Npp bulk reddit Tren I’m fine just on edge. Our comprehensive articles cover everything from bulking and cutting cycles to On week 7 of 450mg Test E and week 4 of NPP @ 200mg a week eod. . Test and NPP if price is a deciding factor Or Test, primo, and anadrol towards the end. Think of starting a new cycle like Npp 400mg Primobolan 200mg Test E 300mg My main question would it be a bad idea to pin This fall I'll run 3:1 for my bulk and I seriously doubt I'll have issues. I have taken 5mg-50mg every day injection. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now about the benefits and risks of steroids, how to use them safely. Can't believe trest is still touted on reddit as somehow the most noob-friendly of 19nors when it's the exact opposite if anything. The NPP thought process came from guys telling me “If you like Deca you’ll love NPP” and my Test/Deca cycle 2 years ago was 1ML of Test and 1/2ML Deca per shot. As for strength, recovery (and "joint lubrication) it's nothing Test+Primo+NPP, the best cycle I've ever done. But test npp mast is probably my favorite for bulking. i handle it pretty well with slight increase in acne and water were the main sides overall. cons: injectable was thick and painful to inject and gave horrible pip, bloat, got lethargic as fuck and usually ended up asleep without meaning to about 2hrs later even with 500-1000mg Having NPP higher than your test dose will destroy libido for some. I was recommended 2 cycles by someone to consider. When I bulk I'm going to use it for sure. Could feel the NPP really kick in by Favorite bulk was 800 test, 735 npp, 700 tren e (+ 4iu hgh & different orals here and there) - put on an appreciable amount of good quality mass Next blast I'm planning on going high test & high eq (800+ and 1. I do not receive messages sent via Reddit chat, you will need to direct message. Npp does not mitigate any sides from eq so what it seems like is your just adding in a 3rd compound because it sounds “fun”. Just make sure you do your cardio on it to avoid the negative cardiovascular effects. The stuff is highly effective, cheap, and adds that +1 to any recomp or bulking cycle with a low side effect template. The deca murdered my dick, had to use cialis to make sure it stayed hard as a rock. A bigger percentage of the food you take is allocated towards building muscle, even if its NPP almost ruined my marriage after about just 6 weeks. Been only doing test cycles w some Anavar 50-100mg, im looking to bulk on my next cycle but don’t know whether I should go with , deca/npp or tren. Week 3 400mg test 200mg NPP 10mg RAD140 25mg MK677 Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. (Not my first cycle) I’ve ran 500test and 50mg dbol, was a great cycle. s NPP for Bulking? but I did deca and it was great but it takes so much time to kick in so if I’ll do nandrolone I will probably do NPP I would run your trt if you are and loose the weight you need to. 13 weeks is also short, you should go for 16 weeks imo. 1 month ago Can I pin Test E and NPP and primo in the same injection? nsfw r/PEDs • Posted by u/jackboxer123. The NPP is really to aid with bloating and water retention from Bulk: NPP/deca at 600-700/wk test at the same Might start and end bulk cycle with sdrol, tbol, depending on liver values Cruise at 200mg test/week between blasts for duration=cycle if I used orals or 50%-75% duration of blast if no tren and no orals AI of choice is asin year round, nolva and caber always on hand Yep, pretty much right at maintenance. I ran test 400 600 deca 20 Ment ED. Previous "Bulking Cycles" Thread. (My spring cut). Essentially we want as few compounds as possible. Sides can be pretty bad tho. Log In Npp is going to give you more bang for your 13 weeks of 25 mg NPP twice weekly. The NPP was just another option for OP to do his own research on, and see if the compound lines up with his goals. After experience with NPP, can safely say that var is no comparison in terms of gains it can yield for females. It's my 1st cycle however I am on TRT when not on a cycle. Libido was never an issue though, which made my dick not work about 10 times worse lol. Reddit . Everyone’s experience is individual, sounds like you didn’t react well to it. Primo first timer, so do not This week we are discussing Nandrolone aka NPP. Click Join now to receive We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. EQ has that same problem but I liked it because of its other benefits like managing estrogen and more endurance. The dry affect from mast and a little mental help too (good headspace I guess?) Idk it’s really just to for cosmetic. Grow baby grow Npp is a great compound I actually ran test 500 npp 350 for one of my first cycles it’s still one of my first cycles I got big fast the only thing I’ve noticed after running EQ is npp makes me super watery it’s fine for the winter but I would never take it during the summer your cycle looks good tho you can adjust according to your bloodwork npp can raise estrogen but prolactin shouldn 250 npp will give me gyno, i did 300 test and 225mg npp in the past that made my nipple burning. Made strength and size gains very quickly while also recomping. As always, read the entry in the wiki (if applicable) and follow the rules. 85 of a ml (25mg/ml liquid) aromasin was the right one. Currently bulking and up about 8-9 lbs so far. Been cruising for 9 weeks. was bulking aggressively by the end at about 4200 calories. When I eat a bunch I feel great on tren and dont get very bad sides at all. Winter Bulk Planning | 2022. On a 14 week blast and cruise. My current bulk is Test E 1200mg EQ 1000mg NPP 600mg I used to be a Test/Tren/oral abuser Ran NPP at 10mg eod from 24-16 weeks out of my current prep. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Or I also wanna see what yall think about doing NPP instead at 3 times per week. I’ve been bulking for almost 30 weeks now and the main reason to try tren is it’s ability to build muscle in a calorie deficit. Or 4 months of bulking. This thread has been linked to from another place on reddit. NPP for me was fantastic. If you plan on running 750 test, I would have the NPP around 250 to start and up to 400, depending on sides (personally) I find even 200 NPP gives great results. Have fun. Also would add TNE -tren/test preworkout. Click Join now to receive Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Cycle was 500mg Test E/525mg NPP for 8 weeks, followed by cutting for 8 weeks on 525 Tren A/300mg Test E. I want to run low doses because i am in a relationship , don’t want ED problems also doing my university degree !! Npp either 1-20 150 a week or wait till week 4-5-20(whenever I drop the prop/cyp takes over) Basically looking for advice on using the test p as a kick start and if I do so should I start the npp with it or just wait until week 4-5 where the cyp takes over. Meaning they all build similar amounts of muscle mg for mg (other than a few exceptions like dhb, ment Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 16 votes and 150 comments My bulk from now on will be 300 npp 500 test 50mg proviron Dialing in the AI was a little tricky at first but I just found that . 1 batch, 8 images is about 1-1. I like primo acetate tabs for bulking instead of alright so im on week 8 of 500 test but on week 3 of 240 NPP and this week the depression from NPP has really started to hit me, i dont want to drop it because i know how good of a mass builder it is so basically im trying to find ways to mitigate the depression as much as possible, ive heard that primobolan can help counter the sides of NPP but based on where im at rn it just doesnt Wanting to do a second bulking cycle in the coming months and make some serious gains. Super full. You can add dbol too. If you want to “lean bulk” food is priority along with Hey guys, about to run masteron and npp for a lean bulk plan my coach has me on. Looking for advise and opinions on my next bulk cycle Weeks 7-18: 500 mg Test 300mg NPP 200mg Primo Up the test to 500, also taking P5P daily, with Caber on hand incase things get nipply. This is not my first cycle I know I’ll get questions about it. Does anyone have Started my lean bulk last week. As in, I had more room to still build muscle on purely garbage food. Nandrolone PhenylPropionate (NPP) I know there are many experienced users in this sub. probably best used as your main bulking compound along side copious amounts of test and a dht to Peptides might not be the best for bulking, but if you're going to bulk you might as well try HGH or IGF 1 to get your muscles growing. Looking for peoples experience or opinions on NPP and PRIMO. Time to get big/bigger. 150 npp is the sweet spot for me Reply reply Expert-Raccoon6097 Why are we running 3 different compounds. Both have their places in a cycle so it's not a question of either or it's just a game of whack-a-mole with high dose PEDs and side effect mitigation really. Click Join now to receive Just switch out NPP for Tren when you go to cut. Was definitely watery but it was Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. so you usually don't need to run test anywhere near as high as a test only cycle, when it comes to Hey guys I’m 26 yr old male i have done few test cycle. Stack it with a s23/winny/anavar for contest prep and an estrogen base like test, stack it with dbol, test or trest and maybe even Adrol as well for a bulk. Been doing research and trying to plan a pretty safe cycle to bulk up with during winter. When I cut it's 200mg Test / 500 mg Tren per week, and sometimes 200mg DNP ED for 3 weeks. The results have been pretty awesome, but I think I'm probably gonna drop the calories a bit and try to lean out more before I bulk for the winter. Head space was worse on NPP than tren. Been on test c for awhile and been hitting 500mg a week for about 2ish months I would say? I'm going run 3ccs of masteron, npp, and test c Monday and Friday and then just 2ccs of the masteron and npp on Wednesday. Expand user menu Open settings menu. For pinning days, working short and long esters, I pin Test-E Mon and Thurs AM. s NPP for Bulking? Yep you're right, all 19-nors have worse & a higher chance of side effects vs DHT's. Or check it out in the app stores Tren acetate v. I think this winter I want to try 150mg test e/ 200mg tren e/ 700mg npp as a bulk. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. NPP will I sometimes buy from both, but when I look at Consumer Labs results Nutricost has always done well (purity, dose etc) and Bulk Supplements I find that NPP is a brilliant nitrogen retention agent for bulking. If it were my true dreamer bulk I would be using all seros for hgh, currently using well tested generics. pros: pretty rapid weight gain, strength gain, added gym aggression, good pumps in the gym. They're the same drug just different esters I think. I’m considering npp and anadrol along with test in a bulk. Starting stats were 187 lbs @15% BF. One of the best looks I ever had was when bulking on NPP. IMO NPP is the best way to go if you’re looking to bulk or put on any amount of mass fast. 20 weeks Week 1-20 test Week 1-16 eq Week 8-20 npp You can probably run the npp the entire cycle, but I start having sides after 12 weeks with 19nors. Caber and adex on hand ofc. I’m 6’ 182lbs 9% bf my goal is to bulk to 230. Used deca for 20 weeks 400 deca a week 800 test a week. Seems like NPP doesn’t really give those sides at all though. I'm just going to go the npp route. I’ll be running my npp at a mild dose of 150mg for 20 weeks. 95kg is the goal. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. Npp is for the gains but I’ve found myself only running test npp mast for bulk then Yea I got the NPP and Injectable Dbol as a gift for Christmas and wanted to try it on a cut manly as a Kickstarter. The ratio is usually ok, some run 1:1. Was on trt before for a year after a heavy blast. I break out 100%, even on accutane. I want to know your experience with npp. General concensus here seems to be keeping e2 under control and no deca dick, planning km 350 test p/700 npp per week plus Still, I have no complaints. Test, NPP is a great combo. I think it’s a good fall/winter compound be wouldn’t use it all the time because hair loss and being too bloated. Anavar: haven't decided but as low as possible, I did a bulk on test and npp for 12-14 weeks I used test e at 450mg and npp at 450mg This compound works for contest prep AND works for bulking. Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. As I've said before, NPP is the ultimate bodybuilding drug, it's perfect if you only I'm currently taking 500mg npp a week working my way up to 600. NPP had me like pumped up and kinda excited. small amount of hair loss but i wasnt using anything to combat it. Ive never run deca or NPP before yelling at really stupid things like dropping something). For me though, NPP and tren ace were drastically different not just as far as the appetite goes but also in terms of feeling. After 4 to 6 weeks on npp, adding primo 400-600mg weekly for 16-18 weeks. 500test 400npp or 300npp (16-24) weeks depending on bloods and 50mg anadrol per day(5 weeks). Or check it out in the app stores how to use them safely. After that I was going to do a traditional masteron or primo with low test for about 8 weeks I'm now just cutting trying to get 10%bf by dexa so I can do my first proper bulk and gain the 20lbs or so of mass my frame needs to not look dyel, I believe tren keeps you lean and provides a great look, but is better off as being a supplement to a bigger blast. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now how to use them safely. Opinion for a bulk nsfw r/PEDs • Posted by u/jackboxer123. I inject NPP every day because it's fast acting and shorter life. 5mg asin EoD. Or check it out in the app stores Home; about the benefits and risks of steroids, how to use them safely. I also go bigger on npp but idk if it was because i had to work out differently because i was in light duty because my leg was healing from a surgery so I’d really focus on resistance and feeling each workout and taking it slow vs working heavier weights. my joints feel like butter on NPP - heavy leg movements, pressing, etc. Primobolan can replace EQ but only if you’re 100% sure it’s legit. Tren ace had me wanting to run through a brick wall head first. My dick came back to life but erection quality was not as good as it was before NPP was introduced. 450/450 test/deca 20 week bulk, 50mg adrol 5 on/2 off last 6 weeks. Pictures are both around an hour post gym and flexed. If anyone can post bloods, that would be awesome. I’ve never ran NPP so I was basing it off Deca. If u go deca, make sure u are cruising after finishing the cycle, if u pct, npp is better. You could also up the dose of Test and run a higher dose of deca or npp since you are bulking. What’s essential to remember is that more compounds=more to deal with. Our comprehensive articles cover everything from bulking and cutting cycles to post-cycle therapy and side effects. (Nov 2022 to march 2023) 💊 PEDs 💊 I'm doing 275 Test weekly and 125 NPP weekly. Going to throw in 100mcg clen per day on top of what I mentioned in the priginal post. Or check it out in the app stores Bulking Cycles/Stacks. The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and I'm looking to do equipoise with NPP I know the NPP has a short phenyl propionate ester so it will kick in fast But with the equpoise should i front load things early on so i get a Ran NPP as part of my second cycle: 450 test, 315 npp, 245 mast. Then start titrating up the test. 1 cc of each, not sure of mg because I haven't gotten the vials yet. reReddit: Top posts of November 12, 2022. It doesn't matter how many ML you inject though it's based on the concentration. Would also add 750mg NPP, but don't want to deal with the acne during summer, kind of wish I was using a cruise dose for the joints. Or check it out in the app stores I am having problems with making NPP stay in suspension. You can start npp anytime and since it’s a short ester, you can pretty much stop anytime as well. If you’re looking for a true bulk, I’d cut out the Tren and Anavar and either increase NPP (add caber or prami) or add EQ (preferably vet grade if u can find it). More photos. Click Join now to receive Bulking between 4500-5000 calories, cutting 2000-2500 calories. Right now I’m sitting at an honest 23% body fat 6ft2 and 283lbs but I can accidentally loose 12 pounds in a weekend if I don’t stay on top of my food. Is primo worth the price? My goal is to add a retarded amount of mass, also looking for a longer cycle around 16-20 weeks. I have used NPP injection many times. I started slowly with 150 test 150 mast, then increased to 200 -200 after 4 weeks, after 7 weeks went on 350-350, at week 11 I upped it to 500-500. /r/StableDiffusion is back open after the protest of Reddit killing open API access, which will bankrupt app developers, hamper moderation, and exclude blind users from the site. I would love to just keep bulking on tren and the physical sides aren't bad for me, but holy shit the mental sides after 2 months are insane. But using NPP as you said gets you full and strong, a lot of it is water but you can build solid muscle when using it so when you diet next time you will be noticeably different. Npp is my favorite. it’s definitely a cool drug. 14lbs gained on Test and Npp. Has some sort of modulation on GH and Igf-1 from my speculation. [r/mistyfront] Npp progress on Female. Maybe I'll try EQ this year. Loved the shit out of NPP. (I was also taking 750iu HCG weekly, 5mg Cialis daily, and 300mg P5P daily) Benefits: noticed more fullness and increased pump within 7-10 days of beginning the cycle. I was wondering if it would be worth taking npp up to 7-800mg a week. Which is a shame because god damn the gains were good for the first few weeks. On bulk with nandrolone the amounts of whey and sugar was especially high and acne linearly worse. Could you not increase test and eq and drop npp. Was thinking run test E 500mg weekly split into 2 injections with EOD NPP (still figuring dosage out) maybe 50mg a pin (total of 12 weeks). Felt like I could eat a ton of food and stay lean. My question is low dose NPP 100-300 is even worth it ? I will stack with 200-400 test . (/r/PEDs) If you follow any of the above links, respect the rules of reddit and don't vote. Better feeling for ye old man joints on it too. Click Join now to receive Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. Thoughts? Fairly simple question. I got bigger and leaner on npp and i didn’t hold as much water and i dont hold a lot as Is. My side effects were the worst when I had Test/NPP dosed around the same (600Test/525NPP). I had huge muscle gains with low negative side effects. Our comprehensive articles cover everything from bulking and cutting cycles to post-cycle Test, NPP, Primo . Let do this 🦾🦾 cycle 2 - test, mast, npp. Is primo better for a cut or a bulk? I would say bulk and let me explain. But, eventually that turned into anxiety, insecurity, insomnia, jealousy, and just straight up rage. What you have to remember is most steroids, doesn't matter what column they are from (dhts, test derivatives or 19nors), all cause the exact same amount of protein expression mg for mg. Tren acetate v. After that im thinking about bulking with NPP. I'm looking to add one to a 500 test cycle at about 200-300 for a little extra on a bulk which one do you guys recommend menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Ik tren is too harsh, but I heard deca gives more water weight. Or check it out in the app stores aka Deca and NPP. Get the information you need to make informed decisions about your bodybuilding journey. 5 seconds/IT. It depends wat ur goals are; faster onset of effects u go with npp, if u dont mind it coming in later go with deca. Plus, e2 is much easier to control on test than NPP and no prolactin worries on Test. NPP is nice for joints, better on skin with fullness but less water than test. 1 month ago how would you guys go about pinning Test E NPP and Primo nsfw r/PEDs • Posted by u/jackboxer123. I was able to easily eat 4000 calories a day on NPP and I could barely get down 2000 on tren ace. NPP is generally well tolerated from what I've NPP seems to be the way to go to prevent the sex sides. previously done a test only cycle with max does of 300 mg per week. Learn about the benefits and risks of steroids, how to use them safely. More info: Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. r/PEDs A chip A close button. training programs ran: first 6 weeks gamma bomb, project colossus, 6 weeks of jordan peters high frequency progressive overload tweaked to my liking, and last 2 weeks i did some nsuns to get Test E, NPP, PRIMO. what you have just said is: "I would rather risk bitching 50g of NPP on 250ml batch than spend $40 for a gram scale" Again, on the logic behind a 250ml batch, Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. Dick barely worked so I upped the test to 800 and dropped NPP down to 400. I am looking to add another compound so I thought of using NPP for my bulk . NPP is great for bulking, and with zero sides I can run it for 16 weeks no problemo. Primo, unless you have it confirmed that you respond well to its ability to supress e2, generally is a fairly weak at reducing it and its ability to do so, seems to be reduced when combined with any 19nors. On TRT cruise at 200mg Test E weekly. Our comprehensive articles cover everything from bulking and cutting cycles to post What’s your thought on npp, do you get paranoia and crazy intrusive thoughts? I plan on starting today, low dose 540/240 test Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. 25mg Dbol 3x a week, 300 NPP a week, Test? For 4 weeks. Also pinning frequency, if u just wanna pin twice a week go with deca, if u can pin more go npp. Honestly a great steroid in terms of look size strength joints etc. Running lower testosterone, the Tren sides are reduced (in my experience). NPP still strong but definitely weaker and more geared towards bulking than cutting. Crazy size, fullness, and aesthetics. I really dont think tren is good for me while cutting. Things I need to watch out for. Test can work almost just as well as NPP for bulking, you just need to make sure you have diet right and training dialed in. I pin NPP and Mast (both Phenylproprionate) ED, mornings, and on Test days just add it all into I use nandrolone in virtually every situation, either at 100mg during a cut/maintenance for my arthritis/joint pain, or in higher doses for a bulk. 27m 210lbs 15% BF currently. never felt better than when on NPP Sitting at 88kg after a very successful first cycle of test & mast. Click Join now to receive I’ll be running 500 mg test for 28 weeks, yes a long cycle I know. Mental sides were good I got jealous like 3 weeks in but it went away now since then I’ve felt the best I Im in 13th week now. Prior PED experience to this was just anavar. My bulking cycles lasted 8-16 weeks. 25g respectively), but I'm fighting the urge to throw tren or npp in alongside (tren for the partitioning, npp because thickness gains are real) Tren on the other hand isn't a traditional bulking compound and reduces appetite in some but reddit has hyped tren up to be some sort of miracle drug so god knows I'm curious. When taking primo, especially higher doses at 700mg/week, body recompositing was so strong I could feel it. 200mg p5p split am/pm for prolactin control, 12. Click Join now to receive Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app about the benefits and risks of steroids, how to use them safely. And it is great for I’ve ran low dose deca with low dose test and that’s great for the joints, currently blasting 500/400/350 test/NPP/mast and honestly it’s the best bulking stack I’ve ran. I’d do 75 npp ED with 150 EQ EOD through the whole cycle. On week 2 of a 300mg test e And 300mg npp cycle pinning 3 times a week. On NPP some days are brutal to get up in the morning. I have a 12GB 3060, 32GB DDR4, 5600G. Another bulk starts tomorrow. It really makes the protein you eat stick to your frame. A better, modern term for "deca-dick" would more accurately reflect the higher prolactin levels due to Nandrolone being a 19-Nor steroid, which most likely will cause the user to experience difficulty ejaculating. Took 50mg/day injectable drol at the end of a 600 test/500 npp bulk to help me get past a weight stall. The strength gains would be awesome, and being dry and vascular (and perhaps wanting to fuck everything) would be a bonus as well. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS My advice is start with NPP if you want to quickly start seeing the benefits. 1 month ago you find with nandrolone, that it increases the rate at which you aromatise. One of the best stacks out there for bodybuilding is test, npp and eq. That’s a solid bulking cycle Not NPP but deca and ment. I blew the fuck up. Great on a lean bulk as it doesn't add much water weight and keeps you looking dry. Never really considered deca just because of the insanely long amount of time it takes to clear your system. Npp was 100x better. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app Gonna cruise on the test for 4-5 weeks after the tren runs out. Im planning on running another cycle and would like to add another compound.
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