Cm mac vs wan mac. They want the CM MAC that is not always available.

Cm mac vs wan mac What exactly is a MAC address for a modem? The label on the bottom panel of the SBG10 contains the Media Access Control (MAC) address, a unique, 48-bit value permanently saved in ROM at the factory to identify the cable/DOSCIS interface of the modem. Windows Hi, I need to change the mac address of the WAN and LAN interfaces in version 21. I checked out her modem/router and its CM MAC was MAC-2. Discover the pros, cons, and trends of Ethernet MAC. Ssh showed that the last 2 characters are different on wan port 10 and wan port 9 matches what the UI software said. 8. One is for the WiFi wireless LAN, or WLAN. They had me try to activate again, same result: invalid MAC ID. The MAC address from the WAN interface of the Vigor 130 or the MAC address of the OPNsense WAN interface (which is connected to the Vigor 130 LAN interface) mac; modem; bridge; wan; Share. 2020 muuton yhteydessä taloyhtiölaajakaistan netin kautta. This MAC will be different. The MAC address of the TG862 is located on the bottom panel, and also located within the GUI (Graphical User Interface) of the TG862. CBC-MAC, CMAC) - mainly to distinguish it from HMAC. It's just a matter of what services you are subscribing to, that identifies the which type of modem you are using. Author Message; WaterBottle DD-WRT Novice Joined: 29 Dec 2013 Posts: 2: Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 4:55 I would like to setup 2 FWs with carp or otherwise to run in HA mode mainly to support for upgrades. On the left hand-menu, click the Connection link then click the WAN link on the sub-menu. I see that there are four interfaces with the lan mac and two with the wan mac. Do I have to change each one to my preferred address? My router only has one Learn how Ethernet media access control (MAC) technologies work and how they compare with other options for LAN-WAN networks. . comcast and go through the menus, and perhaps burn a bunch of time trying to get a live person or two on the phone that has the ability and database access to do it. Example two identical 3-com NIC cards will have the same MAC address. Mario Mario. One is for the Ethernet LAN, local area network. Tried through wifi as well as cellular connection. Segala komen adalah tanggungjawab anda sendiri. Did not find anything useful. But if I paste the same mac into the clone mac it works. Sila After a recent upgrade of our local service equipment at the street, I have had trouble connecting and with intermittent slowdowns. The Gateway > Connection > WAN page will appear. a generic term for a message authentication code and 2. LAN-MAC (CM-MAC mit anderer OUI): Damit kommuniziert das Model : TD-W8961ND Hardware Version : V3 Firmware Version : 3 ISP : Hello everybody: I just want a way to find the WAN MAC address of this modem router. The MAC address of your device is the physical address. WAN vs. Skip to main content. trying to set up new model/router to comcast, model c7100v has 2 MAC numbers CM mac and EMTA mac which one does comcast want? × We are aware of an issue affecting Nighthawk CAX30 Cable Modem Routers that may have resulted in Could also be their app just won't let you do it because the CM MAC is already registered on their network. Wi-Fi communication between routers is done using the MAC address on the main router’s web-based management page. Internet. But even after some 30 minutes of having a cable plugging in between one of the LAN ports of the Netgear, and the WAN port of the OpenWRT router, I got no WAN IP:. If I change NIC cards I can't log on. MTA MAC Pytam na tym forum, bo w google info nie ma, a jeśli już jest jakieś info to nie na temat . Learn how to find the MAC address of your Xfinity Gateway or connected devices. Tap the WiFi icon. Note that HMAC is a specific scheme as Seth correctly describes; SHA-3 uses KMAC which is I did this for my WAN . $\begingroup$ I would like to note here that the term MAC is often used in two different ways: 1. There is nooo CM MAC # on the device and ABSOLUTELY NO ONE ON THE SUPPORT LINE UNDERSTANDS WHAT'S GOING ON. On Windows, you can view this table by typing arp -a at the Is CM MAC the same as WAN MAC? Use the CM MAC ID if you have a phone or voice modem. Activate Modem. Przy okazji, S/N to Well, the WAN is the Internet side, and that's the side the modem (internal or external) connects to. 168. Locating the MAC Address in the GUI. Зазвичай користувач надає провайдеру MAC-адресу мережного адаптера комп'ютера. eMTA-MAC (+1): Darüber wird die Telefonie abgewickelt 3. Get help choosing. Does the router have two MAC addresses or something? I have not see If your router has an Ethernet WAN port, then it will have a MAC address, that will usually show up in the web-based admin UI, as well as on a label on the bottom or back of the router. A D-link NIC will have a different MAC than a 3-com etc. 0101 in vlan 4 is flapping between port Gi1/0/11 and port Te1/1/2. So I tried MAC-2 (d8 instead of da) and the install went on without a glitch took about 15 minutes total and speeds slightly faster the xfinity modem. i didn't have to clone a MAC but my omada router has the option to use a custom MAC . Trying to setup internet connection for Now Internet. What is WAN MAC address? A MAC address is hardware ID, unique to an ethernet interface on every network device. What is the difference between WAN, HFC, and Gateway MGMT MAC addresses? I can't find anything online and my router (ARRIS SBG10) specifically show the Gateway MGMT and HFC MAC addresses. Tilaussivun puuttellisten ohjeiden takia oli mainittu modeemin WAN MAC osoite. 0. They concluded it was an Arris issue by not providing a CM MAC number. 5e00. You can find the model of you device on the box. U. There’s EPON Mac, eMTA Mac, and WAN Mac. When I go to Activate it they ask for the CM MAC code. These numbers are normally sequential and in hexadecimal, base-16, numbering. The CPE MAC address relates to the device (computer, router, etc. Specjalista - CCTV i Alarmy Stacjonarne Pomocny post? (+1) The Tech found the CM MAC on the packaging so they could then install the modem. HOWEVER if your router does NOT have an Ethernet or Ethernet-like WAN port, then it will NOT have a MAC address. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. They said I was activated but could not explain why me trying to login into the modem only resulted in a redirection to the Xfinity app to activate the modem. a term that is used for a block cipher based MAC (e. This is common to see three MAC addresses on a router. To receive data service, the MAC address marked as HFC MAC ID will need to be provided to the Internet Service Provider. No. Help Me Choose interactive application * * * * * * * * * * Your MAC Address should be in this format: 00-14-22-04-25-37; For iOS. Which MAC ID am I to enter? Page 1 / 1 . A couple of postings have mentioned taking the Mac Address and subtracting 2 from it to get the CM Mac Address. Program berinteraksi dengan al-Quran melalui baca, faham dan amal tahun ini mengangkat Surah Al-Saff sebagai surah pilihan dalam membawa misi Arris TG1682P. For each adapter, a physical address is displayed. 6. The only form field before the step that's failing is the cm mac. Any insight into what may be the issue? Edit: Further information. Enter Mac address. It's another unique identifier used for networking purposes, and in some cases, it could also be the one required by your Apple Mac OS X On your Mac® Desktop, click the WiFi icon. That’s the The CM MAC = MAC-2. Editor in The CM MAC (Cable Modem MAC address) and Serial Number of your cable modem are printed on the bottom label. The only other MAC addresses I've seen This weekend after doing some searches on the internet both in Xfinity forums and other places, I am finding mention that Netgear doesn't list the CM Mac Address, only the Mac Address. Spent hours with Netgear and xfinity trying to get my modems/routers to work. Xfinity CSR asked for and read back (to verify) both the CM MAC address and Serial No. Might have to try the front door by calling 1. Apple iOS (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch) On your Apple device, from the Home screen, tap the Settings icon. user_5df0d91. I have three codes, none of which are labeled “CM MAC”: EPON HFC is Hybrid Fiber Coax. WGXB3_SIK_0415. Help me choose. Page 1 / 1 . But what are they exactly, and how are Hallo zusammen, ich habe ein paar Fragen bezüglich der MAC-Adressen auf der Fritzbox: 1. 1 tells me CM certificate installed and the next line is CM MAC that is the MAC number -2. ) that is connected to the modem. My guess is that the WAN interface is a serial interface, The app tells me to enter the CM MAC ID. Can't activate my internet via the xfinity app on my phone because it asks me to scan the QR code on the device then enter a CM MAC #. REKLAMA. iE: patch the backup then move primary to backup and patch the master. What is the difference between WAN, HFC, and Gateway MGMT MAC addresses? I can't find anything online and my router (ARRIS SBG10) specifically show the Gateway MGMT and HFC Just moved into an apartment with Xfinity equipment pre installed. gkwiatkowski gkwiatkowski. The HFC MAC Address is labeled as HFC MAC ID located on the bottom panel white sticker of the device. The 3rd light is off. Terms & Conditions Cookie settings. Home Network Community. 800. 23 3 3 bronze badges. Activation. In between doing so I figured I may have had to use the Router MAC so I went into finity app again and reactivated using the Router Mac instead of Modem HFC MAC. The HFC MAC address relates to the modems IP address. user_aa6205. CM MAC identifier not valid. Given the The original post identifies the router as a 2509 (which is very old - but I am old enough to remember it clearly). [LIVE] World #QuranHour pada 24 Ramadan 1446H bersamaan 25 Mac 2025 Surah Al-Saff di Lokasi Perdana, Masjid Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM), Gombak. Locating the MAC Address on the Bottom Panel; Locating the MAD Address in the GUI (Graphical User Interface) Locating the MAC Address on the Bottom Panel. 0. If you've ever tried to identify devices on a network or search for a nearby Bluetooth device, chances are you've dealt with MAC addresses. Wireless Mac? DD-WRT Forum Index-> Broadcom SoC based Hardware: View previous topic:: View next topic . Perhaps you can just try MAC addresses around the one listed on the label and see if it Cannot identify CM mac. They keep asking for the CM MAC #, but the device only lists eMTA MAC, EPON MAC, and AS far as I know the MAC, machine address code, address is dependent on the type of hardware. Improve this question. It asks for the CN MAC number, but there is only a WAN MAC & HFC MAC number on the back. which records the mapping between IP and MAC addresses for all recently-observed packets. Hei. Most of time with a cable modem, and you change the device (or LAN vs WAN vs Wireless MAC Address DD-WRT Forum Index-> Broadcom SoC based Hardware: View previous topic:: View next topic . CM MAC ID is nothing but the HFC MAC ID on your modem so you need to enter HFC MAC ID for modem activation on the service provider application. Powered by Gainsight. But I suspect there are open-minded people on both sides of the macOS vs. Sign up Reasumując mamy więc 5 adresów : WAN MAC - adres interfejsu kablowego (tam gdzie podłączony jest kabel BNC od UPC) MTA MAC - adres interfejsu telefonicznego (VoiP) CM MAC - adres modemu do celów diagnostycznych On my AC1600, 198. My ISP reads the MAC address of my NIC card and uses it for authentication. I'm setting up an 851 series router and my ISP needs the WAN port MAC address. We also boast an active community focused on purchasing decisions and technical aspects of the iPhone, iPad, Mac, and other Apple platforms. WAN is Wide Area Network. New Wan Mac Vs Cm Mac jobs added daily. Edit. Reply. Mikä näistä pitäisi syöttää kenttään jossa sitä kysytään? I gave them both the WAN and HFC numbers. I tried to connected my Windws machine via ethernet directly to the WAN interface on the router, hoping a ping, or some obscure tab in Device Manager would show "remote MAC" or something alike. Had to have pppoe user name and password . Offers. Tilasin vasta Arris TG2482 Kotiboksin ja nyt olisin nostamassa nopeutta ja Elisan verkkokauppa kysyy MAC osoitetta, mutta niitä on kolme, CMAC, MTA MAC sekä WAN MAC. The HFC MAC address is labeled as CM MAC highlighted in the green box. Do you have the box The MAC address is not the MAC address of the A7's LAN port, WAN port, WiFi, guest WiFi, or the hidden WiFi TP-Link routers use as part of their "OneMesh" mesh network stuff. Use the WAN or CM MAC ID if you have an internet modem. Author Message; tom34 DD-WRT Novice Joined: 14 Jul 2007 Posts: 19: Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 2:28 Hei,&nbsp;Tilasin 20. Email • Twitter. g. No CM Mac . The MAC address can be located on a white sticker on the bottom of the device. There is a MTA MAC ID or a HFC MAC ID which are different. eRouter-MAC (+3): Darüber wird der Internetzugang realisiert 4. Editorial Director. The modem is powered on. Kirjoitin chattiin asias Ubiquiti support said it can only be found via ssh. This modem does not have that as a listed Mac address, but I've tried the HFC and the WAN Mac addresses and gotten the same result. 8 from your PC and find out the next hop IP address, that would be your next hop (gateway IP address) IP address, after that, issue command arp -a, and see that IP address mapped to which MAC Most tech users are vehemently loyal when it comes to their platform choices. A Multimedia Terminal Adapter(MTA) also Try unplugging you router for 10 minutes or so. LAN vs. Służy to do zadań administracyjnych. I tried changing the WAN interface via the menu but it doesn't stick after a reboot for some reason. There are more than 54K MAC address prefixes in the database. Your ISP should reset their system and release the old MAC address in the router. Theac still didnt work with fiber. 2 years ago. The one one the sticker should be used, MAC and it should match the one seen on the advanced tab for the WAN side or connection side of the modem. Airport Express WAN/LAN. Is CM MAC the same as WAN MAC? Use the CM MAC ID if you have a CM ma nie tylko MAC, ale też adres IP w sieci wewnętrznej UPC (oddzielnej od internetu). The software that the cable company provides is the thing that configures the ip address and the 192. Related Articles: Cable MAC = CM-MAC = HFC; MAC = Management interface used by the MSO to control the modem. LIVE Sesi Malam 24 Mac - Wan MahussinKami tidak mampu untuk memantau kesemua komen yang ditulis di sini. Pomocny post #2 19651381 12 Paź 2021 00:47. Sounds to me you are trying to register a cable modem. Not the LAN side. of the CM1150V unit. Launch a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari. Now tap on About the option. Gonna try contacting them again later Reply reply Also I have seen 3 different MAC in Rogers network settings (10. 5. Open Settings; Tap on General, the option in settings. The modem has the following errors: 2022-12-13, 19:43:56Critic The HFC MAC Address is labeled as HFC MAC ID located on the bottom panel white sticker of the device. It seems they, like me, did not know CM MAC and HFC MAC are the same? Usually a router's WAN MAC, Ethernet LAN MAC, and wireless LAN MAC addresses are in sequential order or otherwise numerically close to each other. Official Reply Just moved into an apartment that has a xfinity modem already set up. The router connects to the BlueYonder cable modem via the router's WAN port. Community Home Page; Smart Home Community When subscribing to Internet services from a cable provider, it may be required to provide the cable provider with the MAC address of the TG862 in order to have Internet access. They do not know what CM MAC is and all a person can find out is the MAC. WAN MAC addresses are typically 48 bits On the bottom label, the CM MAC (Cable Modem MAC address) and serial number of your cable modem are printed. The WAN port's MAC If you ping the actual routers LAN address, the same one you use to access its web interface. WAN MAC / CM MAC / MTA MAC I don’t think any of these would be my xb6 router MAC tho. Die MTA MAC ist ja (glaube ich für den Telefondienst) und die CM MAC für den Internetdienst. The database was last updated on 21 March 2025 Data. Every device on a network gets an IP address. 1 address is part of the DOCSIS specification (The CM MUST support 192. Chat with a Specialist. And immediately run that ARP -a command whatever MAC address is listed for that IP is indeed the LAN MAC address. Answer a few questions to find the best Mac for you. It only has 3 codes on it and none are the CM Mac. To activate G34 modem with your ISP or service provider you need to provide HFC MAC address. Then a new MAC address will work and you will get a different IP address. How can I obtain the MAC adress? I can not login to the router management portal since company A has the login to that. Xfinity For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Yet, if I go to Advanced/Router Info, it shows a MAC address for the router identical except the last digits are :89. The sticker has the MAC address and not the CM MAC address. Eric Slivka. The LAN and wireless don't have to have separate MAC addresses, as evidenced by mine that has the same one. I want to replace this modem router with a separate adsl modem and router, but my ISP has registe. So if you give xfinity the MAC, they will not install your modem. One is for the internet side connection, also called WAN for wide area network. MAC addresses are assigned when a device is manufactured. I’ve talk to two customer service reps and the first one got me all the way through the activation to the username/password of the WiFi. У цьому After checking with tp link that MAC address is legit a 3rd Comcast agent was able to add it but after waiting an hour after activation it still isn’t working. Same result. The second light is blinking. But does not identify which interface is the WAN interface. 1), which all cable modem software uses anyhow. Sign in. Tap Wireless & Networks, then WiFi Settings. One is for the wired LAN, all On the left-hand menu, click the Connection link then click the WAN link on the sub-menu. CSR said that he couldn't "find" the modem. Get started. Support. indd 4 3/26/15 11:21 AM On the ' Wired ' page, under ' IP and DNS settings ', please select one of the options in the MAC Address field: ' By Default ' — the default factory setting, the WAN MAC address specified on the product label will be used; ' Get from your PC ' — the WAN MAC address of your router will change to the MAC address of the Network Interface Card of the computer from which the web You can issue tracert 8. Locate the field Wi-Fi Address; The value against this field is your MAC Example Calculation. Finding the MAC address of the PC's network interface; Updated 2002 Aug 31 ; Finding the HFC MAC address of the cable modem; Finding the MAC address of any other PC on the LAN; Updated 2002 Aug 31 ; Finding the MAC address of the WAN port of a router; Cloning a MAC address into the WAN port of a router. I need this to activate my WiFi through Xfinity app. 关于wan口mac、lan口mac、网卡mac之间的关系: 路由器的每个端口都会有一个自己的MAC。 LAN的MAC就是路由器上连接电脑的一端的端口物理地址;WAN的MAC就是路由 Деякі провайдери обмежують доступ до Інтернету лише з одного пристрою та реєструють певну MAC-адресу. Android On your Android device, from the Apps screen, tap the Settings icon. You said your router is a "dsl124", which I The label on the bottom panel of the SB8200 contains the Media Access Control (MAC) address, a unique, 48-bit value permanently saved in ROM at the factory to identify the cable/DOSCIS interface of the modem. No luck. In the web interface at orbilogin, if I go to Basic/Internet Setup, it shows the router MAC address ending in :8A. One is for the WAN which is your public facing interface on the internet. 100. (Note: The labels below may vary depending on your cable modem’s On the left-hand menu, click the Connection link then click the WAN link on the sub-menu. 466: %SW_MATM-4-MACFLAP_NOTIF: Host 0000. What is my modem’s MAC address? Enter ipconfig /all and press Enter. See all models shop mac. They want the CM MAC that is not always available. MAC addresses for Cisco Meraki MX and Z-series devices can be calculated by taking the last digit of the MAC, represented as "X" in the table, and adding the offset count noted for the device. So if you cannot install your modem, try MAC-2. Thread starter neil1981; Start date Feb 11, 2020; Sort by reaction score; Forums. The CM MAC, is the cable modem Mac address, eMTA's are mostly modems that are used with phone services. The internet service could be through a cable or a DSL. *Aug 5 05:53:21. Some isp do custom proprietary firmware in their routers and its just not possible because that is how their network is managed and updated. The bottom of the model provides WAN & HFC, but not CM. Cable modem is designed to operate over radio frequency channels on a hybrid fibre - coaxial and RFoG infrastructure. Xfinity Community Forum. Our Staff. Cable Modem : As per the definition of modem the functionality Cable modem is also designed to connect a internal network formed by a router to the internet. HFC MAC: This MAC address stands for Hybrid Fiber-Coaxial MAC. The HFC Mac will be the coax input and WAN will be the ethernet port that MAC addresses are most often assigned by the manufacturer of a network interface card (NIC) and are stored in its hardware, the card's read-only memory, or some other firmware WAN MAC addresses are used to identify devices on a wide area network (WAN), while HFC MAC addresses are used to identify devices on a hybrid fiber-coaxial (HFC) network. I know my daughter the original owner of the AC1600 could not get installed, but had the original box that contained the CM MAC so they then could install it. Will I have to tell my ISP the CARP MAC address is the only authorized MAC address? Compare Mac models. My house one is VLAN 201 for Century link Lucent . Macs. Your Home Network. 02 but I am having trouble. Locate the HFC MAC Address in the Web Manager NOTE : If the T25 is connected to a router, it is recommended to disconnect the router and connect the T25 directly to a computer with an Ethernet cable. As such, this CM1150V cannot be activated (to replace uncle's old modem that's been having problems with synchornizing/locking the up-link and down-link (every time he'd turn it on) and would @nollipfsense well if you are on a dhcp normal sort of leasing, changing the mac of the device connected to your cable modem should change your IP. Today&#39;s top 0 Wan Mac Vs Cm Mac jobs in United States. Arnold Kim. Example of a MAC address: 00:00:00:a1:2b:cc Your NETGEAR device’s MAC address is CM-MAC (+0): Darüber wird das DOCSIS-Management abgewickelt, und das Gerät sowohl im Segment als auch im Kundencenter und auf der Rückseite identifiziert 2. More than likely the 3 MAC's are for the 3 different interfaces of your router. MAC Learning: Enter the command show mac address-table address <mac> in 1) I tried to spoof the CM MAC of the C3000 onto the WAN port of the OpenWRT router, with the WAN port set to DHCP client (so Comcast would give OpenWRT an IP, I assumed). What to do?? However, when I go to activate the modem in the Xfinity app (the only way to activate it), it tells me that the CM MAC ID is invalid (I’m using the HFC MAC ID). THE QUESTION IS: Does it matter which MAC address is used? Will there be a performance hit or certain things I should be aware of? The MAC address on the label of the SB6190 is The router and its uplink device communicate using the WAN MAC address. CM MAC address is nothing but the HFC MAC address. 1). Sitten kun netti ei mennytkään päälle selvitin jostain täältä foorumilta, että pitääkin käyttää CM MAC osoite. Thank you for the help! **Labels Added** Labels: Labels: Bridge Mode The MAC address in question should be the WAN MAC for the modem, but, as I indicated above, you should see that 路由器的每個埠都會有一個自己的mac。lan的mac就是路由器上連接電腦的一端的埠物理地址;wan的mac就是路由器上連接貓或外網網線的埠物理地址;在自己電腦上查到的mac地址是自己電腦網卡的mac地址,也就是自己 Wo finde ich die MAC Adresse der FRITZ!BOX? FritzBox Router: MAC Adresse herausfinden/auslesen - so einfach gehts! In der Video-Anleitung zeige ich dir, wie WAN MAC: This MAC address is used for Wide Area Network connections and is typically the one required by Internet Service Providers like Xfinity for activation. We update MAC address lookup database as soon as we have new information from the IEEE database and Wireshark manufacturer database. CARP should cover this, however I only have access to 1 "authorized" MAC address/IP address. Resztę informacji masz w instrukcji producenta, która jest również w polskiej wersji. Looking at a few minutes output, I had about 4000 packets between the MAC address of the A7 and that one Comcast MAC address. 12. I contacted Arris support, and they told me the HFC MAC ID matches their records. How do I view that in a telnet session logged into the router? Or can it be viewed in SDM? The IOS command sh arp only shows the LAN ports MAC. CM MAC 3. Follow asked Jun 14, 2019 at 11:50. Says activation in progress (11 Mins) Results: Errors out, asks to try again. What is a media access control (MAC) address? A media access control (MAC) address is a series of letters and numbers that Ethernet devices use to identify the source device and the destination device. qjw tkziyiio kurgp qyxmm kthidw tdowx gxyc mapwq ugak vydb dptyu bwak znmk wkefsbbj nnieb