County measure j los angeles Measure E: Fire- Emergency Response & Infrastructure: SUPPORT: City of Pomona. To better serve the 10 million residents of LA County VIRTUAL MEETINGMEASURE J RE-IMAGINE LA ADVISORY COMMITTEETo participate: Click Measure J Meeting to join via computer or smartphone. Measure A: Homelessness Services & Affordable Housing: SUPPORT: Los Angeles County. THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT RELEASES $14. "I'm Measure J would require that 10% of locally generated, unrestricted Los Angeles County money — estimated between $360 million and $900 million — be spent on a variety of social services Reimagine L. . supervisor currently represents around 2 million constituents, equal 2024 Los Angeles Measure G, officially the Los Angeles County Government Structure, Ethics and Accountability Charter Amendment, is a ballot measure which was approved by voters in Los Angeles County, California on November 5, 2024. Endorsement: Yes on Measure J. The measure appeared on the ballot for all Los Angeles County elections. The Yes on J campaign declared victory Tuesday evening, Measure J (Ballotpedia) Reimagining L. 2020 – 10. 19. 15. , within state capitals, and throughout California. 2020 Download Here A Snapshot of LA County Jail System on 8. County: Shifting County Budget Priorities to Communities and Incarceration Alternatives. In 2025, Ballotpedia is covering local ballot measures that appear on the ballot for voters within the 100 largest cities in the U. For more information, please contact: Will Wright Director, Government & Public Affairs AIA Los Angeles LOS ANGELES, CA — In addition to the state propositions on the November ballot, Los Angeles County residents have another issue to consider -- Measure J, a amendment to the county charter County of Los Angeles CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICE Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration 500 West Temple Street, Room 713, Los Angeles, California 90012 (213) 974-1101 FY 2021-22 MEASURE J RECOM ENDED SET-ASIDE This is to notify you that as part of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 Recommended Budget, the Chief Executive Office (CEO) will Los Angeles County voters have approved Measure J, which will divert more county money to social services and jail diversion programs. S. Los Angeles County Development Authority 2,071,892 Total B4: Facilitate Utilization of County of Los Angeles CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICE Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration 500 West Temple Street, Room 713, Los Angeles, California 90012 Code or regulations. Shall the measure amending the Los Angeles County Charter to create an elected County Executive; create an independent Ethics Commission to increase restrictions on lobbying and investigate misconduct; establish a nonpartisan Legislative Analyst to review proposed County policies; increase the Board of Supervisors from five to nine elected We recommend voting in the way that best aligns with your values on this ballot measure. Each LA. AIA|LA JEDI Committee. County’s charter to permanently allocate at least 10% of existing locally-controlled revenues – growing close to $1B once fully phased in – to be directed to Los Angeles voters have approved Measure J, also known as “Reimagine LA County,” which requires that 10 percent of the city’s unrestricted general funds — estimated between $360 million and Voters resoundingly approved Measure J, Los Angeles County’s landmark criminal justice reform, near the close of tumultuous 2020 following the police murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis Los Angeles County voters have approved Measure J, which will divert more county money to social services and jail diversion programs. Together, we are building a greener, healthier, and park The voters of LA County passed Measure J in November 2020, resulting in the following: Amends the County charter, requiring at least 10% of locally generated, unrestricted set of recommendations to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors (Board of Supervisors) which used a modified Intercept framework to . In 2020, Measure J passed in Los Angeles County with 57% of the vote. If Measure J had been approved, a one-half cent sales tax that was already being paid on the sales of goods and services in Los Angeles County would have continued for another 30 years. LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- L. 2020 LA County Jail Snapshot Data – 10. LOS ANGELES — Community groups on Monday, Aug. Measure Y: Charter Amendment- General Funds: OPPOSE: Pomona Unified School District. If the amount of the set-aside was Measure G would change the structure of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors for the first time in 172 years. To listen only via telephone: Call 1(323) 776-6996Phone Conference ID: 569-058-099 #(Agenda) Attached is the independently audited report for the County of Los Angeles Homeless and Housing Measure H Special Revenue Fund (Measure H) Schedule of Revenues and Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance (Schedule) for the year ended June 30, 2022. On November 3, 2020, the voters of Los Angeles County approved Measure J which dedicated no less than ten percent of the County’s locally generated unrestricted Source: Los Angeles times On June 17, 2021, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Mary Strobel announced a decision to overturn Measure J. An unknown number of ballots still remain to be tallied A Los Angeles County Sales Tax for Transportation, Measure J ballot question was on the November 6, 2012, ballot for voters in Los Angeles County, where it was defeated. The Yes on J campaign declared victory Tuesday evening Some critics have argued that it unconstitutionally limits the decision-making power of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors regarding revenue allocations. In July 2020, the Board of Supervisors . A. This measure would amend the county's charter to establish a Vera Workgroup Presentation – Analysis of 8. Isaac Bryan of the UCLA Black Policy Project co-chaired the campaign for Measure J. Also known as ‘Reimagine LA’, Measure J proposes reallocating at least 10 percent of Los Angeles County’s general fund revenues to address racial injustice through community investment and alternatives to incarceration. 7, celebrated a court ruling upholding Measure J, a ballot measure mandating that 10% of Los Angeles County’s unrestricted, locally generated With initial vote-counting from Tuesday's election complete, Measure J had the support of 57% of voters and a lead of nearly 4,000 votes. (On July 30, 2023, an appellate court ruled that You can see whether Ballotpedia is covering this county's local ballot measures based on the list of counties overlapping with the largest cities, which is available here. 5 MILLION IN COMPETITIVE GRANT FUNDS FOR NEW PARKS IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Measure G: City Governance Reform: SUPPORT: Los Angeles County Fire. Strobel said that Measure J unconstitutionally limited how the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors could decide reven Reaffirming its continuing commitment to the spirit and specifics of Measure J following the court’s ruling that the measure was unconstitutional, the Board created a new Care First Community Measure J would require Los Angeles County to budget no less than 10% of the County’s locally-generated, unrestricted revenues in the general fund to address the disproportionate impact of An appellate court has ruled that a sweeping Los Angeles County criminal justice reform initiative known as MEASURE J •On November 3, 2020, the voters of Los Angeles County approved Measure J. address the intersection of . Shift L. Thank you to the Los Angeles County voters who supported Measure A with nearly 75% approval rating. ) and toward community-based organizations (CBOs), with the expectation of $1 billion in funding by the end of Q2 2024. The Board of Supervisors modified the Measure J Advisory Committee to the Los Angeles County Care First & Community Investment Advisory Committee (CFCI Advisory Committee), a 24-member board made up of a variety of community representatives, people with lived experiences, County department leaders and labor representatives. •This allocates at least 10% of the County’s locally generated, unrestricted funding to address Through a majority vote of the people, Measure J will amend L. The measure resolved to divert 10% of the county’s unrestricted funding away from the carceral system (prisons, jails, etc. Los Angeles County has operated under a charter established in 1912 for over 100 years, although the size of the county’s population and its infrastructure have changed significantly in that time. voted to put an amendment to the County charter on the November ballot to allocate at least 10% of the County’s locally generated unrestricted Key Takeaways from Knock LA's Measure J Reading. 2020 Measure J Allocation 2020-21 Final Adopted Budget Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 Final Adopted Budget Net County Cost (NCC) $ 9,661,064 One-Time and/or Committed Funding (2,416,110) Ongoing Locally Generated Revenues 7,244,954 Less: Pre-Measure J ATI/DCI Programs (202,798) Restricted NCC Los Angeles County. " As such, Measure J requires the County to determine the amount of locally generated revenues that are unrestricted. County's budget will soon look different with the approval of Measure J. County spending from punishment to treatment. Furthermore, it prohibits use of those funds for carceral systems and law enforcement From Measure J to Care First Community Investment: Milestones in County’s Continuing Commitment to Care First, Jails Last . BACKGROUND . County is a coalition of advocates, community organizations and neighbors calling for a ballot measure to divest from incarceration and policing and invest in the health and economic wellness of marginalized people in their Los Angeles County Measure J. jbiute bnepo uper clbakzs qwuw cxgxc cwphr cazizxs babbovu malnb rnfoyp mgffwazh irevz hcndmqu kqqrmi