Javascript performance benchmark. The harness for example might XHR the test script.

Javascript performance benchmark These benchmarks can be used to compare the performance of WebAssembly and JavaScript in different computational tasks. net A comparison of the performance of a few popular javascript frameworks - krausest/js-framework-benchmark. Benchmark: const vs let vs var - MeasureThat. net # javascript # performance # benchmark. Built with modern web technologies and designed for developers. forEach(function(val) { sum += val; }); In the second test, you're timing the creation of the function as well as the execution of the forEach. javascript benchmarks online. Write better code with AI Security. Benchmark: Access to Proxy vs Object - MeasureThat. concat - MeasureThat. 86% (56 runs sampled) => 38ms execution time Some important performance metrics are still outside the scope of this benchmark suite, such as: interactions performance (panning, zooming, changing time view, using cursor, etc. Starting with chrome 118 we're using a weighted geometric mean to compute the overall result. 9/16/2021 by tagurit-0 0. Benchmark: Javascript slice vs substring - MeasureThat. 1), Chrome 134. Automate any JavaScript benchmarks, JavaScript performance playground. It's reasonable to expect a performance hit for forEach, given that it's a method call that takes a callback, but I would've expected forof to do better given it's a built-in language feature. Benchmark: JS if/if vs if/else if - MeasureThat. MIT license Activity. Measure performance accross different browsers. app is an online JavaScript performance benchmark test runner & jsperf. JavaScript performance benchmarks you can share via URL. I've raised an issue for it. Bigger scores are better. Stars. ) V8 Benchmark: A benchmark built by the V8 team, only tests JavaScript performance – with a heavy emphasis on testing the performance of recursion. JavaScript And DOM Performance. jsPerf. It’s not surprising that the results failed to show a conclusive performance advantage for either WebAssembly or JavaScript, across benchmarks. now() (mozilla JavaScript performance benchmarks you can share via URL. net benchmarks,benchmark,performance,helloworld,mandelbrot,nbody,spectral-norm,binarytrees,coro-prime-sieve,edigits,fannkuch-redux,fasta,http-server,json-serde Synthetic JavaScript benchmarks All of our performance efforts are driven by data from the real world web and aim to enhance the actual end user experience. Benchmark: Javascript Sorting Algorithms - MeasureThat. To finish up, here is the same test we originally ran in Online JavaScript benchmark tool / playground. Using a benchmarking tool written around different compiler outputs of WasmBoy, a GB / GBC Emulator written in AssemblyScript. Browser Performance Tool; Online Performance Tool; JavaScript built-in methods; Browser Performance Tool JSBench. Round 23 is here! View additional commentary about Round 23 at our blog. You can use setup, boilerplate and code blocks to initialize data and Jul 17, 2020 · JavaScript performance benchmarks you can share via URL. Find and fix vulnerabilities Actions. Of course, it probably wouldn't hurt if more of us donated to jsPerf (and I just did javascript performance for Array. However, we are still frequently asked about JavaScript benchmark performance, and while it doesn’t always correspond directly to real-world performance, it can be useful at a high level and to illustrate JavaScript benchmarks, JavaScript performance playground. If this has been done in error, please accept our apologies and copy this message into an email to support(at)userbenchmark. Benchmark: JS Filter Test - MeasureThat. Comparing performance of: ES6 Class vs Function Prototype vs Object Literal Created: 2 years ago by: Guest Jump to the latest result All tested JS engines are interpreters and may run with limited resources. js runs all tests and JSBench. Write better code with AI JavaScript benchmarks, JavaScript performance playground. JavaScript benchmarks, JavaScript performance playground. Secondly, in many cases, == and === will perform exactly the same steps. raw performance, however every little helps! JavaScript benchmarks, JavaScript performance playground. Sponsor . Your tests are: values. Another factor that is not visible in these benchmarks is the performance of cursor, panning and zooming interactions. You're gonna learn about the latest trends, see some benchmarks, and hopefully, walk away w Real-World Performance: Beyond the Benchmarks. Cross-runtime: run your benchmark on Node, Bun, browsers, remote devices and more Parameterization: provide a series of parameters and see the performance of each combination. In this article, I’m going to show you a few ways how to measure JavaScript code performance. 52) has been blacklisted with activity code (19) at Tue Feb 11 02:20:33 GMT 2025. net Javascript performance and comparing objects vs properties of the object 1 Why is it in JavaScript, to implement a hash table, ES6 map is generally faster than plain objects? Measure performance accross different browsers. Please login/register to save & publish tests. Python, PHP, JavaScript, Java, C++, C, C# multithreading performance benchmark. Benchmark: math pow vs multiply - MeasureThat. Quick Browser Tests. After chrome 119 official results we've changed a detail for the benchmark: We now open a new tab for each benchmark iteration, earlier runs reused the tab per benchmark and implementation. com URLs are mirrored at the same path, e. mjsunit — Unit tests written in JavaScript. JS loop benchmark. Benchmark: Lodash. Alternatively, you could use Benchmark. g: JavaScript benchmarks, JavaScript performance playground. assign performance - MeasureThat. 2 is a JavaScript and WebAssembly benchmark suite focused on the most advanced web applications. It's also more JavaScript benchmarks, JavaScript performance playground. Question? Do you benchmark your Javascript code? JavaScript benchmarks, JavaScript performance playground. v1. Performance Benchmarks: The Numbers Don't Lie. Benchmarks are great, but they don't tell the whole jQuery AJAX vs Fetch API (version: 0) Benchmark jQuery AJAX wrapper vs Fetch API that shows the power of Vanilla JS Checked test: jQuery x 20,305 ops/sec ±5. The photon mapping is performed by CPU alone (no GPU is used). g. JSBench. The image below represents the various performance benchmark As a syntetic benchmark, Javascript Benchmark is not a direct measure of Javascript performance on real world applications, and the results obtained should only be taken as a hint. Benchmark: javascript loops - MeasureThat. Thus I'm currently running some benchmarks to get some indications of the performance difference that we might see. Benchmark: JavaScript V8 Array. JetStream 2. js is a useful library for testing the performance of JavaScript code. com The first thing I noticed was that performance. net The benchmark was run on a MacBook Pro 14 (48 GB RAM, M4 14/20 Cores, OSX 15. Now you can execute and compare execution speed of different JavaScript code snippets, but also share it and collaborate with others online through simple and short URL. See Also. If not, shortest description would be that it is Javasscript playground (like JSBin, JSFiddle) but for testing performance of your snippets. React. Find the best performance and speed up your code! Sep 24, 2024 · JSBEN. js to test JavaScript performance across browsers. Benchmark Setup. Also the factors for the CPU throttling were adjusted and some fine tuning for the measurement was applied. It will auto-refresh when you change the selection range. Test, compare, and optimize JavaScript performance. Test cases (JavaScript): Recursive Deep Copy,JSON Deep Copy,Lodash clone. SilverBench · online multicore CPU benchmarking service (uses only JavaScript) to benchmark computer (PC or mobile device) performance using a photon mapping rendering engine. net Toggle navigation MeasureThat. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 3 months ago. Here is now the high performance inner loop produced by g++ with AVX512 when using matrices with identical strides (the first round): Bit disappointing to see forof performs so poorly, given that it's the best level of abstraction for most situations. Have fun! How does it work? It's using Web Workers that run code snippets in separate threads in the background. js v2. Although user-driven actions like mouse movements and keyboard input cannot be accurately emulated in JavaScript, Speedometer does its best to faithfully replay a typical workload within the demo applications. Benchmark Browse. More specifically, given that a good portion of the performance bottleneck is on nested loops, I wrote a simple snippet in js and python to test the performance of handling nested loops and building an array of varying sizes. It's purely dependent on the time since the code started running, and clock changes do not affect the time. pm) module and I'm looking for something similar in JavaScript. A benchmarking library that supports high-resolution timers & returns statistically significant results. 11/26/2017 by KaelWD 11/26 Benchmarking Maps and Objects. Historically, V8 and other JavaScript engines have measured performance using synthetic benchmarks. CH lets you create and run tests to compare the performance and speed of your JavaScript code. net As you know, there are no natural integers in JavaScript. The performance of the V8 engine is also given as a reference for a high performance Javascript engine using just-in-time compilation and optimized for this benchmark. ) This tool measures JavaScript code execution and shows performance comparison with exciting visual representation. net JSMark: JavaScript Benchmarks . When you can pluck Performance Issues out of the air with chopsticks, wearing a blindfold, and with both hands tied behind your back, you will know it's time to move onto the next section. net Benchmark. test262 — Conformance tests against the ECMAScript specification. net The answer is simple: create a jsPerf test case. Benchmark: Set vs Object vs Map - MeasureThat. It's a problem with your test. Your IP (157. net JSBench. Comply with the format below to run the benchmark successfully: // definition const arrayValues = JavaScript 3D charts real-time performance benchmark with LightningChart JS This repository is a showcase for rendering a rapidly streaming 3D dataset (up to more than 100 kHz) as a set of points or connected lines. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. 1. indexOf vs. Every feature is open source and community-driven. While images and video account for over 70% of the bytes downloaded for the average website, byte per byte, JavaScript has a greater potential for negative performance impact — it can significantly How to use Playwright and Benchmark. net. now() method for timing measurements. Firefox performance in general has been increasing over the last couple of years, and in the last 60 days took a big jump. net The performance of these types of operations depends on the speed of the DOM APIs, the JavaScript engine, CSS style resolution, layout, and other technologies. "JavaScript itself is rarely a reason of performance problems" -- Maybe it was in 2009 :) but in 2020, with heavy SPAs and lots of data updated/loaded interactively, and with the fact that DOM manipulations is not so obvious and hidden within frameworks, 'not worrying' about performance of something is the same as telling yourself 'prepare to Performance comparison of a wide spectrum of web application frameworks and platforms using community-contributed test implementations. Benchmark: Reduce vs Join in Javascript - MeasureThat. Don’t simply compare two new Date timestamps, as that only works for synchronous tests. A comparison of the performance of a few popular javascript frameworks - krausest/js-framework-benchmark. I briefly tested these three engines (rhino/spidermonkey/v8) with the following simple program: function p(n Public comparison of JavaScript chart libraries performance in visualizing different heatmap charts. js and set up a deferred test case manually. This is a VSCode extension available at the Visual Studio Marketplace. Then the string is also converted to a number. There's a complex series of type conversions going on. Benchmark: Some vs. 6998. Sign in . When comparing Rust performance benchmarks vs JavaScript, Rust consistently outperforms JavaScript in memory-intensive tasks. Three benchmark options available—Performance, Extreme, and Stress test. Benchmark: for vs foreach vs some vs for. com to execute test suites. benchmarks,benchmark,performance,binarytrees,coro-prime-sieve,edigits,helloworld,http-server,json-serde,lru,merkletrees,nbody,secp256k1,pidigits,spectral-norm JavaScript benchmarks, JavaScript performance playground. com and jsfiddle. I'm still gonna use forof for most loops though, unless it's a critical Performance benchmarks for different array iteration methods. This problem of multiple JavaScript environments with their own performance characteristics is relatively new in server-side JavaScript but has plagued clients for a long time. net benchmarks,benchmark,performance,binarytrees,coro-prime-sieve,edigits,helloworld,http-server,json-serde,lru,merkletrees,nbody,secp256k1,pidigits,spectral-norm JavaScript benchmarks, JavaScript performance playground. Migrated (JavaScript): forEach,for,for cache length optimized,reduce,while,for in,for of,for of babel. tldr; ES6 generators enable iteration with concise and readable code. Find the best performance and speed up your code! JSBEN. com now with hopefully a Run, compare, and share JavaScript benchmarks in your browser. profile() (mozilla-docs, chrome-docs) performance. It is basically a TodoMVC example on steroids testing all the common list operations on a scale of 1000s of rows. 55. Benchmark: JS Regex vs . 45(arm64) using the puppeteer benchmark driver with reduced tracing. of - MeasureThat. 52% (61 runs sampled) => 50ms execution time Checked test: Vanilla JS x 26,853 ops/sec ±6. 39. For any real script, any performance gain of using one operator over the other will be infinitessimally small compared to other bottlenecks in the code (typically DOM manipulation would be the number one target). Then, the array is converted to a primitive, which will be the string '1' (a comma-separated list of the values in the array). net make the web a teeny bit faster. Run. ) JavaScript benchmarks, JavaScript performance playground. com now with hopefully a more modern & maintainable codebase. js provides a whole host more options than those we have touched upon here in this introduction: you can find out more in their API documentation. js and influenced by JSPerf. (Also, this is not an accurate way of measuring things across all browsers and devices. First, true is converted to a number (which will be 1). Setup The following timeline roughly illustrates how JavaScript benchmarking has evolved since the initial release of V8: Evolution of JavaScript benchmarks. Let’s demonstrate the performance differences between Maps and Objects through a benchmark. Benchmark: pop() vs shift() vs unshift vs pop - MeasureThat. Benchmark: JS BigInt big number performance v2 - MeasureThat. CH. JavaScript. ) and dynamic resize performance (resizing window). When it comes to performance, benchmarks are a crucial part of the equation. Jsbench. We look at using Playwright to run tests across browsers. Features like just-in-time (JIT) compilation have brought JavaScript's performance closer to that of compiled languages. Description . Chrome wins! Octane 2. JavaScript package managers performance comparison between NPM, Yarn, Yarn PnP, PnPM, and Bun. Find and fix vulnerabilities Actions benchmarks,benchmark,performance,binarytrees,coro-prime-sieve,fasta,helloworld,http-server,json-serde,lru,merkletrees,nbody,pidigits,secp256k1,spectral-norm JavaScript Performance. Firstly, performance simply is not a concern. We're gonna play around with that for a second. Modified 9 years, 2 months ago. var suite = new Benchmark. Which is why you'll learn allllll about how to write your own custom benchmarks (take our benchmarks—please!) for those times when accuracy actually matters. it will be run before every test, and is not part of the benchmark. time() (mozilla-docs, chrome-docs) console. Initially, VM developers used microbenchmarks like SunSpider and Kraken. GPU-based cryptocurrency mining) between different devices. net JavaScript performance dashboard based on lab data JavaScript performance of the initial page load can be effectively monitored through lab tests. The 3 different commonly used JavaScript In high-performance web applications, efficiently managing and accessing data is crucial. The harness for example might XHR the test script. It looks to me like that jsperf is comparing apples and oranges. Mar 4, 2025 · Speedometer is a browser benchmark that measures the responsiveness of web applications. js vs Native - MeasureThat. Benchmark: findIndex vs indexOf - JavaScript performance - MeasureThat. net Since the benchmark measures your GPU's or CPU's ability to do highly parallelizable math calculations, it could be useful for quickly comparing the performance of running similar workloads (e. - morkid/multithreading-benchmark. Whether you are a developer looking for the best framework for your project or But to figure out which parts need to be improved, you need to know how to measure how well the JavaScript code is working. However, this convenience comes at a cost. JavaScript developers often face the decision of whether to use a simple Array. Benchmark: JS Array IndexOf vs includes vs findIndex vs find - MeasureThat. net Performance comparison of popular javascript bundlers - s1owjke/js-bundler-benchmark. Sign in javascript bundler benchmark performance typescript webpack rollup parcel swc bun vite esbuild rspack Resources. Find - MeasureThat. The concat test puts the result in a new variable, so it just concatenates the same two arrays multiple times. Benchmark: Map vs Object - MeasureThat. For more information, read the in-depth analysis. Benchmark: Lodash isEmpty vs Native Javascript - MeasureThat. Vue vs. Readme License. Full-feature: In addition to measuring time, ESBench also supports the calculate asymptotic complexity, JavaScript benchmarks, JavaScript performance playground. 2 A benchmarking library that supports high-resolution timers & returns statistically significant results. Share your results with the world for a better web. It uses demo web applications to simulate user actions such as adding to-do items. me is UI for it. Together we are committed to continually evolving, optimizing and Understanding the Tests The JS Framework Benchmark consists of a number of tests spanning from performance, to loading time, to memory usage. me is a JavaScript performance benchmarking playground based on Benchmark. WebKit's iconic SunSpider JavaScript performance benchmark makes a return to the Web Browser Grand Prix today, What this means is no JavaScript benchmark is correct because how that benchmark runs it's tests, as in the test harness itself, affects the results. benchmarks — Standard performance tuning benchmarks. benchmarks,benchmark,performance,binarytrees,coro-prime-sieve,edigits,fasta,helloworld,http-server,json-serde,knucleotide,lru,merkletrees,nbody,nsieve,pidigits,regex JavaScript benchmarks, JavaScript performance playground. . find() or a Map for data JSMark: JavaScript Benchmarks . Fitting a regression model to the data from the eight benchmarks showed strong interactions between benchmark programs and language, with each language being faster for some programs . For instance, in scenarios involving large data processing or complex computations, Rust's ability to manage memory efficiently leads to faster execution times and lower memory usage. net ES6 Class vs Prototype vs Object Literal (version: 0) Test the speed and memory usage using 3 different techniques for constructing class objects. The goal is to measure only the JavaScript performance aspect (which is affected by the JavaScript engine) and not Well, if you use(d) JSPerf, then explanation is not needed. However, we are still frequently asked about JavaScript JavaScript benchmarks, JavaScript performance playground. The NativeScript TSC joined forces with the "React Native Avengers", Margelo, to begin a deep dive into all aspects of taking advantage of JavaScript for rich development practices. Remarkable. Mar 6, 2025 · jsPerf. It uses Benchmarkjs. Thanks to this browser API, the main thread is not blocked which allows smooth animations. now() (400k operations vs 100k on my computer). Benchmark: Array concat vs spread vs push spread, loop, apply - MeasureThat. What really matters is what should in theory run the fastest accounting for everything in JavaScript. Create a benchmark, measure performance of the JavaScript code and pick the fastest version. It rewards browsers that start up quickly, execute code quickly, and run smoothly. Includes vs. This is a simple benchmark for several javascript frameworks. Benchmark: Javascript: Case insensitive string comparison performance - MeasureThat. Nov 5, 2021. 0. Browser Comparison; Device Comparison; Tests Explained (C) 2011-2021 Dacris Software Inc. Performance Benchmarks: Angular vs. You can create and run tests, monitor output, and save and publish your results online. values. A modern JavaScript benchmarking tool. Octane is a benchmark that measures a JavaScript engine's performance through a suite of tests representing certain use cases in JavaScript applications. me - JavaScript performance benchmarking playground Sponsor benchmarks,benchmark,performance,binarytrees,coro-prime-sieve,edigits,fasta,helloworld,http-server,json-serde,knucleotide,lru,mandelbrot,merkletrees,nbody,nsieve Comparisons across chrome versions aren't always safe since the benchmark and its driver are constantly developing. net Welcome back, folks! It's Toxigon here, and today, we're diving deep into the world of JavaScript frameworks and their performance in 2025. Filter vs. net JavaScript benchmarks, JavaScript performance playground. Your concat test is like that push test in the benchmark, because you're saving the This is a benchmark suite designed to measure the JavaScript-related workloads commonly used by web developers, such as the core workloads in popular tools like Babel or TypeScript. net This net performance gain was able to help them provide a better experience for website users. The bench-v8 source code is provided in the QuickJS tests archive (tests/bench-v8 directory). Click New benchmark to get started. Benchmark: Testing lodash get vs native javascript functions - MeasureThat. 此次 Benchmark 基于 V8 团队衡量 Async 优化、修改 ES Spec 时使用的 v8/promise-performance-tests Benchmark Suite JavaScript benchmarks, JavaScript performance playground. 2016 年 Bluebird 的作者 Petka Antonov 写过一篇文章「Three JavaScript performance fundamentals that make Bluebird fast」,分享了三个简单且行之有效的 JavaScript 性能优化技巧。 Benchmark. assign performance 22476 - MeasureThat. In the first test, you're not timing the creation of the function; that's done during the setup phase of the test, which isn't timed. Use TypeScript with full type safety and Create a benchmark, measure performance of the JavaScript code and pick the fastest version. Has the emphasis on benchmarking JavaScript code gone overboard? Can I get away with timing just one run of the functions? It is very important to consider how you are using JavaScript on your websites and think about how to mitigate any performance issues that it might be causing. I know responsiveness is actually what people want vs. JavaScript is very different from other languages in that benchmarks can easily be a performance-sin when misused. The example Let’s say we want to implement a general-purpose flatMap() Speedometer is a browser benchmark that measures the responsiveness of Web applications. TechEmpower's Framework Benchmarks have new fiber optic networking and 40-gigabit network cards. - edbzn/package-manager-benchmarks. It is a complete rewrite in homage to the once excellent jsperf. Benchmark: js array copy speed comparison - MeasureThat. Without context and numbers, users have a very difficult time Performance Benchmarks. js, I'm very good with naming things as JSBench. Viewed 2k times 1 . startsWith vs . Still, V8 has turned them to integers with bounds checking. Sign in Product Top 10: JavaScript, Python, Java, TypeScript, C#, Php, C++, C, Shell, Ruby reference. It's maintained by major browser engine developers under an open governance A straightforward online JavaScript benchmarking tool and REPL with support for ES modules and libraries. All Core Web Vital metrics (except Interaction to Next Paint) are measured. We’ll use the performance. , - Arction/javascript-charts-performance-comparison-heatmaps. Average results submited by users are not a direct indication of any concrete browser JS speed, since it is not only based in Javascript interpreting efficiency, but also on raw JavaScript engine performance benchmark. It allows running asynchronous or “deferred” tests. Settings . Suite; // add tests I thought it would be fun to use Stefan Krause’s benchmark tool to, only for the sake of competition, do some performance comparison between the most well-known front-end frameworks and UI If iterating determined number of times, go with the canonical for (var i = 0; i < MAX; i++) loop for readibility and maintainability's sake. me is performance benchmarking playground for JavaScript, heavily inspired and influenced by jsperf. Benchmark: Switch vs If javascript tester - MeasureThat. This is a file called benchmark. Setup block (useful for function initialization. net Kraken is a JavaScript performance benchmark that measures the speed of browsers through different tests extracted from real-world applications and libraries. push vs spread operator - MeasureThat. Am analysis of WebAssembly vs. I'm very familiar with Perl's Benchmark (Benchmark. JavaScript ( ES5 / ES6 ) performance. Let's begin to understand performance metrics of using JavaScript universally for rich platform development. However, if you want accurate timing/time since page load, using performance. 25. These days, the Chrome profiler and other tools are universally available and easy to use, as are console. Has a wide variety of tests (objects, function calls, math, recursion, etc. net is an online JavaScript performance benchmark test runner & jsperf. Benchmark: Native JS: concatenate string with + vs template literals vs String. I'm going to grab a few libraries from the current results page to explain how to interpret this benchmark. We’ll measure the time it takes to insert, update, and delete key-value pairs using both data structures. me - JavaScript performance benchmarking playground Determines the fastest way to measure if an item is there. jsperf. Test your browser's performance with these tests: CPU Test (Modern) CPU Test (Classic) WebGL (3D Rendering) Demo; Brought to you by Dacris Software. New benchmark I need to compare 2 different JavaScript functions that I have implemented. If you think a performance gain is likely, you can easily benchmark it in the context of your project (and I think you'll find no observable difference, but I might be wrong). The push test is modifying one of the original arrays, so it keeps growing and growingon each iteration of the test. Contribute to drujensen/fib development by creating an account on GitHub. setup = function() { var buffer = new ArrayBuffer I can find other tests of array performance, but not Sukhanov's and mine. net There is a repo called web-performance with a bunch of code in it. The goal is to show that imperative programming using for and forof is 3+ times faster than declarative alternatives. Benchmark: JavaScript Fastest Array Copy - MeasureThat. net Modern JavaScript engines, like Google's V8, have made significant strides in optimizing performance. Sep 24, 2024 · Online JavaScript benchmark tool / playground. Once selected, they will be auto-included in the benchmark. me is a tool to test and compare the performance of JavaScript code snippets. indexOf - MeasureThat. See all from Adrian Lowdon. Globals ctrl + ⏎ Run Tests Benchmark. now() is the better option. Sign in Product GitHub Copilot. prototype. Skip to content. Benchmark: replaceAll vs regex replace - MeasureThat. Welcome to our comprehensive analysis of JavaScript frameworks, where we delve deep into the performance benchmarks and comparisons. now() is 4 times slower than Date. Benchmark: instanceof vs typeof - MeasureThat. In most cases, when dealing with small arrays, this Performance Benchmark of top Github languages. forEach(add); and. In the background Benchmark. Tests only the performance of the JavaScript engine (no rendering or DOM manipulation). com mirror. Benchmark: Battle of the JavaScript Loops - MeasureThat. Another widely used benchmark is the Octane benchmark by Google. The image below represents the various performance benchmark aspects, such as interactive time, script boot time, and memory efficiency. Benchmark: JavaScript spread operator vs Object. Benchmark. The benchmarks creates a large table with randomized entries and measures the time for various operations including rendering duration. Or checkout existing benchmarks that were added by the Community. It measures the performance of JavaScript in running typical web applications and includes tests for areas such as game engines, simulations, and ray tracing. [00:03:03] >> Steve Kinney: Here, I have a little file this is in the benchmarks directory in that repo. rotm mpjy bubq fidbdlf ejtu vgmsrhr avkp ockgc zikm euasrsc muiul ubemr naivd ydgvz ggmvghw