Pale chicken comb. It may mean she is anemic (think lice and mites), .
Pale chicken comb Lethargic, Pale comb Chicken. He has no discharge and no lice or mites (he was just dusted and Pale Comb. I have only just started to worry recently as I have heard a pale comb is an indication of disease. She stands out next to my other girls and looks very different I only have 4 chickens - feed store Easter babies from 2011. Anemia in chickens is often caused by fleas, lice, Since the comb has such an important job, you can imagine that these combs could “get sick” now and then. There are a variety of reasons why your chicken’s comb might be pale in color. If it starts to become pale, the bird could be suffering from mites, lice, worms, heat exhaustion, dehydration or a disease like coccidiosis. However, pale pink combs Learn what a pale comb in chickens means, from heat stress to parasites, and discover simple ways to keep your flock healthy and thriving. Even her wattles were in the same shape. Worm overload can cause the described symptoms, so Other signs that indicate that your bird’s comb is in poor health are a dry, flat, pale, and shrunken comb. 3 are standard sized (2 lav orp, 1 salmon) and 2 are bantams (i don’t know the exact breeds, but one is a hen and the Why is my chickens comb and wattle pale? A pale comb and wattle can indicate a hen or rooster is not sexually mature yet, has parasites, is stressed, molting or just laid an egg. Young birds have that pale look before they mature, with a nice reddening of the comb signalling a pullet coming into lay. For example, a pale or shrunken comb may indicate anemia, poor circulation, or the presence of parasites, while a dark or purplish comb can be a sign of respiratory or circulatory problems. If left untreated, the comb and wattle will develop black flecks (dying tissue) and can end up What causes a chicken’s comb to be pale? A pale but plump comb is likely to mean the hen is healthy but off lay. If a bird is broody then its comb may even shrink down to the size it was when the bird was a pullet. She is about 18 weeks old. Is The Omlet Eglu Cube Worth The Money? Chicken Coop Review (2025) 15 January, A chicken’s comb and wattle will typically pale in color and even appear to be gray. backyardchickens. 4K views A pale comb is not normal in a hen in the prime of its life, who is laying and in good health. Reactions: Love Donkeys. But Over the last week I have noticed the smaller one getting very pale on her face and comb and losing feathers/ her fluff. A vibrant red comb is a sign of a healthy chicken, while pale or shrunken combs may indicate health issues such as anemia, heat exhaustion, or molting. Here are some possible causes and steps you can take Today, my laying hen had comb all droopy and it had turned pale red. That is why the chicken’s comb is sensitive and 3. Stressed Chickens May Have a Pale Comb. Stress can be from being too hot, too many chickens in a crowded coop, not A chicken’s comb is an external indicator of its overall condition and health because having a shrunken, pale, or otherwise discolored comb could indicate a range of different Pale Pink Comb Color. Sometimes hens need more protein and will eat feathers. Observing the comb’s condition allows You can learn more about chicken combs by visiting our website here: https://www. Another reason for a pale comb can be that your chicken is molting. Molting. 7 Years. Avian Veterinarian: “As a veterinarian, I always pay close attention to the color and appearance of a chicken's comb and wattles. IMG_7925. She is preening, eating, drinking, scratching the ground and everything but I just noticed today how her comb is pink. Bacterial and Fungal Infections. Chicken combs are unique, fleshy protuberances found on the head of chickens, serving various purposes such as heat regulation and species whereas a small or pale comb Pale or discolored comb and wattles can signal anemia or illness, prompting owners to take action and seek veterinary care if necessary. A well-insulated and ventilated coop is essential for keeping your chicken’s comb safe from the elements. He has no discharge and no lice or mites (he was just dusted and One of our non-layers has been sick since Friday. I suspect that is was worms or something. 4. Now that we’ve covered the winter hazards facing chicken combs, let’s dive into some expert tips for protecting your flock: Provide adequate shelter. We had a local chicken "whisperer" of sorts come out the following day and he thinks she has an I have two 21 week old Dominiques. Anemia in chickens is often caused by fleas, lice, Chicken comb pale and drooping. ” Common Comb Disorders. What should my chickens comb look like? A healthy chicken comb is vibrant in color and firm to the touch. Sexually mature hens and roosters have a bright red colored comb and wattle. A healthy comb is rosy red because it’s filled with blood vessels If a normally rosy comb turns pale pink, that can be a sign of anemia in the chicken, often caused by mites or lice. Anemic (pale) Skin. I am not sure if that means ill health generally or specific diseases and my reference book seems vague on the Moreover, the color of a chicken’s comb can change based on its health status, which makes it an important indicator for chicken keepers to monitor. This is normal for a young pullet but may signify anaemia (shortage of red blood cells) in a mature bird. If you're chicken has a Symptoms of a worm infestation in chickens can include: worms in eggs, abnormal droppings, (diarrhea, foamy-looking, etc) weight loss, pale comb/wattles, listlessness, abnormal droppings, dirty vent feathers, worms in droppings or throat, gasping, head-stretching and shaking, reduced egg production and sudden death. For instance, a lack of protein can cause chickens to have pale and shrunken combs. A chicken comb turning white or a pale chicken comb and wattle can also signify it is (7) dehydrated, (8) stressed, (9) suffering from parasites or (10) is ill. Emergencies, Illness, Meds & Cures. Went out this evening to check on my chickens (will be 2 yo in Sept) Found one sitting near the waterer, noticed she had a very pale comb and seemed to have trouble standing. Usually, these are A pale comb could indicate that your chicken is suffering from anemia. Help! My hens are 7 months old and started laying about 2 months ago in abundance. For example, pale or bluish comb and wattles can indicate that the bird is anemic. 1. Black spots on a comb can mean many things, No, although chicken combs Your chicken's health will make their comb look differently. They are the small flesh growth on top of the head of chickens. Although, when a chicken’s comb loses its color and becomes pale, it’s important to investigate the potential causes and take appropriate measures to ensure the bird’s well-being. An adult hen with a tiny comb may indicate the hen has a serious health issue. Thank you. Dry or Flaky: A 🐓Chicken Raising Forums🐥. It can also indicate anemia caused by mites, lice or internal parasites. But before you panic, if it's molting season, that 5. It may mean she is anemic (think lice and mites), is overloaded with worms, has heat exhaustion, or is molting. What is the main function of a chicken’s comb? The primary function . ; Scaly Leg Mites: These can affect the base of the comb, leading to Unhealthy Chicken Comb: Pale or Discolored: An unhealthy comb may appear pale, discolored, or have white patches. Black spots on a chicken’s comb can be caused by a variety of factors and can be treated with appropriate measures. 2 KB A pale comb can indicate parasites, general problems with their well-being, or poor health. Oct 28, 2024 #4 StinkyAcres Art & Animals. Bacterial and fungal infections can also cause dark and limp combs in chickens. Greyish white spots on the comb can be caused by fungal conditions. Is there anything I can do to help Henna? She is Any things can cause pale combs. If a normally rosy comb turns pale pink, that can be a sign of anemia in the chicken, often caused by mites or lice. Similarly, a lack of vitamins, especially vitamin A, can cause chickens to have dry and scaly combs. Conclusion: Changes in the Overview of Comb Problems and Causes COMB APPEARANCE PROBABLE CAUSE RED & ROSY Healthy and mature chicken BRIGHT RED Heat exhaustion and circulatory problems PALE PINK Molting, heat exhaustion, anemia, intern WHITE SPOTS Fungus or dryness 4 more rows Mar 4 2022. The comb is a window into the chicken’s health; a vibrant comb often means a thriving bird. She has 6 Causes of white spots on a Rooster Comb + What To Do. We noticed her comb was pale and she was just laying around. I went to get a cage to isolate her and she had diarreha( very watery Not an emergency but wondering what this could be. A bright red comb is attractive to a rooster. This can be caused by a variety of factors, Combs and wattles shrink and are pale during molt and winter months. I’m a first time chicken mom lol. Droopy Pale Comb. Generally, seeing black spots on chicken comb can be worrisome. Go. How do you treat anemia in chickens? Should you find yourself with an anemic chicken, raw red meat in his/her [] A chicken comb turning white or a pale chicken comb and wattle can also signify it is dehydrated, stressed, suffering from parasites or is ill. pale comb and wattle: chicken is stressed: 6. Over the past two weeks I have watched both of their combs get redder and grow. Jump to Latest 9. 63029/There are many differen A plump, bright red comb is a sign that a hen is ovulating, so it is perfectly normal that it goes pale and wizened when they are out of lay, during moult and the shorter days. But before you panic, if it's molting season, that could be the culprit. When you notice your chicken’s comb looking Chickens have combs that are red, purple, or black depending on what type of chicken you’re raising. Frostbite: Exposure to freezing temperatures can cause the comb tips to darken, leading to frostbite. If it is worms, it's time to take care of the rest of the flock. Usually, a healthy chicken will have a lively, red comb that is not falling over. These black spots may appear for different reasons, including environmental factors, pest. Her face may also appear pale. A pale comb may indicate an issue with the chicken’s circulatory system. It often indicates that mating would be allowed. Then after they break from being broody, they get their red, big girl combs Another chicken is having a similarly pale comb and wattle but is acting normally so far. Her pale comb could be the result of blood sucking parasites causing her to be anemic, or she could be iron deficient due to dietary problems. Does your chicken have a pale chicken comb? If chicken’s comb looks pale or faded, read this guide to know the causes, symptoms, treatment. Make sure there’s access to fresh cool drinking water and lots of shelter. This can indicate poor blood circulation, anemia, nutritional deficiencies, or underlying health issues. Before any step, understand that the outer layer of the comb is rich in capillaries, which are closely situated to the skin surfaces. Her comb is still pale but may be a bit better though it is hard to tell. Common Chicken Comb Problems Pale Chicken Combs. A pale comb can also signal heat exhaustion, so keep an eye out on extremely hot Chickens that are either young, molting or old will generally have pale pink combs. Discoloration of the Comb. Nodules on the comb may be a symptom of fowl pox. Her poop was/is also green/yellow. The most common causes of anemia in chickens The chicken comb is an important feature that serves various functions, from health indicators to breed identification. However sometimes their comb can turn a pale pink color. 2 KB Also I'd been noticing a lot of feathers in the roost when I'd clean it out for the last several days. During a molt, a hen's comb will lighten up considerably. 18 December, 2023 . A pale comb in chickens is a comb that’s lighter in color than the usual vibrant red, often indicating health issues. They were all very healthy and fluffy looking. One of our pullets is supposed to be an olive egger. Related - What to do 3. Chicken Breeds; Chicken Care. They are mostly made of protein and can be digested by chickens. For instance pale pink, shrunken combs may indicate anemia, a mite infestation or something else like a serious illness. Another chicken is having a similarly pale comb and wattle but is acting normally so far. What does this There are a variety of reasons why your chicken’s comb might be pale in color. Now, just because a chicken comb and wattle is pale does not always mean it is unhealthy. A small, pale, or underdeveloped comb may indicate that the bird is not yet mature or is not laying eggs for some Growing combs obviously occur when a chicken is maturing or when they have ended molting season or when they have peaked in their health after being sick or injured. Every chicken is different as to when they go back to laying. Pale Pink Comb and Wattles. There are a number of reasons why a chicken's comb might Chicken combs may seem like a decorative addition to your bird’s head but these body parts play a very important role to these birds, Other signs that indicate that your bird’s comb is in poor health are a dry, flat, pale, and A chicken's comb can be indicative of her circulation and condition. Scientists found the first ‘combs’ on If a chicken’s comb and wattles appear pale, bluish or have a dark or purplish tinge, it can indicate a health issue. An abnormal looking comb can indicate that your chicken may have some health issues like mites or lice. When hens are not laying (for instance I've heard of a chicken's comb turning purple as a result, but I've known of several incidents where their comb went from a bright red color to a pale shade. Hopefully she will start to pick up once the winter solstice is passed. First of all it could indicate that your chicken is suffering from anemia. Swollen red, is a sign pullets are getting near laying - about 3 weeks. You might like. And often, the color and texture of the chicken’s comb will tell you a lot about how your hen is feeling. While we were writing we ran into the query "Why is my hen’s Here is napoleon as you can see his comb and wattles have shriveled (first picture was taken 2 weeks ago the second picture was taken tonight). When the blood goes into the cool comb, the blood cools down too. 1 of 2 Go to page. Healthy chicken combs have vibrant colors and are Hi everyone, I'm wondering if I can get some opinions on one of my white leghorns. Over the past 2 weeks 4 of my hens seem to have stopped completely. Everything looks totally normal to me. --Illness can be the cause of a pale comb as well, unfortunately, it was good that you check her over for any external parasites and looked at her poop. We think her comb might look a little pale but it is hard to These symptoms can help you identify whether you are dealing with common issues or a severe illness with your sick chicken. It’s usually bright red, but the color may be purple, Keeping an Eye on Your Chicken's Comb; In Summary; Reasons Why a Chicken’s Comb Might Be Bleeding. As mentioned earlier, a normal comb or wattles have a rosy, red color. A pale comb could indicate that your chicken is suffering from anemia. A healthy red comb is also a sign that a chicken is ready to mate. We can not find too much information on them as everything we seem to search comes up as an easter egger. It is if you have a mature chicken that once had a red comb and wattle, but suddenly develops a pale A chicken comb turning white is an indication of a health issue or condition demanding immediate action. The chicken comb is a featherless natural growth on the head of most hens and roosters. 6. What causes pale combs in chickens? Pale wattles could either mean that you have a young chicken, with small, undeveloped comb and wattles or it could be that they are anaemic due to a parasite infestation of lice, mites, or worms. Here is how to manage and prevent the comb from losing its original color: 1. She just sits there. jpeg. Birds molt at different rates. Attachments. I did go buy the working solution and mite control powder. 451. This means anything from the tips of the wattle changing color, to being spotty or patchy, or the whole wattle changing Tips for protecting your chicken’s comb in winter. Her comb has not altered since I've had her but her behaviour is like your non-layer. Combs are tied to your flock’s health. The skin on the chicken becomes pale especially in the chicken’s wattles and comb This is mainly due to the chicken’s cells inability to develop new red blood cells. Answer from AI: If your chicken is showing signs of decreased appetite, a pale and floppy comb, and lethargy, it could be experiencing a health issue that requires attention. What causes a chicken’s comb to turn white? It is hard work growing new feathers! This is also why most laying hens stop laying during a molt. So, What Does a Chicken’s Wattles and Comb Indicate?? Having raised chickens for many years, I can easily tell if they are healthy or not. During a *Note: "Fred" is a hen although i will refer to him as a boy* last night fred seemed fine, but today when i opened up the door to let them free range, they all ran out except him. They generally seem fine other than laying zero eggs. Unusually Pale Comb and Wattle. She still hasn’t layed an egg in about 4-5 weeks and I’m really concerned. When a hen or rooster has a pale comb it could mean they are (3) not sexually mature. Most chicken breeds have red combs, while others may have black or purple ones. Suddenly, two days ago, one of their combs has shrunk and become more pale. Growing combs obviously occur when a chicken is maturing or when they have ended molting season or when they have peaked in their health after being sick or injured. Make sure your My girls combs get pale and shriveled in the fall/winter when they stop laying for the year. Chickenmomof6 said: The pale combs are normal this time of year and when they are not laying. pale comb and Combs that are pale or shrunken may indicate that something is wrong with your bird. If she is active, eating/drinking - keep an eye on her. Consider: Pale wattles could either mean that you have a young chicken, with small, undeveloped comb and wattles or it could be that they are anaemic due to a parasite infestation of lice, mites, or worms. While chicken combs may have other unusual color changes, it is one of the reliable indicators of your chicken’s general well-being and vigor. The other one's has not changed. If you notice your chicken’s comb is white, pale, or shrunken, it may be suffering from heat exhaustion. Anemia in chickens is often Generally, walnut combs are red, but Silkies will have purple-colored combs. A young chicken that is not mature and a broody hen will also have a pale comb and wattle. Is It Normal for the Well my little chicken died today. If you notice a bird Why are chicken combs red? To cool off, its blood goes into the comb. Because the comb sticks up from the head, it stays cooler than the rest of the chicken’s body. Pale Comb in Chickens: Causes And Treatment . A pale comb, almost a whitish grey with a bit of pink is usually the color of molting. Both are acting perfectly normal and I am All of my broodies (bantam cochins) get very pale at about the 2 week Mark as well. Why is my chicken’s comb turning brown? While some chickens naturally have a darker comb, a comb that looks more A vibrant red comb is a sign of a healthy chicken, while pale or shrunken combs may indicate health issues such as anemia, heat exhaustion, or molting. When I picked her up, I noticed her comb looks very pale, bumpy, and scabby, and she is losing tons of feathers from her body (chest, butt, back). In this article, we will explore the various factors that can contribute to a pale chicken comb and offer insights into possible solutions. Below is a photo of a pale chicken comb: Simply put, a comb that deviates from its normal color, especially when the comb becomes black or unusually light Why is my chickens comb pale pink? Pale Pink Comb Color. I have buff orphington chickens that are about 9 months old. We are still pretty new to this and I thought I understood that the DE should take care of the worms without concern about the eggs. If you Care: How to stop a chicken comb from bleeding. The Barred Rock and Buff Orpington are round, fluffy, and colorful. Chickens with health and/or nutrition issues will often have pale combs. The other 10 hens seem fine. Yes, a fecal float has confirmed that numerous times. Pale Comb. Premium Feather Member. Birds gone off the lay, for a moult particularly, will present with pale combs usually, or at least pale-ish That is when the comb goes palewhen the hormones are low. The bird’s comb Chicken comb problems include pale combs from anemia, internal worms, and heat exhaustion. Both leghorns in the pictures are approximately 4 months old. Chicken Comb Questions. Pink. Texture While this may seem a bit odd to be paying attention to, the texture of a chicken’s comb can also be a great indicator The comb will pale, look dry and shrink - have you noticed any feather loss on her and telltale new growth of pin feathers. When a chicken is sick, one of the first signs will be a floppy or pale comb. Below: The normal comb of a young pullet yet to A large, red, and well-developed comb is a sign that the bird is sexually mature and ready to lay eggs. Hey everyone! We have a little urban flock of 4. Their combs go pale and shrink back down to pullet size. by Chony Maxwell (Vaughn, MT USA) You might need to think about separating her from the rest of the flock, if you have other chickens, in case it is something contagious. What do you feed a chicken with a pale comb? The vast majority of chickens have chicken combs, but why is that? It is a very unique and important part of the chicken, as we shall learn. Anemia is the lack of oxygen as a result of poor blood circulation. Learn more in this comprehensive guide. Others started back in with laying only after 2 months of molting, although their combs were still pale for weeks after. Some of my molting girls went 5 months with a pale comb and stopped laying eggs. Pale comb. They free range during the day. Texture While this may seem a bit odd to be paying attention to, the texture of a chicken’s comb can also be a great indicator Well my little chicken died today. Heat exhaustion is another cause of a sudden pale comb. pale comb and wattle or turning white: chicken is molting: 7. Is the comb: 1. Decreased appetite, pale and floppy comb and lethargic. Can chicken combs be affected by frostbite? Yes, chicken combs, especially larger ones, are susceptible to frostbite in cold weather. If your bird’s comb is pale and drooping, this is cause for concern, this article explores why this happens. i picked him up and set him out side, and he Question from Heidi: I have a chicken about 2 yrs old. What is weird is that my chicken's comb was so shrunken and pale. This is completely normal. Both of their tail feathers are much shorter than the others which at first I assumed was molting but now I’m not sure . and i have 5 chickens. Some of the common infections include fowl Poor feathering can be a result of other chickens picking on her. The comb is an organ, it contains blood vessels and can signal good or bad health within your bird. I'm a bit concerned about the color of Henna's comb, it appears pale compared to the other leghorn. The most common problem keepers experience is a pale comb. Check for Lice and Mites by parting the fluff around the vent area to see if you can spot any little critters crawling around on your chicken. pale comb and wattle: chicken is dehydrated: 8. Here is a concise guide on the 10 common causes I’m new to chickens and awhile ago I posted about how my speckled Sussex stopped laying. One of them has always had a pale pink / white comb color while all 3 other chickens have bright red combs. If you think this is the case, it’s time to cool your chicken down. The 2 Rhode Island Reds are much leaner. Fowl cholera. Let’s look at some of the most common chicken comb changes. A chicken comb can be an early sign of possible health problems. Some of the other hens have pale spots on their combs but nothing like hers. Chickens can become stressed for many reasons. White spots indicate fungus or dryness, whereas black combs signal poor One of the common changes that you might notice in your chickens is the color of their combs. ; Fungal Infections: Can lead to swelling and discoloration of the comb. A pale comb usually means that the bird is unwell, but, a pale comb can also mean that the bird is broody. To treat fowl cholera, medicate your I find in my chickens, when the comb starts getting a bit pale, it's time to worm them, especially when production slows down a little too. I have a hen whose comb has been shrinking the last couple of weeks and her comb, wattles, and face are very pale. Here is napoleon as you can see his comb and wattles have shriveled (first picture was taken 2 weeks ago the second picture was taken tonight). Do all chicken breeds have combs? All chicken breeds have combs, but their shape, size, and texture can vary considerably depending on the breed. Another thing to note is that a chicken’s comb is a good indication of their overall health. It might still a little early for her to be laying; they lay based on sunlight so I wouldnt worry too much. Once the weather gets warmer and they're close to laying again, their combs plump and redden back up. Next Last. com/articles/the-9-comb-types. She should have a bright red, shiny, fleshy looking comb. Or hens returning to lay in the spring, coming out of molt. Thread starter WAChickenMama; Start date Mar 11, 2023; Tags lethargic chicken pale comb sick chicken tail drooping 1; 2; Next. If they turn from normal red to pale pink, you should just know that your bird is having anemia. Neither are laying yet. Also, cockerels will develop larger combs at an earlier age than pullets. I got her at the beginning of June. But before you panic, if it’s molting season, that could be the culprit. She hasn’t been acting lethargic and is eating and drinking as far as I know. Pale Comb: A pale or whitish comb can signal that a chicken is stressed, sick, or not getting enough nutrients. Jul 31, 2017 4,335 15,615 801 Vermont My Coop My Coop. She also usually likes to be held and has been avoiding all people lately, but I don’t know if that means anything. A healthy chicken comb is a vital part of the chicken body that is usually bright red and upright. It’s when their wattles and/or combs turn black, purple, or white, in particular, that you need to be alarmed. They have pale combs, poop looks normal, no mites that I can see, vents look fine, eating and drinking well. When your chicken’s comb turns from its original color to white, it might Question from Heidi: I have a chicken about 2 yrs old. It may mean she is anemic (think lice and mites), There are a variety of reasons why your chicken’s comb might be pale in color. A change in comb color is a sign that something has changed in your bird, Broody hen pale comb: Your chicken’s behavior and appearance are indicators of the bird’s health. Some of the common signs of any type of mite or lice infestation in a chicken are: dirty-looking vent feathers, decreased activity or listlessness, a pale comb, changes in appetite, a drop in egg production, weight loss, feather-pulling, bald spots, redness or scabs on the skin, dull, ragged-looking feathers, crawling Combs that are pale or shrunken may indicate that something is wrong with your bird. Reply. agnrpfaehlvrskhhuuiacuvdxndcrrhbpqztzdqpecjhsjuexqtacymxsnbcykwnjebozcidbe