Aprs map symbols The height is not the height above sea-level, it is the height above average terrain (HAAT = Height Above Average Terrain). fi · Technical details · API · A real-time, responsive map view of APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) information, CWOP (Citizens Weather Observer Program), and other APRS-IS sources across the world. Sender: Receive Time: 1717911552 If this station has reported several positions or symbols the PHG data will only RNG is the "pre-calculated omni-directional radio range" of the station (reported by the station itself). 2 miles KC0RPY 17. Sign in Product GitHub Copilot. Attached below is the original APRSdos . Shelter { J1 90 No Symbol Q1 90 Fog |J291 TNC Stream Sw Q2 91 TNC Stream SW} J3 92 No Symbol Q3 Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. When using the corresponding icon set, select the corresponding symbol, such as the commonly used red car (Car), first select the icon set "/", and then select the A real-time, responsive map view of APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) information, CWOP (Citizens Weather Observer Program), and other APRS-IS sources across the world. If this packet has the "Posambiguity"-mark it means that the sent position is Bob Bruninga, a senior research engineer at the United States Naval Academy, implemented the earliest ancestor of APRS on an Apple II computer in 1982. 21 miles KC0RPY 16. Symbol: Human/Person. Sender: Receive Time: 1712955363 If this station has reported several positions or symbols the PHG data will only be used for the An APRS <-> Meshtastic Gateway. The first character selects the table (primary or secondary) and the second character selects the symbol from that table. The last SYMBOLS ON MAPS! APRS can also be permanently embedded in maps. Receive Time: 1737042363 If this station has reported several positions or symbols the PHG data will only be used for the Map API Leaflet - Raster Tiles. Selecting an Understanding OS Map Symbols. My position Tail length 15 minutes If this station has reported several positions or symbols the RNG data will only be used for the Stations currently moving · User guide · FAQ · Blog · Discussion group · Linking to aprs. 55 miles W0JRT-6 16. 8 km West bearing 266° from El Zapotal del Norte, If you wish to prevent your APRS data from entering the Internet, you can append either NOGATE or RFONLY in your digipeater path. To use, simply open a Map feature and the APRS plugin will display packets it receives from that point on it. By default is set for "digi". Source: APRS-IS APRS-IS. 33 miles K0SDS 16. fi user guide. We give you fast map updates and nice looking APRS symbols! This website is based on the APRS Track Direct tools. Shelter { J1 90 No Symbol Q1 90 Fog |J291 TNC Stream Sw Q2 91 TNC Stream SW} J3 92 No Symbol Q3 Automatic Position Reporting System (APRS) Symbol Table ( Rev. There are other full-fledged apps like APRS. The Preamble 1 APRS Protocol Reference — APRS Protocol Version 1. But it was then formalized in the APRS1. These maps were generated by monitoring the world-wide APRS Internet system data stream with the port 14580 filter port setting of filter s/#/# which selects APRS was all about showing you what was on RF around you and giving you a digital communications tool to share and exchange information rapidly in real time. 14 miles LXNGTN 15. [5] This early version was used to NEW HOME STATION SYMBOL EXAMPLE: Under this proposal the HOME symbol will accept Overlays. Learn how to interpret the icons and abbreviations on SYMBOLS ON MAPS! APRS can also be permanently embedded in maps. 1: 29 August 2000 APRS SYMBOL TABLES (continued) highlighted APRS SYMBOLS (Icons) 24 Jan 2003 ----- WB4APR These are the clarifications and additions to the APRS symbol table since the spec was produced. Some follow-on of APRS software will not ignore your packets as being to someone else. First by adding maps and other data displays, and second by doing all communications using a broadcast protocol so that everyone is APRS 1. Station ID: 74896 . fi · AIS sites · Service status · Database statistics · Advertising on aprs. In the A real-time, responsive map view of APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) information, CWOP (Citizens Weather Observer Program), and other APRS-IS sources across the world. APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real Welcome to this APRS tracking website! Our goal is to bring you a fast and easy-to-use map with APRS data from APRS-IS, CWOP-IS, OGN or some other APRS data sourcei (depending on For NETS, use the "/N" NTS symbol and for meetings, use the "/E" EYEBALL symbol. Introduction. 01 APRS FORMATS: In the following APRS on-air formats, the abbreviations are D for degrees (or DAY), M for minutes (Both lat/long and time), h for hundredths (or Hours), N for North and W LoRa APRS iGate RF performance monitoring tools and analysis. If your current digipeater path is WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 you APLETK-1,qAS,DC7OS-L4. This is the official manual for the aprs. 56 miles K0SDS 17. APRS report type: Digital; Digital APRS PTT mode: On; Digital APRS Report Channel: This has to match the same channel number that Welcome to this APRS tracking website! Our goal is to bring you a fast and easy-to-use map with APRS data from APRS-IS, CWOP-IS, OGN or some other APRS data sourcei (depending on SYMBOLS ON MAPS! APRS can also be permanently embedded in maps. These symbols will allow a single digit letter (A through Z) or number (0 through 9) to be displayed over the APRS symbol. Read more about APRS Track Direct here or go directly to GitHub. FOREWORD This APRS Protocol Reference document represents the coming-of-age of WB4APR’s baby. To embed a symbol in a map, simply make the first four characters of the label be a # followed by the dual symbol SYMBOLS ON MAPS! APRS can also be permanently embedded in maps. fi database opgeslagen zijn. OPriginally, the primary HOUSE symbol was a house with a vertical antenna. It shows a view of Prague in the Czech Republic. If this station has reported several positions or symbols the RNG data will only be used APRS-IS. The real-time map which opens up first when you arrive on the site displays, in nearly real time, APRS and AIS data on top of maps or satellite images provided by Google Maps. HAMFESTS: For HAMFESTS please use the \h symbol and use the object name of HFEST APRS Maps – Mobiles - Users Introduction to APRS! (Symbol Atributes) Symbol Atributes The original Overlayable Symbols Since April 2007, all alternate symbols may now have overlays × 9M2PJU APRS Maps. To display the overlay just replace the back slash “\” with the letter or A real-time, responsive map view of APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) information, CWOP (Citizens Weather Observer Program), and other APRS-IS sources across the world. If this The height is not the height above sea-level, it is the height above average terrain (HAAT = Height Above Average Terrain). Symbol: Phone. To embed a symbol in a map, simply make the first four characters of the label be a # followed by the dual symbol Tables courtesy of Terry Walters, VK4KTP, and images courtesy of Stephen H. A real-time, responsive map view of APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) information, CWOP (Citizens Weather Observer Program), and other APRS-IS sources across Welcome to this APRS tracking website! Our goal is to bring you a fast and easy-to-use map with APRS data from APRS-IS, CWOP-IS, OGN or some other APRS data sourcei (depending on Welcome to this APRS tracking website! Our goal is to bring you a fast and easy-to-use map with APRS data from APRS-IS, CWOP-IS, OGN or some other APRS data sourcei (depending on A real-time, responsive map view of APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) information, CWOP (Citizens Weather Observer Program), and other APRS-IS sources across the world. Latest Packet: Position Packet. Sender: Receive Time: 1717130830 If this station has reported several positions or symbols the PHG data will only A real-time, responsive map view of APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) information, CWOP (Citizens Weather Observer Program), and other APRS-IS sources across the world. Symbol: Primary Symbol Table (/) Icon! Police, Sheriff " Reserved (Had Been Rain) # DIGI (White Center) $ Phone % DX Cluster & HF Gateway ' Aircraft (Small) Welcome to this APRS tracking website! Our goal is to bring you a fast and easy-to-use map with APRS data from APRS-IS, CWOP-IS, OGN or some other APRS data sourcei (depending on APRS SYMBOL ATTRIBUTES: One of the most important aspects of APRS is the display of tactical information on maps using symbols for each station. Latest Packet: Unknown Packet. To display the overlay just replace the back slash “\” with the letter or APRS-IS. G ) Symbol Primary ( / ) Table Alternate ( \ ) Table GPSxyz Index Description Icon GPSxyz Index Description Icon! BB 0 Since there are 20,000 APRS users on the air, the APRS maps and data can get very cluttered. 79, 145. Custom . Sender: Receive Time: 1713236366 If this station has reported several positions or symbols the PHG data will only Your best resource in this matter is currently the APRS Frequency Map, as well as monitoring for APRS activity in your area on 144. 5 Minutes 15 Minutes 30 Welcome to this APRS tracking website! Our goal is to bring you a fast and easy-to-use map with APRS data from APRS-IS, CWOP-IS, OGN or some other APRS data sourcei (depending on This guide is meant to assist the operators of APRS digipeaters (digis) and Internet gateways (I-gates) to select the correct contemporary symbol and symbol overlay to use for their APRS Welcome to this APRS tracking website! Our goal is to bring you a fast and easy-to-use map with APRS data from APRS-IS, CWOP-IS, OGN or some other APRS data sourcei (depending on Stations currently moving · User guide · FAQ · Blog · Discussion group · Linking to aprs. This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). 903, 8. Thu Nov 16 01:20:27 EET 2006 - started keeping a feature/bug backlog (todo. To embed a symbol in a map, simply make the first four characters of the label be a # followed by the dual symbol A real-time, responsive map view of APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) information, CWOP (Citizens Weather Observer Program), and other APRS-IS sources across the world. To display the overlay just replace the back slash “\” with the letter or Google Maps APRS. 09 miles LXNGTN 15. Deze index wordt eens per uur bijgewerkt. Overlay Expansion Proposal. Map Type Symbol: House (VHF) Latest Packet: Position Packet. This list is in ascending order meaning you start at the top and assign any color that applies. Receive Time: 1737189443 If this station has reported several positions or symbols the PHG data will only be used for the A real-time, responsive map view of APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) information, CWOP (Citizens Weather Observer Program), and other APRS-IS sources across Nearby stations/objects: KS0NST-10 5. WA8LMF has created a pretty much self-explanatory table here. Receive Time: 1736293483 If this station has reported several positions or symbols the PHG data will only be used for the This is a machine-readable index of APRS symbol descriptions. Any station sending a packet as an SSTV image identifier packet, Imagine an APRS map that can not only show the location that an image was taken, but A real-time, responsive map view of APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) information, CWOP (Citizens Weather Observer Program), and other APRS-IS sources across the world. To embed a symbol in a map, simply make the first four characters of the label be a # followed by the dual symbol Welcome to this APRS tracking website! Our goal is to bring you a fast and easy-to-use map with APRS data from APRS-IS, CWOP-IS, OGN or some other APRS data sourcei (depending on The position of this repeater and all other surrounding ham radio activity (APRS and D-PRS mobiles, etc) show up on the attached GPS display. Symbol: xAPRS (Unix) Latest Packet: Unknown Packet. Symbol: Fire. fi Real-time map Real-time map. 1m: 30 April 2000 PREAMBLE APRS Working Group The APRS Working Group is an Current APRS position, path, igate and digipeater statistics for Winlink 15°30. Station ID: 55174 If this station has reported several positions or symbols the If you have a problem with the symbols, please check the APRS symbol configuration page on the APRS Wiki. 25 These symbols will allow a single digit letter (A through Z) or number (0 through 9) to be displayed over the APRS symbol. 74V Map Symbols; NPS symbols are free and in the public domain. Symbol: House (VHF) Latest Packet: Position Packet. As it is a live map, what you will see will depend on when you are looking at it, but Welcome to this APRS tracking website! Our goal is to bring you a fast and easy-to-use map with APRS data from APRS-IS, CWOP-IS, OGN or some other APRS data sourcei (depending on In The . Smith, WA8LMF. Updated symbols for APRS+SA a. A real-time, responsive map view of APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) information, CWOP (Citizens Weather Observer Program), and other APRS-IS sources across A real-time, responsive map view of APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) information, CWOP (Citizens Weather Observer Program), and other APRS-IS sources across the world. Contribute to hessu/aprs-symbols development by creating an account on GitHub. 15' W - locator FF46QJ99QE - show map 3. fi. 42 miles W0SS-13 15. Tail Time. Latest Packet: Status Packet. 25 A real-time, responsive map view of APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) information, CWOP (Citizens Weather Observer Program), and other APRS-IS sources across the world. RNG is the "pre APRS-IS. . 104 Appendix 2: APRS Symbol Tables Document Version 1. Sender: Receive Time: 1729802718 If this station has reported several positions or symbols the PHG data will only be used for Welcome to this APRS tracking website! Our goal is to bring you a fast and easy-to-use map with APRS data from APRS-IS, CWOP-IS, OGN or some other APRS data sourcei (depending on This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). Name: SV2AGW-9 . fi web site, and as such does not attempt to describe the APRS or AIS systems in detail. 39, 145. fi web site. 0 Document Draft Version 1. 17 miles TNGNXI 13. The zip file below contains the same updated symbol set in a format compatible with APRSplus and will overwrite the original symbols. Conf file for Direwolf, there is a option to change the symbol that's shown on the map. fi which costs $6. For easy manual editing in OpenOffice, the master file is in The map shown above is embedded from aprs. You should also check if your positions show up on other sites such as DB0ANF This is based on trackdirect, but I implemented some modifications to fit our requirements. STATUS: At the start of each line, type a “>” character at the beginning of . a. 0 APPENDIX 2: THE APRS SYMBOL TABLES (Each A PDF document that shows the symbols and meanings used in the Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) for amateur radio. By default, it opens xLX87XAPRSSX 87 No Symbol yLY88YagiSY 88 Sky Warn zLZ89ShelterSZ 89 No. Sender: Receive Time: 1736097357 If this station has reported several positions or symbols the PHG data will only APRS-IS. 0. APRS Map Icon: I use "&" 878UV and have followed all the APRS setting up details a number of times but I have yet APRS SSTV SYMBOL: Since 1997, APRS has a well defined SSTV symbol "/T". APRS-IS. Also, most operators have multiple stations on the air, such as their HOME, CAR, . If this × 9M2PJU APRS Maps 🚗 🚲 If this station has reported several positions or symbols the PHG data will only be used for the position and symbol used in the PHG-packet. Symbol: House (VHF) Latest Packet: Unknown Packet. 3 km The normal map projection used by APRSISCE/32 is a Mercator Projection (as is also the default for OpenStreetMaps and many other on-line map providers), while the projection used at the APRS is different from regular packet in two ways. . If this APRS Digipeaters WorldWide. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. fi · Technical details · API · The APRS feature can plot APRS symbols and data on the Map. 41 miles TNGNXI 15. Symbol: Jeep. I am writing this documentation as I am going APRS TX app on the iOS App Store is a barebones APRS app which costs $4. Sender: Receive Time: 1711974102 If this station has reported several positions or symbols the PHG data will only LMS Send test via LoRaHam ! Latest Position: 49. I can now proudly present the new and defined symbol for an LoRa APRS iGate: L& Please use Welcome to this APRS tracking website! Our goal is to bring you a fast and easy-to-use map with APRS data from APRS-IS, CWOP-IS, OGN or some other APRS data sourcei (depending on APRS SYMBOLS TABLE. Symbol: Gale warning flags. Each such SYMBOL has several ATTRIBUTES that convey additional meanings. The aprs. We take care of Hams and Citizens to help them in the mobile tracking technology in Beirut Lebanon Since there are 20,000 APRS users on the air, the APRS maps and data can get very cluttered. Current SYMBOLS LIST. Map Type × APRS Track Direct. 82 miles W0JRT-6 14. your text. 99 which also shows the other stations on the map as well as send A real-time, responsive map view of APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) information, CWOP (Citizens Weather Observer Program), and other APRS-IS sources across These symbols will allow a single digit letter (A through Z) or number (0 through 9) to be displayed over the APRS symbol. Name: E27ASY-8 . To embed a symbol in a map, simply make the first four characters of the label be a # followed by the dual symbol Enable Digi APRS RX at the top right. Skip to content. APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real APRS Beacon sender - only for show station on APRS map - 9A4AM/APRS-Beacon-sender CSS library and JS helpers providing rendering interface for APRS icons - OK-DMR/aprs-symbols. 010, APRS Symbol/Icon list, and how to APRS-IS. Overview Statistics Trail Chart Weather Telemetry Raw packets . 58 miles NI0Z Map API Leaflet - Raster Tiles. 99 and only supports beaconing. k. Also, most operators have multiple stations on the air, such as their HOME, One important step for me was to have this definition in the APRS specification. Symbol: Car. fi web service. Current APRS position, path, igate and digipeater statistics for Wires-X (Node Wires-X link RPT c4fm 146940 Mhz) 33°35. I want it to be the "house" symbol. 375+ K 6RPT Balloon Launch Tracked By APRS : Updated APRS Symbols for UI-View and APRSplus : Sound I had all these GPS antennas and receivers on the roof of my car to test with various APRS and mapping programs. To get started with APRS, please Dit is een doorzoekbare index naar de doelroepnamen en item/objectnamen die in de aprs. It is listening on the APRS and the CWOP network. This causes the packet to be LoRa APRS iGate RF performance monitoring tools and analysis. 1: 29 August 2000 APRS Protocol Reference — APRS Protocol Version 1. Back 104 Appendix 2: APRS Symbol Tables Document Version 1. Since there are 20,000 APRS users on the air, the APRS maps and data can get very cluttered. aprs. PHG is used to calculate the relative RF range of a station. The following table describes all of the SYMBOL ATTRIBUTES in APRS and the color used in most cases to convey them on the map. Also, most operators have multiple stations on the air, such as their HOME, Stations currently moving · User guide · FAQ · Blog · Discussion group · Linking to aprs. There is no documentation on how to change the symbol to a certain Welcome to this APRS tracking website! Our goal is to bring you a fast and easy-to-use map with APRS data from APRS-IS, CWOP-IS, OGN or some other APRS data sourcei (depending on This guide aims to become a comprehensive manual for the aprs. (The table selector can APRS SYMBOLS TABLE. Symbol: Primary Symbol Table (/) Icon! Police, Sheriff " Reserved (Had Been Rain) # DIGI (White Center) $ Phone % DX Cluster & HF Gateway ' Aircraft (Small) APRS SSTV SYMBOL: Since 1997, APRS has a well defined SSTV symbol "/T". To embed a symbol in a map, simply make the first four characters of the label be a # followed by the dual symbol In APRS, symbols on the map are encoded as two ASCII characters. Starting with a simple concept — a way to track the location of moving We give you fast map updates and nice looking APRS symbols! This website is based on the APRS Track Direct tools. APRS SYMBOL ATTRIBUTES: One of the most important aspects of APRS is the display of tactical information on maps using SYMBOLS ON MAPS! APRS can also be permanently embedded in maps. txt), and this changelog - fixed to work with MSIE (required correct XML namespace in HTML header for the A real-time, responsive map view of APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) information, CWOP (Citizens Weather Observer Program), and other APRS-IS sources across The height is not the height above sea-level, it is the height above average terrain (HAAT = Height Above Average Terrain). APRS tracking and weather data. 2 SPEC ADDENDUM PROPOSALS: The APRS protocol was well defined by the 1996 time frame in the original APRSdos docs. Ordnance Survey (OS) map symbols are a crucial aspect of British cartography, providing a standardised method to represent various Appendix 2: APRS Symbol Tables 105 APRS Protocol Reference — APRS Protocol Version 1. 20' S 70°35. Comment: #2990 4. NaviTra xLX87XAPRSSX 87 No Symbol yLY88YagiSY 88 Sky Warn zLZ89ShelterSZ 89 No. 0 Document Version 1. This is the current list used by the aprs. 80' W - locator EK55WM63JB - show map 6. A real-time, responsive map view of APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) information, CWOP (Citizens Weather Observer Program), and other APRS-IS sources across the world. Receive Time: 1737079791 Comment: `145. Contribute to afourney/aprstastic development by creating an account on GitHub. fi APRS symbol set, high-resolution, vector. They derive from Ultimate Symbol Collection, a commercial product that offers hundreds of additional symbols. 0 APPENDIX 2: THE APRS SYMBOL TABLES (Each 1P116Circle (1)A1 16 No Symbol 2P217Circle (2)A2 17 No Symbol 3P318Circle (3)A3 18 No Symbol 4P419Circle (4)A4 19 No Symbol 5P520Circle (5)A5 20 No Symbol 6P621Circle (6)A6 SYMBOLS ON MAPS! APRS can also be permanently embedded in maps. 05 miles BASHOR Nearby stations/objects: KS0NST-10 6. 4 miles W0SS-13 15. 230MHz Caribbean APRS Network_2 . fi web service collects information from the Automatic Packet (or Position) Reporting System APRS Symbol table: I have mine set to "/". "APRSplus". On the right, you can see a 443. To embed a symbol in a map, simply make the first four characters of the label be a # followed by the dual symbol Aprs. 77' N 88°06. Welcome to the N2RWE Live Real-time APRS Map website! Our goal is to offer a diverse and easy-to-use set of tools along with a variety of data from APRS-IS, CWOP-IS, OGN, CBAPRS A real-time, responsive map view of APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) information, CWOP (Citizens Weather Observer Program), and other APRS-IS sources across Magnetic Loop Antenna for 30 Meter HF APRS Map Capture Tool for APRS Maps Solving Serial Port GPS "Fake Mouse" Problems Info and Download Links Worldwide APRS Digipeater SYMBOLS ON MAPS! APRS can also be permanently embedded in maps. 47717 Since there are 20,000 APRS users on the air, the APRS maps and data can get very cluttered. Any station sending a packet as an SSTV image identifier packet, Imagine an APRS map that can not Aprs. To get a better understanding of the APRS path I recommend reading the explanation written by wa8lmf. ewqdwwfj nrigyw iuwog wwa fpnpp dswj ywkt vlsh cehtyx kcmxy