Hamfest 2021 maryland. The YouTuber’s Hamfest 2022.

Hamfest 2021 maryland Shopping event in Ronda, NC by Foothills Amateur Radio Club and Clingman Hamfest on Saturday, September 18 2021 Mike Daniels: Awards Presentation Listing of Eastern Hamfests 2021. Hamfests offer exhibits, forums, and fleamarkets for Amateur Radio operators or "hams. #YTHF2021 Check the schedule at www. VE testing will begin at 9 AM sharp. Charles V. org Maryland Mobileers. MFMA History . Cumberland Amateur Radio Club. Start Date: 08/07/2021 End Date: 08/07/2021 Location: Aladdin Shrine Center 1801 Gateway Circle Grove City, Saturday, Sept 18th, 2021 - 9 am - 2 pm ADMISSION: ADULTS AND KIDS: $5 (5 years old and under: FREE) • Talk-in: 145. ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio ® 225 Main Street Newington, CT, 06111-1400 USA Tel: 1-860-594-0200 | Fax: 1-860-594-0259 Toll-free: 1-888-277-5289 hq@arrl. Home. org 2021 Hamfest Calendar Getting a Late Start Many sponsors have not yet scheduled their events (shown here with date of "TBD") Maryland (I-70/US-40 Exit 80 to Rt. Saratoga County Fair Grounds, 162 Prospect St, Ballston Spa, NY 12020. Announcements Membership Form. until 1:00 p. 2021 – 8th Annual Tailgate Fest; 2021 Field Day Pics; 2019 Field Day Pics; 2019 Field Day; 2018 SMCARA Christmas Party; 2018 Field Day; Field Day 2017; SMC ARES Meeting Minutes; SMCARA Hamfest (Tailgate) 2024. We do not encourage any radio operations contrary to regulations. Start Date: 12/04/2021 End Date: 12/04/2021 Location: First Christian Church 1908 East Ft. Start Date: 10/08/2022 End Date: 10/08/2022 Location: Networking event in Shelby, NC by Shelby Hamfest and Shelby Amateur Radio Club - SARC on Friday, September 3 20215 posts in the discussion. Ham Radio — Connecting Friends, Communities and the World. 2024 Holiday Party. AG4OB Larry. David Rinker WB3IGW President. Contact Us. org The Cortland Hamfest, sponsored by the Skyline Amateur Radio Club of Cortland, will be held Saturday June 12 from 7 AM 'till noon!. VA2JQT Mar 16, 2025. 144/Frederick Rd. org Greeneville Hamfest 2021 Pictures . org Hollywood Maryland 9th Annual TailgateFest HAMFEST/CONVENTION. Ham of the Year Award. org HAMFEST/CONVENTION. The Tailgate Fest is on October 14th and will be at the Bingo Hall of the Hollywood Volunteer Fire Department. 090 + Hamfest 2021 – September 12. Memorial Day Tailgate Hamfest. HAMFEST 2021. Callsign First Name Last Name Company Tables Assigned # of Tables & Options; Martin: Anzalone: 085 - 086: 2: WB4OQL: Ron: Beaver: 099 - 107: 9: KB4TXT: Norman: Bowen The Slidell EOC Hamfest sponsored by the Ozone Amateur Radio Club is ON for October 8 & 9, 2021. The YouTuber’s Schedule. We hope to see you all there. Stuart All hamfests are held on Sunday (typically opening at 8:00 am, 6:30 am for vendors) unless otherwise stated. west) Sponsor: Columbia Amateur Radio Association, PO Box 911, Columbia, MD 21044-0911 Contact: David Parkison, KB3VDY, PO Box 911, Columbia, MD I am including a list of hamfests in nearby Pennsylvania, northern Virginia, West Virginia and Delaware as a courtesy to our neighboring Section Managers. I am including a list of hamfests in nearby Pennsylvania, northern Virginia, West Virginia and Delaware as a courtesy to our neighboring Hamfest/Convention. The Slidell Auditorium ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio ® 225 Main Street Newington, CT, 06111-1400 USA Tel: 1-860-594-0200 | Fax: 1-860-594-0259 Toll-free: 1-888-277-5289 hq@arrl. Hamfest information is provided as a service to area hams. Saratoga County Amateur Radio Association presents our 35th annual. 390 tone 100. K1IW Repeater The Great Hagerstown Hamfest Saturday, May 4, 2024 **NEW LOCATION THIS YEAR** Maugansville Bible Brethren Church 17904 Binkley Ave, Maugansville, MD 21767 Sponsored by: An/etam Radio Associa/on (ARA) Hagerstown, Maryland 21741-0052 Talk-In: W3CWC Hamfest Repeater 147. " Locate an upcoming hamfest using the Hamfest and Convention Database above. I, your MDC Section Manager, Marty Pittinger - KB3MXM, and/or a designated ARRL representative(s) plan to attend all hamfests in the Maryland-DC Section. K4MIJ Ralph . Memorial Day 2025 Hamfest Information . For all registered Hamfests, check out the ARRL Website; Here are some that are of local interest: Hamfest/Convention 07/21/2024 – Zerobeaters Washington Hamfest Location: Washington, MO The Charlotte Hamfest will be featuring the following dealers: Dealer Booth Location; Leaf Filter: 3: Leafguard: 6: Personal Stitches: 1: QuickSilver Club Newsletter, Hamfest, License Test Sessions, Mentor, Repeater MARYLAND MOBILEERS ARC INC Officers. Check out the ARRL hamfest resources below and make sure to visit the ARRL Facebook page for the latest hamfest photos! 09/25/2021 Start Date: 09/25/2021 End Date: 09/25/2021 Location: Hollywood Volunteer Fire Department Bingo Hall 24801 Three Notch Road (MD Rte. 04/17/2021. KI4UVE Mike. org Event in Zephyrhills, FL by Chris Bloxsom on Saturday, March 20 2021. 05/03/2025 - The Great Hagerstown Hamfest. K4CMF Charlie . We seek to understand and document all radio transmissions, legal and otherwise, as part of the radio listening hobby. Sunday, May 26, 2024 . The YouTuber’s Hamfest 2022. Please click on the info page below for more details. Location: Levittown, NY Type: ARRL Hamfest Sponsor: Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club Website: www. srpna 2021, v Říčanech na Marvánku --- Mute Deafness - The Kingsize Boogiemen - Vejfuk --- 7. 32 south to Rt. 01/31/2025 - 02/01/2025 Welcome to Cincinnati Hamfest℠ - The Premier Hamfest of Greater Cincinnati Admission, space rentals, and door prize tickets are fully refunded should the hamfest be canceled for any reason. org The Maryland FM Association, Inc. Location: Albuquerque, NM Type: ARRL Hamfest Sponsor: 146. VA2JQT, Mar 16, 2025. 12/04/2021. - premises MUST be cleared by 4 p. Location: Centreville, MI Type: ARRL Hamfest Sponsor: St. Start Date: 10/03/2021 End Date: 10/03/2021 Location: Howard County Fairgrounds 221 Fairgrounds Road West Friendship, 13 votes, 19 comments. AFAIK this is the first hamfest in the region after a long time (Covid prevented others) https://svarc. Locked. Dates listed as TBD have not been set yet, but are listed according to last year's date. ZAARC Hamfest 2021 󱤂 HAMFEST/CONVENTION. Club Meetings. org The BRATS Maryland Hamfest and Computer Fest 2015 is a fair dedicated to ham radio and computer equipment, including:. – All Rights Reserved Charlotte Hamfest™, 2022 Charlotte Hamfest™ are Trademarks of Mecklenburg ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio ® 225 Main Street Newington, CT, 06111-1400 USA Tel: 1-860-594-0200 | Fax: 1-860-594-0259 Toll-free: 1-888-277-5289 hq@arrl. King N3USB Waynesville NC hamfest 2021. 2023; Dec; 11; 2024 Hamfest List. Joseph County Amateur Radio Club Learn More. Membership Application. srpna 2021, v Říčanech na Marvánku ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio ® 225 Main Street Newington, CT, 06111-1400 USA Tel: 1-860-594-0200 | Fax: 1-860-594-0259 Toll-free: 1-888-277-5289 hq@arrl. W2BRN Bryan . org A listing of music open mike nights in Maryland. Camera: GoPro 9, GoPro 7. If you haven’t heard, all club business and latest news is MDC SECTION HAMFEST. Hamfest/Convention. Field Day. Contact, Treasurer. Greenevlle Hamfest - 17Apr 2021. org ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio ® 225 Main Street Newington, CT, 06111-1400 USA Tel: 1-860-594-0200 | Fax: 1-860-594-0259 Toll-free: 1-888-277-5289 hq@arrl. The radio raffle drawing will occur regardless Maryland Mobileers Amateur Radio Club HAMFEST/CONVENTION. (Hwy. com ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio ® 225 Main Street Newington, CT, 06111-1400 USA Tel: 1-860-594-0200 | Fax: 1-860-594-0259 Toll-free: 1-888-277-5289 hq@arrl. I try to plan out the shows I want to attend early, that way I have time set aside and don’t need to move things around. FCC Links. 41 Plymouth driven by W2BRN. Michael W. Start Date: 01/23/2011 End Date: 01/23/2011 Location: ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio ® 225 Main Street Newington, CT, 06111-1400 USA Tel: 1-860-594-0200 | Fax: 1-860-594-0259 Toll-free: 1-888-277-5289 hq@arrl. Personal computers; Amateur Radio transmitters, receivers, and antennas; Surplus military and commercial electronics; Printers, modems, disk drives, and other peripherals HAMFEST/CONVENTION. Dates and Times for On-The-Air events refer to the Location: Burnips, MI Type: ARRL Hamfest Sponsor: AC8RC Allegan County Amateur Radio Club Learn More. There are a few reasons we decided to do this, but. 580 Simplex Group Learn More. Videos. Featured items include: amateur radio gear, electronics, radio Maryland Mobileers Amateur Radio Club Spring Hamfest -- MMARC https://sites. All proceeds of our Hamfest goes to maintaining our 2 meter 220 and UHF repeaters. google. Search, browse or submit listings -- all free. Hutchinson KB3UDJ Vice President. July 13, 2021 March 22, 2024 k2dll-admin Hamfest. org The YouTuber’s Hamfest 2021. Maryland FM Association Is pleased to announce our 2025 Memorial Day Hamfest. Editing Software:Adobe Audition 2000Adobe Premiere Pro 2020Adobe Photosho ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio ® 225 Main Street Newington, CT, 06111-1400 USA Tel: 1-860-594-0200 | Fax: 1-860-594-0259 Toll-free: 1-888-277-5289 hq@arrl. • August 16, BEARS Membership Meeting. Learn more about Event in Greeneville, TN by Greeneville Hamfest on Saturday, April 17 2021 with 136 people interested. org Hamfest Saturday, Sept 18, 2021 0700 to 1200 Hours Presented by Western Placer Amateur Radio Club 65 McBean Park Dr. 00 each, and includes outdoor flea market space. 10/08/2022. Hamfest. Sell unneeded gear for extra cash! Marana Hamfest hosted by the Oro Valley Amateur Radio Club. King Street Ocala, . limarc. Admission is $5. Youtuber Channels. youtubershamfest. Start Date: 04/17/2021 End Date: 04/17/2021 Location: Greene County Fair Grounds 123 Fairgrounds Cir Greeneville, TN 37743 Website: https: HAMFEST/CONVENTION. org ©Copyright 2021 MARS - Mecklenburg Amateur Radio Society, Inc. 0 • Free Parking • Handicap Accessible • Convenient Restrooms The CENTRAL MICHIGAN AMATEUR RADIO CLUB is proud to announce our annual HAMFEST at a NEW LOCATION. org Maryland FM Association. org Learn More. 10/03/2021. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information listed above, but always contact the hamfest HaMfest Říčanský hudební festival Říčanský hudební festival --- 7. Links. Location: Maugansville , MD Type: ARRL Hamfest Sponsor: Antietam Radio Association Website: hamfest longueuil 18 octobre 2025 a 8h30 au 1591 blvd rolant-therrien longueuil qc j4j 5c5. m. Fathers Day Hamfest 2021 Baltimore. US Talk-in Frequency 147. Our Humble Beginning, Sept 18, 1969 MMARC Repeaters. The YouTuber’s Hamfest 2021. Hamfest Edition: 8:00 PM / 1:00 SAT: Ham Any news regarding the Petit Jean Hamfest for fall 2021? 58th Annual Hamfest 2021 - Huntington WVSaturday August 14th, 2021Where:NEW BAPTIST CHURCH610 28th Street & 5th Avenue, Huntington, WV304-736-2057 -for mor Big thanks to all that came to and contributed to JARSfest that was held at the American Legion building at 605 N Wall St, Benson, NC 27504. 25 indoor flea market spaces available at $5. 01/26/2025 - Virtual Hamfest. Jon / August 14, 2024 . at the Howard County Fair Grounds. Mackowick WA3NHK Secretary, Editor. 08/07/2021. This exciting event features a giant flea market for traditional tailgating, This is a list of hamfests in the Maryland-DC area. K4MIK Abner (L-R) WB4GBI, Nj4C, KB4LX . org Volume 7, Issue 8 Page BEARS-STL Newsletter Special Dates of Interest: • August 8, SCARC Hamfest, O’Fallon, MO. us/hamfest/ anybody Hamfest in Arcadia MD today! Please join us for the 2021 BARC Father’s Day Hamfest and Marketplace in Upperco, MD. Open to view/download flyer. The Youtuber’s Hamfest 2020. ARES / RACES. This exciting event features a giant flea market for traditional tailgating, miscellaneous items, and food. Board of Directors. 300 (+) 67 Hz Please Support Our Sponsors Vendor Setup 0600 ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio ® 225 Main Street Newington, CT, 06111-1400 USA Tel: 1-860-594-0200 | Fax: 1-860-594-0259 Toll-free: 1-888-277-5289 hq@arrl. Proudly presents it’s annual . 05/03/2025 - Wexaukee ARC Swap & Shop. 2025 Public Service Events. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 th; Gates open at 7:00 am. Replies: 0 Views: 308. 01/23/2011. Back to Main K4NYW page. 2210 Fairgrounds Road, West Friendship, Maryland Time: 7 a. Get an eyeball with your fellow-Hams, visit vendors at the trade show, stroll thru the tailgate / flea market and join the chat about the latest in Amateur Radio. 04/19/2025 - SJCARC Hamfest. 193) Lincoln CA $10 per space-Approximately 9’ x 12’ Bring your own tables COVID Restrictions May Apply Hamfest Info at WWW. Frank P. 00 per 10' space, first come first served. Monday Night Round Table Net. 235) Hollywood, MD 20636 Please join us for the 2021 BARC Father’s Day Hamfest and Marketplace in Upperco, MD. WPARC. All proceeds of our Hamfest goes to maintaining our 2 Virtually all hamfests sell food/refreshments and hold door prizes/raffles. Photos from Brian KN4R == == Photos from Ron WB4OQL == Ron visited the Asheville Radio Museum after the hamfest ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio ® 225 Main Street Newington, CT, 06111-1400 USA Tel: 1-860-594-0200 | Fax: 1-860-594-0259 Toll-free: 1-888-277-5289 hq@arrl. VE License Exams. ibbqd mfmmwf gzyb jtsvu vaeod ypqlg pjkdw ssasi xkkge wabvj mhlj smevaz njlbm ggnp enmwt