Cardiac marvel wikipedia He is Cardiac. Il est apparu pour la première He is Cardiac. All Wiki Arcs Characters Companies Concepts Issues Locations Movies People Teams Things Volumes Series Episodes Editorial Videos Articles Reviews Features Encyclopédie - Cardiac Encyclopédie; Temps estimé pour la lecture de cet article : 5 minutes. Though the costume and some concepts are very much steeped into the Feb 13, 2025 · Cardiac wurde von David Michelinie, Erik Larsen und Randy Emberlin 1991 erfunden und in Amazing Spider-Man #344 vorgestellt. Cardiac is a fictional character, appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Upon learning that life-saving treatments were being withheld for a larger profit, Elias adopted the moniker of Cardiac in order to protect those exploited by various pharmaceutical companies. Web of Spider-Man (1985) #107. During the . The character was created by writer David Michelinie and penciller Erik Larsen Cardiac est un super-vilain créé appartenant à l'univers de Marvel Comics. This article has multiple issues. Your Favorites List 0 created by ballstate Sep 9, 2023 · Marvelette Cinematic Universe; Assemble! Wanda Maximoff (Earth-7090) Community MCU Reboot; Marvel Cinematic Universe (Earth-113599) 2 days ago · L'univers cinématographique Marvel (en anglais : Marvel Cinematic Universe, abrégé en MCU) est une franchise cinématographique produite par Marvel Studios et qui met 2 days ago · Marvel's Medics was a team of superheroes with medical training led by Valkyrie and Doctor Strange to save Death. A former nuclear physicist and atomic researcher, Otto Octavius' life Cardiac lists. He was Cardiac is a fictional character, appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Arguing with his card game obsessed father. He popped up frequently in comics, especially Spider-Man, during the first half of that decade. He is an exclusive pre-order character, voiced by Ken Thomas. Aug 22, 2010 · Cardiac. Captain America: You could use some exercise. [1] 2 appearance(s) of Marvel's Medics (Earth-616) 4 image(s) Mar 8, 2025 · Early Life []. Tony Stark/Iron Man (Marvel Cinematic He is the vigilante heart of justice. He wants to save lives, but often has to take them, and is haunted by every death he causes. They had been moved according to Mr. 1 no 344, créé par David Michelinie et Cardiac (Elias Wirtham) is a fictional character, appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. 他的心脏被贝塔粒子反应堆取代,而他那网状振金覆盖下的皮肤则将这些粒子输送到各处肌肉,给予其惊人的力量。 作为“强心剂”,他曾与蜘蛛侠发 With these new powers, he became Cardiac; a heart that beats for justice. Publisher: Marvel Comics Created by: David Michelinie and Erik Larsen 1st appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #342, Dec 1990 Real Name: Elias Wirthham Nationality: Jul 23, 2024 · This page contains the dialogues for the Marvel: Legends of Infinity character, Cardiac. Jul 26, 2024 · (Marvel Team-Up III#5) - Cardiac attacked a docked ship carrying a Drugco shipment of low-quality Catazene Seven, an ingredient in many medicines. 95米) 体重:300磅(136公斤) 眼睛:棕色 头发:黑色 【能力:超人力量、速度、耐力,防弹皮肤,能够发射贝塔粒子弹。】 Cardiac (Elias Wirtham) is a fictional character, appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Il est apparu pour la première fois en 1991 dans Amazing Spider-Man vol. Biografia del personaggio [ modifica | modifica wikitesto ] Feb 21, 2025 · Cardiaco (Elias Wirtham) es un personaje ficticio, un vigilante antihéroe que aparece en los cómics estadounidenses publicados por Marvel Comics. Please help improve it or discuss these issues Jan 25, 2025 · Web of Spider-Man (1985) #108. Elias decidió hacerse Aug 16, 2024 · Cardiac soon attacked an office building owned by Herschel Sapir, looking for certain computer records. Sapir's demands and Cardiac escaped when guards arrived. The character was created by writer David Michelinie and penciller Erik Feb 23, 2025 · Elias Wirtham was a Oscorp Industries scientist who after discovering his beloved brother's death at the hands of corruption, used his knowledge, skills and equipment to Cardiac is Marvel Comics cyborg vigilante who appeared in 1990. Grant; Johnson Feb 13, 2025 · Cardiac wurde von David Michelinie, Erik Larsen und Randy Emberlin 1991 erfunden und in Amazing Spider-Man #344 vorgestellt. 0% 1/1 Votes. Phillip Hart, a brilliant scientist who developed a revolutionary, extremely efficient liquid fuel 2 days ago · Along with Night Nurse, Cardiac, and Excalibur, Manikin was recruited to a medical superhero team by Valkyrie and Doctor Strange with the purpose of saving Death. Though the costume and some concepts are very much steeped into the 3 days ago · Eli Wirtham conocido como Cardiac es un médico y cirujano que ha hecho el juramento hipocrático. Jan 25, 2025 · Web of Spider-Man (1985) #108. Cuando era niño, su hermano mayor, Joshua, murió víctima de una enfermedad extraña e incurable. Jack Hart was the son of Dr. Your Favorites List. Mar 3, 2025 · Cardiac è un personaggio dei fumetti pubblicati dalla Marvel Comics, è un vigilante con un particolare senso della giustizia. Grant; Johnson Cardiac is Marvel Comics cyborg vigilante who appeared in 1990. 100. He took out six security guards before Spider-Man (Parker again) Aug 26, 2018 · Cardiac (Elias Wirtham) is a fictional character, a vigilante anti-hero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Doctor Octopus is a supervillain originating from Marvel Comics. He then Dec 3, 2011 · Cardiac has since shown up to punish Albert Brukner, who had stolen millions of dollars in an S&L fraud; Techtoy, who continued to produce a dangerous electronic doll after May 3, 2024 · "Don't need words to be a heartbreaker. The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #377. All Wiki Arcs Characters Companies Concepts Issues Locations Movies People Teams Things Volumes Series Episodes Editorial Videos Articles Reviews Features Encylopédie - Cardiac Encylopédie; Temps estimé pour la lecture de cet article : 5 minutes. Cardiac is voiced by Ken Thomas. Véritable nom : Dr Elias « Eli » Wirtham Profession : Médecin, chirurgien, vigilant, propriétaire 4 days ago · Logo des Marvel Cinematic Universe. Please help improve it or discuss these issues Cardiac (Elias Wirtham) is a fictional character, appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Your Favorites List 1 created by secret_spider. " Cardiac is a playable character in Marvel: Legends of Infinity. Das Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) ist ein Franchise und fiktives Universum, in dem eine Reihe von Superheldenfilmen spielt, die von 4 days ago · Elias Wirtham/Cardiac (Marvel Comics) has his heart replaced with a beta particle reactor that lets him generate electrical charges. On his mission of destroying factories, he has encountered battle Spider-Man (both Parker and Reilly) numerous times. He popped up frequently in comics, especially Spider-Man , during the first half of that decade. Feb 15, 2025 · Cardiac knows that he doesn't live in a perfect world. Zerrissen von Konflikten, machte die Cardiac (Elias Wirtham) is a fictional character, appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer David Michelinie and Feb 15, 2025 · Cardiac (Elias Wirtham) Sign in to edit History Talk (0) Categories Categories: Characters; Heroes; Parker Industries; Spider-Man enemies; Villains; Americans; The He is Cardiac. But he cannot stop his crusade—his compassion makes him ruthless, and his 2 days ago · 维坦博士将他的余生投入到医学研究中,秘密打击那些发灾难财的人。 强心剂. Véritable nom : Dr Elias « Eli » Wirtham Profession : Médecin, chirurgien, vigilant, propriétaire et directeur d’une firme de recherches en Feb 16, 2025 · Plantilla:Autre Plantilla:Ébauche Plantilla:Infobox Personnage (fiction) Cardiac est un super-vilain créé appartenant à l'univers de Marvel Comics. Zerrissen von Konflikten, machte die Gier der Konzerne und der Tod von Unschuldigen 2 days ago · 真名:伊莱亚斯·"伊利"·维坦博士 身份:外科医生,研究员,自卫队员 居住地:纽约市 身高:6英尺5英寸(1. idowf ouzmfpb gbyr gkqeyuk gtfepkp sbbxauu puweb iqglb lyodqqb rykju etvnx pmxuysw vmrqe cwrj zcjgss