameplay and match result a bit. View Mobile Site As always PUBG LABS lets you try out experimental game modes or features in various states of development, none of which are guaranteed to make their way into the full game. By the end of this guide, you'll be a pro at using scopes in PUBG! For long-range combat, you will want to choose a scope with a higher magnification, such as a 4x scope or a 8x In the real world, a scope needs to be calibrated when placed on a weapon. Usually, the scopes provide some way of judging/estimating what the actual distance is. But if the other gun has different ballistics the ACOG will be incorrect for all distances except the one you zeroed it for. PUBG Mobile Best 4x Scope Sensitivity Idk what it works out to when scoped but still very low. PREV PC CONSOLE PUBG 4th PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS. So an RCO zeroed at 25 yards matches trajectory at 300 yards (standard zeroing procedure) and thus creates an accurate distance table for 400, 500, and so on yards. A final-form Mutant, for me, is Comp+LW+Tac+Extended+2x, with a dot or high power scope in reserve. Up next. The test server version of this scope originally featured a larger red reticle identical in appearance to its real life counterpart, but was changed in the live version to a smaller green one in response to feedback for a clearer reticle. The game did not alter how they zero Pubg scope in real life #battlegroundsmobileindia #pubgmobile #bgmi #playerunknownsbattlegrounds #ps5 #ps4 #playstation #livestream #livegaming #gameplay #gi If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. I normally use the 3 or 4x on my ARs. For About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright I think it would be very powerful, so powerful, in fact, that people would just scan terrain with the scope rather than just looking with your eyes. Kim Kardashian; Doja Cat; Iggy Azalea; PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS is a battle royale that pits 100 players against each other. It The best additional attachment that can be used on the DP-28 is 4x scope. This, however, can have a lot to do with the sensitivity setting and the recoil of the gun it is being used on. Here are the best sensitivity settings for PUBG 4x Scope, VSS - 275%; 8x Scope - 90%; Now you know everything about the best sensitivity for Battle Royale in PUBG Mobile! Get out there and win some matches. Here are a few tips for using scopes effectively in PUBG: PUBG Mobile Lite has become one of to provide the best experience for players with low-end devices so they can enjoy high-quality graphics along with real-life 4x ACOG Scope, VSS Here’s how you can set the best sensitivity settings in PUBG Mobile. 4x attachment top of triangle = 100 m A scope with both would be objectively better than the red dot or the 4x. Helped me get some headshots today ːsteamhappyː PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS > General Discussions > Topic Details. The double-tap can let you peek and snapshoot within the Mutant's engagement envelope and hammer someone hard. 2. #Shorts #PUBGReview singkat beberapa Scope yang ada di Game PUBG. But I have read before on here that the devs have tried to implement as close to real life ballistics to the weapons as they could, and I imagine MOA would be one of the things to look at Scope Guides & Tips. Description(简述): The Heckler & Koch Check on reddit, someone posted a guide, 4x scope is made to be used at 100m distance, it means that if u are closer, u must aim lower than the head, sorry for the bad explanation and the bad english ^ check for guide on this reddit, search guide or (wip) in reddit someone gave good tips about aiming in PUBG 4x Scope ; The 4x scope is probably the most denounced scope in PUBG Mobile; not a lot of players prefer using it as it is supposedly very unstable. Drop into PUBG LABS and try out the new Thermal Scope on Moonlit Vikendi today! See you on the Battlegrounds! PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS Team. It is something you adjust to on the spot. 50 metres is a pretty common meeting engagement distance, and the 2x maximizes my chances. You can zero it in for one distance. This game is widely loved for its realistic features, dynamic graphics and distinctive weapon quality. 2x Scope is mostly used for medium range combat because it provides a The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. This is a technical matter, but this setting makes PUBG Mobile players play more freely. . 4x Scope: 6x Scope: 6x Scope: 8x Scope: Red Dot Sight: Extended QuickDraw Mag(DMR/SR) Original Video Credit: https://twitter. How to Use Scopes Effectively. It shows you exactly whe Last week, after being bored to lost too much time reading map to find the distance of my target, I learn to read the 4x scope. 8x Scope is a scope attachment that mostly uses in long-range combat. #bgmi #pubg #bgmilover #bgmiindiangamer #gamingviral #gamerviral #gamigviral #pubglover #indiangamer #pubg #bgmi". PUBG Mobile presents weapons with detailed specifications. The largest community for PUBG: Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. What i would suggest to PUBG is give us more options when reporting a player, currently the only option is "Cheating" I meant that the 4x scope doesn't have a cross like the top left part, it has an arrow instead like in the bottom part. Having the opportunity to shoot down the sites of a real Acog is a slightly rare exp. Hello, playing on pc here, is this an item I played a game where I found this a few times and it was brilliant I've updated the pubg wiki as well. The VSS uses 4x scope sensitivity though so it should be equal. Because that's only a function of the 4x scope. You're signed out About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy What does the same 4x scope as PUBG actually look like in real life?, Southeast Asia\'s leading anime, comics, and games (ACG) community where people can create, watch I had a fight where the dude was about 70-80m away and the 4x scope was shooting a little high. 6 scope or the MK14 has the sniper scope, it also doesn't explain why every single gun doesn't have it's own unique accurate scope. but as I got better I moved to red dot, 2x, and now play 2x and 4x. You sort of did that with the hitting a moving player section. “PUBG SCOPE ON REAL LIFE SCOPE RANGE 3x 4x 6x 8x 10x😆😬#Pubg # For You Page # JUST ENTERTAINMENT#FOREVER# FORYOUPAGE” About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Sight Guides & Tips. A ADMIN MOD Scope Glint Issue . pages. Players can use scopes like 4x and 6x on M416 to wipe out an enemy team in mid-range with a good set of sensitivity settings. The advantages of the PUBG Mobile game are the weapons that are presented with detailed specifications. 1,609. Many people dont know this because they have never shot a real weapon or were never taught. Then pull down. Eye relief is a imporant thing that makes zoomed scopes less viable in CQB in real life, it makes sense for the game to have that too. It's correct as you've explained in real life applications, but I've tested the acog in It seats six and – like its real-life counterpart, the original VW Camper – is a low-powered fun bus that can’t help but put a smile on your face. Check it out with Gurugamer. com/@zaffarsain 3,795 likes, 104 comments - krake__x on December 15, 2024: "Pubg In Real Life . I found many usefull informations but this reddit guide: credit to u/Xmortus. 2x Scope is a scope attachment that mostly uses for medium range combat. The Mk47 Mutant is an assault rifle firing 7. its one thing being able to measure the target in the way you provide and that's great and all. Each hash mark represents the average human shoulder-span at a given distance. 4K likes, 940 comments. Especially looking for the level of comfort in using shots. Explore. 2 we’re excited to release our newest 8×8 map: Taego. Below is a list of videos I've compiled showing them in action and (where possible) detailing some of the gun's history But now I have changed to pubg mobile lite due to device issues but I am not able to find 6x in it like ever. I feel like it helps me control my spray better. It would be more helpful to see the shots in action, maybe with the scope points on the right while talking about the different bullet speeds as you're using them. Both 4x scopes (attachment If it's my budget DMR, it carries a 4x or 6x for long-range plinking. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Created my Ultimate PUBG Scopes Guide - Learn how to dial in your distance shots and how to lead running targets with every scope! Screenshots included, hope it helps! Media Share Add a Comment. 250s; Firing modes = Single; Shot count = 9; Method = Magazine; PUBG Mobile Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. A central place for discussion, media, news, developer interaction and more. Live. Aug 11, 2017 @ 3:22pm Range Guide for 4x Scopes Range Guide Holographic Sight Red Dot Sight Canted Sight 2x Aimpoint Scope 3x Scope 4x ACOG Scope 6x Scope 8x CQBSS Scope 15x PM II Scope. Maybe pubg plays Oddly enough how it is in real life. PUBG Mobile has mastered the Indonesian eSports ecosystem. Many times I open fire with say a 3x or 4x scope, SCAR-L/QBZ or SLS, whatever - in single shot mode -- and the guy is maybe 200m and I just can't hit him for Summary. It just seemed like you bounced quickly It's due to the bullet velocity/ballistics of the gun according to PUBG devs. Hit damage = 22; Initial bullet speed = 350 m/s; Body hit impact power = 5. Hop into tdm, equip scope and shoot. in the civilian world as well since a real Acog scoop will cost you $1200+. The following is a list of weapons that can be combined with the PUBG 4x scope. PUBG In real life you can take the ACOG off your M4 and put it on another gun. Sure it looks weird, but it brings more realism to the game. ScoutOp's age, girlfriend, (Scope), SCAR-L + 4x (Scope), DMR spamming, and his In-Game-Leader (IGL) decisions. Here are a few of the pros and cons to consider: Pros: It's not weird at all that the range-finding and hash marks are different across scopes because that is true in real-life. The scope, which has a magnification level of 4x, will automatically ping anyone within a 1km range Scope Guide & Tips. 4x Scope 6x Scope Expanded Stats [] Overview. Adjusting the ADS settings can yield the same results as using a gyroscope. Assault Rifles. The 4x scope is best used for very long-range combat because it provides a lot of magnification. The 8x is easy for hitting headshots but is very bad in close ranges. Plus the DP-28 already has a built-in attachment in the form of a tripod. Best PUBG Mobile Sensitivity Settings. The 4x scope can help you take down enemies that are far. I’m not that familiar with real life gun stuff. A central place ADMIN MOD 4x Scope changes reticle? Discussion First I had the typical up arrow reticle. And since the game copies real life, long range scopes have equally spaced dots that are only meant for measuring the distance to the target (by counting how many dots they take up vertically and dividing by a constant), not how far the bullet will drop at a given distance. Having 4x Scope is a huge advantage against enemies, it helps you to Well I am glad the scope has it. If you want to switch between different magnification levels on scopes that allow this (like the 8x or 4x scopes), click the right stick while you are aiming. com. or at least when I was using scopes in the army. using a holo on SKS is impossible. In fact it's usually around 2. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews But I've also noticed some inconsistency with the 4x and 8x scope as well. Posted by u/Grymer1 - 8 votes and 7 comments 4x scope: This scope provides a 4x magnification, which is ideal for long-range combat. So what scope is the one in the top left part ? It says that both are 4x but one says sniper and the other says AR so I don't understand why the 4x scope has 2 different designs. youtube. It's meant to make small aim adjustments easier. Just The 3x scope is based on the Vortex Spitfire 3X Prism Scope with the EBR-556B reticle. Hence; Because PUBG. ’ Camera Sensitivity. Subscribe. Subscribed. Kim Kardashian; Doja Cat; Iggy Azalea; You'll get frame drops more, but at least it makes 4x-15x scopes better. PUBG Wiki Official wiki. This is ideal for weapons that are effective in middle to long range fights. The map seriously needs 4x and probably 6. In reality, the bullet drop variance between different muzzle velocities, ballistic coefficients, etc is rarely more than The Real Housewives of Dallas; My 600-lb Life; Last Week Tonight with John Oliver; Celebrity. It ─────────────────────────────────────────────── PC Specs -----CPU : Intel Core i5 12400F @4. Once they were down, obviously not moving fast, I placed the reticle center mass and fired off several shots, all of them landing about 5m above and behind him on the hill. However, it also has the . The ACOG scope allows for the user to engage targets at medium to long ranges. I know the 970 is a little weak but I am 100+ fps in fallout 4 (didn't test PUBG but feels over 60fps continuously). LABS: Thermal Scope Mode. Launch your PUBG Mobile and go to ‘Settings. This link is suggesting that you leave the gun at a default zeroing which is IIRC 100m but also depends on what you're using (again if i remember correctly). PUBG Mobile: Which Real Life Places That The Games Maps Are Based On? Best Guns To Use With A 8x Scope In PUBG Mobile; Is PUBG Mobile Cross Platform? Do Mobile Players Get Matched With PC Players? 4x Scope (plus VSS): 22%; 6x Scope: 15%; 8x Scope: 11%; ADS. AKM; M16A4; M416; SCAR-L; More; DMRs. Celebrity. 2x zoom w/ iron sights. Outplay your opponents to become the lone survivor. The M416 is one of the most used weapons for mid-range sprays in the game. You can obtain this scope attachment from Ground Loot. If common, it would displace the 3x scope, the 2x scope and the 4x scope. but please also provide footage where you do not zoom in the I Tested PUBG's 4x Scope In Real Life #pubgmobile #pubgpc pubg, scope accuracy, pubg mobile, bgmi, scope mastery, pubg console, pubg tips The 4x ACOG Scope is a sight type attachment in BATTLEGROUNDS. However, it is important to use scopes effectively in order to get the most out of them. com] Very 4X arguably is just perfect range as you can comfortably see and shoot people that might be a real danger to you. 2M subscribers in the PUBATTLEGROUNDS community. In game, you can assume that this is done for you automatically. Lots of practice. The largest community for PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS on PC, Xbox and PlayStation With the 4x Scope, you can easily zoom into mid-long distances with your ADS. A scope that can be used for close range and medium/long range fights has no downsides. The largest community for PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS on PC, Xbox and PlayStation. Gallery 2x-4x scope with a normal crosshair would be overpowered, I think. PUBG is actually correct in their rendering of the reticle. Both 4x scopes (attachment and VSS) increment 100m at a time. I had not adjusted the zero distance since originally engaging About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright 10 votes, 12 comments. We'll cover everything from choosing the right scope for your weapon to zeroing in your sights. Though this attachment is compatible with SMGs, it is more effective when paired with Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, or Marksman Rifles to deal accurate damage to enemies. Including the matter of sensitivity settings. It shows you exactly whe Learn how to use a scope in PUBG with this easy-to-follow guide. Upcoming. 000; Zero range = 25-25; Time between shots = 0. i killed this player and i watch the cam on pubg report, as you can see his 4x reticle is green and not red, (going forward i Skip to main content Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home In almost every CoD game where there's been some "4x scope" or 4x ACOG, it's been way less. Reply [deleted] Just perfect to add a 2x scope in those times the 4x and 8x scopes are hiding from you, +1 pubg devs on the reticle aswell Reply Since the Thermal Scope is best utilized in areas of low light, we’re bringing back Moonlight Mode on Vikendi for this test! Full details on the mode can be found below. ugezuxogsjvqhzlcofpewcijlpbdjaehadlzvpizdoilkvohpxmeyjmjjefdmovugsztzzhvxokvi