
Atlas increase ship weight. Damn there isnt any % , no magic number.

Atlas increase ship weight One of the mods that allows you to increase the level cap general rule of thumb we use is that once you get to 65-70% max weight, you then add your cargo rack from storage to drop your weight back down again. If you want to create a trade ship. It is a 2 length ship and comes attached with multiple cargo racks attached to both sides. 5) =70. The Large Weight Sail adds 4000 weight capacity. The "Sail Max Movement Weight" stat that comes from blueprints gives a percentage based bonus to the weight. It's so far a fun game. I think the explanation of additional weight and Extra Crew are good, you can carry more weight and have more crew. The ship is so infinitely slow already with a load of about 70% load capacity that I would have been faster with 3 speed sails and 85% capacity at the end. It is a 3-deck ship that fits in a small armored dock. Ship cannons are the first 'real' artillery available to new Pathfinders. Hello, I have my own private server and I'm looking to turn the max structure limit for ships higher but no config setting I have tried works. About the Large Weight Sail. The Speed at which a Character is moving on land can be displayed by using the Console commands ShowDebug Physics (ShowDebug reset for turning off). ATLAS. Small advice on weight dont load up you ship to the brim (almost max weight) and then try to open the gunport it might sink you (guns weight 50% with closed gunports and 100% with them open). As for figureheads, these were often objects of ship identity, crew Hello Everyone, I have been playing the current ship meta for a while now and i have to say it is not great. Added in version v522. Jan 17, 2019 @ 4:02am Weight Sails + Brig + Points = Very weighted ship for tansporting goods but like said Slower than a dead The Pathfinder has a Maximum Weight Capacity ( maxWeight - 325 Units Baseline), which defines how much he can carry at decent Movement Speed. ini. At the same time serverly increasing max weight . At least NPC count. But, if I may add a few pointers. ; Sturdiness - decreases the chances of sinking, as well as decreases the speed of item Sail force seem to matter on speed. The ship weights are a little lacking and truly need to be increased by 50% more to be able to take on more suplies. Ahoy Atlas Community! Professor Orin here. 6 The Pegasus is a new modular ship intended to provide tamed creature transportation. 7 much better weight increase per weight point. As implemented, especially on PVP, these are useless. I wanted to make fine cruiser with sick interior but structure limit is probably there for a reason but its way too low. Usage and Combat. 05 The Broadsider is a heavy-hitter packing a devastating punch with 40 cannons at its disposal. It has one deck and can hold a maximum of 2 small sails or 1 medium sail. The bonus calculation is based on the base value of the sail and not the ship. War3zuk. uh meant Schooner :P for instance, if its just giong to be you and the crew down below/sails. They appear as rotting wooden crates covered with barnacles and seaweed, and have an eerie glow about them. Features : Grid mass: 9 379 801 kg (for carry capacity read "Additional info") Can cary cargo in 8 big containers (keep in mind weight) and vehicles in cargo bay locked with conectors or on pads. Hello I think that ships should have higher level cap, 41 is just too small in my opinion. Each Module can store 5 tames each (30 Total). Then in pvp, people could rebuild their attacking ships with the same technology to increase their own speeds as well. Frigate A frigate is a sailing ship that is made out of wood and has three to four masts but in game could benefit from having 5. ini) and add QoL features that every Shipwright, Captain, and Sailor need, while keeping the file size down to a minimum. In order to build in Atlas, you must craft individual building tiles or structures to combine into larger structures, whether those are Ships or Forts on land. The +40% (~) weight capacity buff to ships was a god send. 5M L Really think they need to increase ship panel health eventually especially for the bigger ships. It is usually an armoured to some degree as it's a golden age war vessel. In game it could be very resilient and have good weight capacity to allow large amounts of cannons and ammo to be stored on it. Fastest: 3 Large Speed Sails ~ 3750 units/s @ 100. All Discussions Then add in the 3 different kinds of sails and ship sizes and weight and its alot of guess work. It would suit any pathfinder for transport reasons. The only problem is that i do not know how to ship cargo with the boat, seeing as there are no places that provide it in the freeports. But the none similar buff to weight points and sails makes them feel a bit lesser. Given those assumptions and taki Add like OverrideMaxExperiencePointsDino=200655010 to Game. When to heavy loaded (85% of maxWeight) the player becomes Encumbered, and can not Sprint/Run/Jump anymore. Anything The equation for ship speed is sqrt(1-(Wcurrent/Wmax)). I still think there is a few ways to sink other peoples ships in PVE but this ATLAS. Utility (eg harvests X The weight is the chance this set would be included. Resistance - Increase Is there a way i could make it so that when I upgrade a ship in it's weight, it increases more per level? What you can do, if you're open to mods, is find one that gives The Medium Weight Sails increase the carry weight of the ship it is placed on. It should take quite a few solid shots to really damage a ship to sinking, and the sinking rate in battle should probably be increased a bit making an efficient crew important. I remember a guy who used quetzals in ark with no speed boost just weight and he enjoyed carrying insane amounts of mats at turtle speed, never needing to land or put a point New Ships. Wikis Increase per level: Taming Bonus Food : Weight : Melee Damage : Movement Speed : Torpidity . Going from 20% to 50% weight makes it go 20% slower. There are so many different materials required for crafting decent items, could you increase the base weight of ships on official? The gap between the brig and the galleon is huge, It feels like there should be another ship before the galleon Does anyone know the config line for servers to increase structure limit on ships? I have tried PerPlatformMaxStructuresMultiplier=10. With a speed increase of say 20-30% over normal sailing speeds. Link to post Share on other Evidently other players can sink your ships on PVE by either overloading with weight or going over the ships accomodations stat. The following additional components are needed to finish the ship: From the 40 planks. Originally posted by FFH_Greg: It's not possible in the demo. Like real vehicles, lighter ships will be faster and agile, but heavier ships will move slower and take longer to turn. A large weight sail with a "Sail Max Movement Weight" bonus of 110% will be calculated as 4000 * The weight sails add total weight and increase the % until you hit the weight increments that slow you down. First of all NPC count doesnt realy make sense int he context of the game. 08 The Carrack is a modular ship that allows for 3 large sails. Careful though, most ships are too mobile for these mortars so you’ll need to strategize some security for your new weaponry, or you may Weight does matter but only at about 70% and above it slows down to a crawl with full wind at optimal angle. And eventually it will look prettier. And even if the utilities where next to weightless, the wood structures would only have a bigger total chunk to occupy. 1. Dec 28, 2018 @ 1:41pm We have a brig with 2 large weight sails and a large handling sail. If an aggressive ship has decorative jib sails, these must also utilize the far Galleon is the largest of the buildable Ships in ATLAS. You cant do that. The sloop is the cheapest ship you can create on the Small Shipyard. For Speed sails A large is better than 2 mediums, but for weight sails that is not the case. In the full game, this will be done by increasing the balloon size. For example i got max 20200 weight on my brig and when almost empty with some resources on board i get 10000 weight. 08 We’re finally bringing out the big guns with the Mortar ship. I used several points in sturdiness to help me be able to finish a fight and worry about patches after. Unlike other modular ships, the Carrack and the Cog do not require a blueprint to craft. You could also keep it simple and use percentage. Perhaps a speed configuration for ships might limit the number of cargo racks for example on a galleon from 6 to 4. With front and rear mortar cannons that deliver swift death from a distance, this ship is a game-changer and will make sieging pesky land installments a breeze. I would suggest removing the stat all together (as well as sturdyness) and making ATLAS. Ship Weight Balancing and Center of Gravity Introduce weight b MOD ID: 1882120047 Welcome to the ATLAS Shipwright mod! This is a ship building mod with the goal to expose ship settings (for admins to set in GameUserSettings. 7 The "Sail Max Movement Weight" stat that comes from blueprints gives a percentage based bonus Super easy fix you have to level into total cannons just like you have to level into total crew. There is a Baseline Movement Ship in a Bottle Mechanic New magics have been uncovered while exploring the ghastly island in the Maw. Official guide is needed very badly. some1 did test it. Sloops are one of the small Ships in ATLAS. Idk how much that slows, but probably something like 70% slower compared to 20% weight. Can be modified with different Kraken-specific Modules crafted in the I've had multiple ships sunk by griefers on pve. But you can use a mod or increase the level cap of the ships. 65-70% seems to be where the Each level a ship gains allows the following stats to be increased: Weight - Adds more maximum weight capacity to ship, while reducing the weight effect on its speed. Speed sails should just give a fixed boost across the New Modular Ship: Turtle Ship. As of now , hauling loot is not tempting enough to risk our This page will be used to organize all of the info for the modular ships, as they all use different parts from the classic ships and are not fully interchangeable. Each ship starts simply with however many cannons its gun ports holds. A comparison In the olden days , it took more to destroy an entire "plank" on a ship and even then , losing 1 or 2 planks , the ship doesnt sink as fast as it does in atlas. It is 5 length ship built in the Added in version 532. Change the 55 to what ever you want your max server level to be. Sloop . I honestly think they need to buff the durability of ship planks . Less weight will always make you go faster, so dropping down to 15% is even faster. The higher the value, the more likely it is to be included in the loot. Requires a Patch Kit to repair instead of replaceable plank Im looking for a description and explanation of the ship stats (listed in picture). Ships list Module list, breakdown and costs Ship table and initial setups Anyone is welcome to edit and assist with this info' Please leave a note on the talk page or my talk page to contribute' or just start editing the page It would even be pretty cool to add in a new cannon, call it a long 9, and make it double the weight of a ship cannon, but it fires twice as far and is about 7-9 ft long, it could use ship cannon balls, or could make a new ammo that uses more gunpowder for it, takes twice as long to reload as well. However my guess is something along the line that speed sails gives some kind of 10, 20 and 30% boost and this is why it goes all wrong. The Ship Resources Box is a storage location in ATLAS. Neo Blackheart. Sail value : 1. The broadsider is built using a broadsider blueprint in the Advanced Shipyard. Thanks for the tip! Found a different way to do it as well, where you just go to space and look at your ship in 3rd person, open console and click on your spaceship, and The Medium Weight Sails increase the carry weight of the ship it is placed on. The Galleon is allowed 614 pieces to be built on its frame (Atlas v18. Resistance, sturdiness and damage I think are decently explained in their tool tips but looking f 2. You either have the weight/gold to afford your NPC crew or you do not. #1. 0 would be 100% chance this is included of the other sets. I built a brig with 3 weight sails as a cargo ship. Small weight sails will increase the maximum weight by 1,000 kg, medium sails will increase it by 2,500 kg, and large sails will increase the maximum weight by 4,000 kg. Investing attribute points in Weight - 14 Units per Point FoY Statistics Boost 10% to Is there a ship weight settings for dedicated server yet? Seems so unballanced you can have a tammed elephant / Rhino for example that has more carry weight than a galleon. same travel. I feel like ship weight/npc count is way too low. It is very fast to make and can do things good enough but can't carry much and can't fight. After Unfortunately, there is no multiplier for the ship stats. I. With all the stuff we need to gather and transport back to base you just can't get enough carry weight. 0: Spawn Command. Sand bars and rocks may result in the ship being destroyed as soon as it is launched. e instead of the 25/50/75% penalty being at 25/50/75% it may move up to 26/51/76% or higher based on sail quality. Although I guess being able to replace panels kind of resolves this. Laios 0 Laios 0 Pathfinder; Pathfinder; 0 who build an Brigantine or Lager come online and just see that what I explained above who is the point in building a ship in Atlas where a ship is recommended? Share this post. By adding custom modules I built an armored war brig with two decks and 18 cannon on one side. Per announcement patch notes: This is a new modular ship focused on transporting players’ tames. ? The Large Weight Sail is a Structure used in Building Ships in Atlas MMO Game. Build and place Small Shipyard. Some pathfinders have even reported that they can sometimes make a duplicate of their ships while they are in a bottle! Please note: Ship duplication has been disabled on the official When leveling a ship be sure you level what ever it is you are going to need for that ship. 19% of max weight is 90% speed. Added in version v536. Additional components needed to finish the ship. Going from 50% to 75% weight makes it go 30% slower. Requires the Captaineering Discipline, and two available points for Basics of Crew. Oxygen storage 3. PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[7]= 3 //Weight PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[10]= 3 //Fortitude PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[11]= 3 ATLAS SHIPPING CORP your Logistics Partner in Jordan Since 1998, Pleased to Keep Following your Sea & Air Freight Needs to & From Jordan and to More Successes to your Trade. galleon was faster then other ship . Notable differences between the Ship Resources Box and other standard storage structures are the 500000 stack limits, unlimited inventory space, and the unique feature of automatically collecting the materials from any demolished ship its handling? slower turns, slower speeds, etc? The Controls listed here are for controlling a ship. Anyone seen this happen or know how this is working? Is it going over weight based on the weight the players are adding to the ship, or over the accommodations limit? I thought that if you went over accommodations limit ships would So my ship is on halt until they change something. 1 Most Weight: 5 Medium Weight Sails add 12500 kg capacity Best Balance of Handling & Speed: 3 Large Handling Sails Best Handling: 5 Medium Handling Ship weight. cheat GFI cheat gfi shipcannon 1 0 0 1 0 0 The content and format of this page may change drastically over the next few hours or days. ATLAS > General Discussions > Topic Jan 2, 2019 @ 6:02am Ship Weights, Speargun, Ship Dura increase, PVE game play Group skill matching. 70% reduction in item weight, with 8k pre-reduction limit per rack seemed pretty fair this would allow my transport gally (6 racks) to turn 48k weight into 14. It can carry more than other ships of its size and still retain However, they produce less maximum speed than speed sails (about 60% speed) in return for increasing the maximum weight of your ship. It's hardcored cap i think. fine but, if you intend on adding top side cannons and or travel with tames. When carrying to much Weight, the Pathfinder will be Encumbered. all at 20% weight,same wind. A large sail only adds 1000 weight for 2. The Pegasus is a 5-length ship, that comes pre-equipped with 6 Tame Cargo Module's. follow by shooner . If you custumize too much you can affect your ships weight as each ship has a weight limit and every extra wood piece you put on adds more weight. I didn't check the game files, but maybe I should. Given the opportunity, the ship will make quick work of any vessel or defenses that are unfortunate to fall into its firing range. 12 can be changed into gunports. I have uploaded the Just wanted to say that it seems to work good. There is a mod called CustomShip that allows you to configure the base ship weights using the Game. By Laios, December 30, 2018 in General Discussion. 8) 10x Max Units, and 100x Weight to ensure ships and sails are safe between the time the game loads them and the execution of AS processing. Heres some suggestions. Weight : 30,000 (base weight Flotsam are floating loot boxes encountered on the sea's of ATLAS. 03 The Tramp Freighter is a low-cost vessel great for early game transport. This count includes all decks, planks, sails, walls, floors, ceilings, etc. you are going to need to boost the crew limit and prolly the weight as They should stop with weight reduction alltogether in ATLAS, it's not Ark, but they could definitely make the cargo carriage a weight increase Increasing the total weight the bear can carry or invent something else, like Atlas Wiki Guide to Disciplines, Ships, Crew, Feats, Armor and PVP Conquering of the Atlas MMO World. I am maybe at 30% of the ship weight with all these walls and ceilings however that doesnt matter. For example the bow sprits could add an additional 10% sail canvass in the form of foresails that could help increase the ship's speed or perhaps it's weight capacity. ini file with the following [CustomShip] RaftWeightAdd=1000 There's one that lets you set the base weight by ship class and another mod that gives you full set of sails of every size that you can customize for weight, turning, speed, etc. Pathfinders who incorporate these magics can shrink their ships to store them in special bottles. It weighs 100. Home. Either way, the part limit is nowhere near enough IMO. This currently only supports galleons and more ships will be added in the future. 3M L Hydrogen storage 782. . Hey, i just got started on Atlas a few days ago, and now currently own a tramp freighter. It might appeal to some people but I love old sailing ships, love every other aspect of the game as it is except for the meta building of ships. Before being able to craft the box in the Smithy, you'll need to learn the skill required to build it. 000000 in both game. because its all based on the max weight capacity of the ship before you reduce given starting weight. The weight sails need a revision. You are at 82% weight wtith 1400/1700. The ship had next to no cargo on it, other then some scraps that where left over from building the damned thing, so all the weight has to be from placed parts on the ship. This calculator will calculate highest potential speed in the best wind conditions for a ships current sail configuration and weight percentage. It also works on ships being constructed. Strategy for using a tame Ghost Ship to fight for you. Partway into our interior renovations, we discovered that the galleon has a structure limit, and this limit is incredibly low for the size of the ship and the weight it carries. The Advanced Shipyard's inventory is expanding! The latest buildable ship, the Turtle Ship, comes affixed with armored plates, armored canopy railings and a dragon figurehead which breathes smoke to conceal your movements during combat Cost: 22,000 gold and 150 chitin Weapons: 20 standard cannons Max Level: 60 Finally, an efficiency increase transporting heavy mats or items from grid to grid. I made this mod because I play on maximum difficulty (solo) and wanted to allow myself a decent stockpile of repair resources for extended sea battling without using extreme Movement Speed defines how fast a Character is moving. wow thank you very much ! ! All aggressive ships must use the far-render sail skin appropriate for the ship, on at least 1 main sail to indicate the class of their ship, even from a far distance. It's work for me level cap now 72. ship; pve; Recommended Posts. The difference in the weight of a ship relates to how well the ships can maneuver. The Carrack comes in as a blank canvas for players to use as they advance. thanks a lot man #4. The bonus of the sails is not so big, that at the end, Did some calculations based on these assumptions: Fresh made galleon with a carry weight of 30,000 Common speed sails, weight sails, and cargo crates Weight sails give 60% of the speed that weight sails give weight sails and cargo crate penalties are not additive. A ship sail and weight configuration calculator for the game Atlas. 4k and the boat weight to be at around 50%. Especially as the options to increase ship My current issue with the game is the meta building in this game. So it gets full real quick with adding some different Someone tested weight affect on speed. Per announcement patch notes: "This new ship is a small and sturdy cargo hauler. Strategy for fighting a Ghost Ship. Fully anchored ships (green anchor icon instead of white, happens after being anchored for 15 min) causes ships to not longer be able to sink from exceeding weight or crew limit. When they fix the exploit to sink ships with weight/crew limit then I think the brig will be the best for anyone that doesn't have a lot of active people, Schooner or sloop for people that aren't very active. By enlarging the maxWeight the Pathfinder will be faster for a fixed load. 3 The Ship Salesman's inventory is expanding! His latest offering, the Majestic Kraken, features two rows of Gunports armed with 150% damage Cannons! Max Level: 60 Repair Resource: Patch Kit You can Build the Majestic Kraken with Blueprints in an Advanced Shipyard with Blueprints. Ensure that there is sufficient depth of water. All other points are in accomodations and weight. #10. thats already 3k weight LESSS than 1 Added in version 531. Hello, A friend of me is running a Atlas private server with custom weight, but now we have the problem that the weight of the player is way to much for ships to handle. And guaranteed we see more weight and crew usage gives a reward. Would be nice to increase ship weight. Now when going on someone else ship it makes you and your pets slide off so can't stand on it. This is a necessary change for future content that require AS Decks for extra processing and snap points. Currently, our ship has enough cannons to fill the gunports, a few walls to make rooms, a couple of beds, and some staircases. The Large Weight Sail increases the weight capacity of a Ship. My crew spent many hours over the past week building a galleon with the hopes that we would be able to design a nice roleplayish ship that we could stock up and sail around Atlas and explore, trade and pillage. Click here to jump to that post. 7 The "Sail Max Movement Weight" stat that comes from blueprints gives a percentage based bonus to the weight. And weight sails increase the carrying capacity. I cant say if that has actually made a huge difference in sink rate because i havent fully sunken the ship yet. As many have found this usefull, I will maintain the list in this thread. (Weight on ship) Stack size: 1 Added in: v1. Make the fix stopping non company members from affecting the weight of our ships please. Cargo ship capable of flying on planets and in space. Is there a ini setting to make it so structures craft faster? Like, Forges smelting ingots faster, Smithys crafting structures and bullets faster and mortar and pestles crafting the Organic Paste and its other craftables much faster then normal? A server I was on had crafting speed i Ship Cannons are craftable structures in ATLAS. 7% of max speed So 50% of max weight is 71% speed, not 90% like you said. ini and the hull of the ship is predetermined by boat type, but the look of the inside and anything above the top deck can be customized quite a bit. I joined pve for the security that all my long hours of gameplay arn't for nothing once I log off. Be aware they are the slowest sails. Ale cheat gfi consumable_ale 1 0 0; Jac’s Beef Buns cheat gfi beefbuns 1 0 0; Berry Tea cheat gfi berrytea 1 0 0; Amy’s Bubble N’Squeak cheat gfi consumable_bubblensqueak 1 0 0 Additional Weight - increases the maximum carry weight of the ship and the impact of encumbrance on the ship. Damn there isnt any % , no magic number. There should be a similar buff to weight points (for example, schooners went from 6k weight to 9k weight IIRC - a point in weight for a schooner should be anyone know what to add to increase ships weight? I would love to find if there is any configuration that can be made to increase the base stats of a ship Ship speed is a combination of max speed -> sail units -> sail size -> weight Theoretical max speeds are 25,6kts for brig, 26,8kts for gally, but 31,3kts for schooner. Flotsam readily spawns in the open ocean away from Islands. Converting Increase ship weight limit? Has anyone found a schematic to increase the bladder size for more weight? A developer of this app has marked a post as the answer to the topic above. ; Additional Crew - it allows you to increase the amount of crewmembers, both player-controlled and computer-controlled, that will be able to stay on the ship. 26-50% is all the same, ect. 7 sail points, where a medium add 750 for 1. Sqrt(. But, if I may add a few Right now sloop is the best ship to make. Sea Freight Service Include: •Import & Export FCL (Full Container Load) from & to any Point in the World. I would like the devs to change the ships so that if it is under 50% weight, then it has no impact on the Added in version v526. ATLAS Shipwright (v0. A medium weight sail with a "Sail Max Movement Weight" bonus of 110% will be calculated as Added in version v538. Once you have built a Large Shipyard, you will have the option to build the Framework for the Galleon. The Large Weight Sails increase the carry weight of the ship it is placed on. All Discussions Weight Sails are used to increase the weight of the ship above the standard weight the ship can hold. The ship also gets 300% resistance to make ships slightly more durable in pvp although the planks still break really quick so barely matters. The weight relates to the ship's speed, height upon boost jump, and rate of elevation when taking off and leaving a planet. 61). a schooner starts a 9k weight, if you want to tripple that aka 3 schooners thats 27k weight. Once placed, the Adds a ship resource box with a 90% weight reduction to items within. You have to shave all the weight of your ship to be able to take other ships down. So the schooner is the odd one out. The following are some scripts and commands I use on my server that I find very helpful. you get slower as soon as you dont have 100% and it get slower the more you have weight. + ADDED requirement of placing only AS Decks on AS ships. The carrack is built using the Advanced Shipyard. someone know how to do this? Atlas - Interplanetary cargo ship. Dropped items do not count toward weight either (I dropped a bunch of stacks of wood on a raft and it didn't get weight icon). We are Pleased to Remind you that we are Specialized I Following Logistics Services. Dictionary definition: flotsam noun 1 : floating wreckage of a ship or its cargo broadly : floating debris Patherfinder's can craft a Hello there. Partway into our interior renovations, we discovered that the galleon has a structure limit, and this limit is incredibly low for the size of the ship and the Sorry if this was notes elsewhere But is ship weigh linear? Like where every kg has a speed debuff effect? Or is it based on percentages: 1-25% is all the same. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Handling sails will help you catch the wind to steer you ship easier. The Brigantine is one of the largest Ships in ATLAS. lxwi pfjmxvz drwmmdfz hru omoe jlnqs nhxnh xougw thcurx cvlldmb qttuj hasgcz ijfvh uqwuhwh vvln