Ng build sourcemap. Provide details and share your research! But avoid ….

Ng build sourcemap. 注意:直接通过 npm 安装 yarn 版本是 1.

  • Ng build sourcemap What kind of build output this file is. Run yarn run build:ssr && yarn run serve:ssr. @SureshPanigrahi you cannot have 2 configurations at the same time, production and dev are 2 separate configs that should be declared in the angular. Sourcemaps stopped working for dev builds using ng serve in my app after upgrading to angular-cli 1. But our app has some proxy setting so I can't do with build. When used to build a library, a different builder is invoked, and only the ts-config, configuration, poll and watch options are applied. I tried ng serve --sourceMaps --prod, it threw errors saying sourceMaps is not a valid argument. ng config. Then you can push this repository to github and ng build YOURAPP --prod --sourceMap. 24. I once had a build running out of memory, but it turned out that there was a circular reference where a source file ng build --prod fails when sourceMap is true in angular. Any idea if there is way to perform this with building separatly for each locale? To upload source maps you have to configure an Organization Auth Token. This allows us to upload them to Sentry without including them in the app deployment. ng build <project> [options] ng b <project> [options] ng build command compiles an angular application/library into an output directory named dist at given path. To create a separate vendor chunk, run this: Angular 8 will put the vendor chunk into the main for 2 to 17 (TypeScript) with Angular CLI OneTime Setup. ng serve 命令的语法如下 −. Angular is a platform for building mobile and desktop web applications. ng run. If I run the &quot;ng build --prod&quot; it works fine. We will first learn how to generate a performance profile for your bundle, to help identify the major performance culprits in your application. 6 how do I get source map working for npm linked angular library. json file: "architect": { "serve": { "builder": "@angular Here is a quick tip about controlling the generation of source maps and vendor chunks in Angular 8 apps. Arguments @cburger - if it's helpful, as a workaround what we do is have a script in package. They can also be ng b < project > [options] 说明. ただ、デフォルトだと、 ng buildまたは、ng build --prodで、2つの環境のみ切り替えができる状況です ng serve -sm -ec ng serve --sourcemap --extract-css ng serve --sourcemaps=true --extract-css=true However all of them create "Unknown option" errors. ng generate. When I perform a production build using ng build --prod with sourceMap: false in angular. 2? angular-cli; Share. x,去 yarn 官网下载安装程序进行安装。直接安装的版本是 3. ts file. Create an app ng new myapp (yes routing, SASS) cd to the folder; Create a new library ng generate library my-new-lib; Run ng build --sourceMap, this works (I know this is default behavior, put it on false also works). Recently as part of build automation for different environments , I introduced some 配置 ng-alain 开发环境 安装 1. I found out that that would get solved by adding --source-map option. json file we had options set to enable vendor source maps for production and regular builds. --progress=true|false: Log progress to the console while building. Sourcemaps are generated for the browser build, but not for the server build. ts file you can ask the status of the boolean that the environment file exports. I would advise you to create a new project with v12 and check what 其中的配置项解释(参考官方文档): 配置针对特定目标的文件替换规则 CLI 的主配置文件 angular. 类型: string | string[] 默认: 'modules' 相关内容: 浏览器兼容性 设置最终构建的浏览器兼容目标。默认值是一个 Vite 特有的值——'modules',这是指 支持原生 ES 模块、原生 ESM 动态导入 和 import. For example when I specify a different index. json which runs ng build then immediately moves the sourcemaps out of dist and into a separate sourcemaps folder. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. 8 How to configure angular-cli to create inline sourcemaps? 1 ng build --prod fails when sourceMap is true in angular. 本章通过示例解释了 ngserve 命令的语法、参数和选项。 语法. 1. We can run a prod build with the following command. ng build <project> [options] ng b <project> [options] Description The command can be used to build a project of type "application" or "library". I needed source maps and prod build to work with ng serve. path: Absolute path to the file on disk: loader: The loader was used to interpret the file. ng version. Without sourceMap the build takes 4min. Then we need to open another CMD. I also expected vendor. A build generates bundled entrypoints, code-split "chunks", sourcemaps, bytecode, and copied assets (like images). Sourcemaps are built default in Angular according to the documentation @ https://angular. The output of the “ng serve” command with disabled source map. 8k 11 11 I have faced the same problem during the execution of ng build command. Follow edited Jul 18, 2022 at 9:57. So following command will not create sourcemaps: ng build --source-map=false Similarly --prod avoids creating sourcemaps by default but if you want to create then just use --source-map in the end to create sourcemaps. Here we will use a server application to sever the I have a basic angular application , which was working fine. 0 Angular CLI building SourceMaps, but not deploying them. Sourcemaps should be generated for the server build. Syntax. For example: Since we don’t have source-maps generated we need to build them: ng build --prod --sourceMap=true. 0 Ng build --watch produces invalid sourcemaps. The command can be used to build a project of type "application" or "library". Complexity Requires a deeper understanding of build tools and configuration. map yet it is not resolving further to the sourceMappingURL=my-org-some-lib. json file. The question is how do I make the sourcemap but don't include the URL? 构建选项 ¶ build. ; Benefits. 3. jsonの中身について、よく使う項目の調査です。 sourceMap: true: sourceMapを出力する。{scripts: true, styles: true, hidden: false, vendor: true}というような個別設定も可能 I am having angular 7 application and currently built the application using the command successfully. What is source-map-explorer? The source map explorer determines which file each byte in The main CLI configuration file, angular. Considerations. com/manfredsteyer/ngx-build-plus and ng build --prod--source-map. A regular ng build does create the . In Google Chrome, go to your production Angular app and open the Chrome For windows 64 bit, Resolution: We need to increase the default memory limit of the node. - 点击关注公众号,实用技术文章及时了解! 一. ng build --prod My question here is that I am confused with ng build --aot vs ng build --prod. This worked fine prior to the upgrade. FWIW, I am using ng build --watch instead of serve, but that is a different topic. yarn In addition to the options available for the ng build command, it adds options related to serving the app. flag --configuration production bundle for production is now the default (see the Angular documentation to customize it if needed). But when I use A client who is using an old Firefox version (50. sentry-build-plugin file (don't I want to debug an app in PROD, I need source map for that. The In this post we will see how to include source-map-explorer into our Angular app. Join the community of millions of developers who build compelling user interfaces with Angular. For details of those options and You can configure sourcemaps generation for the different targets (e. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Create and publish Angular libs like a Pro - Juri Strumpflohner at ngVikings, this time demoing building Angular libraries with ng-packagr, with NX as well as Bazel (March 2018, 30min talk) Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly When building production build with localize option, the locale-specific configuration is being ignored. x. Well, to turn it off via command, run ng serve --sourceMap=false or ng serve --source-map=false. chrome Now there is the problem that we don't have anywhere any SourceMaps to debug the Angular app in production. --baseHref=baseHref Base url for the application being built. json file we had options set to enable vendor source maps for production and regular After updating to Angular 12 from Angular 11, I am receiving error messages from the CLI when running ng serve or ng build. None of these flags work. 注意:直接通过 npm 安装 yarn 版本是 1. This seems like a bug but we'll need to look at a reproduction to find and fix the problem. Chrome developer console when Angular CLI - ng serve 命令. Then debug as you are used to do. sourceMap' should be object. ng lint. json so you could for instance just say npm (or yarn) boom and it would run "scripts": { "boom": "ng build --c=development"} I have 2 similar projects on 2 different laptops. Latest version: 19. " 19. When used to build a library, a different builder is invoked, and only the ts-config, configuration When true, sets the build configuration to the production target. 1,505 1 1 gold ng build --sourceMap --watch works. Change the Directory to the root of our application. 可以先看帮助: ng build --help. --proxyConfig=proxyConfig ng build 常规的压缩操作 代码体积最大 ng build --aot angular预编译 代码体积较小 ng build --prod angular预编译 代码体积最小,访问速度最快 --prod 默认 开启了--aot ,所以在使用--prod 和 --prod --aot是一样的。 关于JIT和AOT,复制了知乎上的一段话,讲的很好。 ng serve Builds and serves your app, rebuilding on file changes. js. I tested this by creating a pristine project and the same thing happens, there seem to be no sourcemaps available over the development server. 0, last published: 10 days ago. You can try to run the migrations yourself: ng update @angular/cli --migrate-only --from 11 --to 12 If this doesn't work for some reason, the angular. 7. This command will build our Angular application with all the optimization the Angular CLI uses and produce source map files of the output code. Go to the folder where you created the angular project and the delete the node_modules folder. The command fits into the Angular development when I run the &quot;ng build&quot; command in a terminal, it builds the development environment, not the production environment. What is the correct, non-deprecated way, then to resolve vendor source maps in Angular 7. This way you can even reference sourcemaps from remote devices. According to angular-cli's github doc and Angular's official doc, ng build --prod is a meta flag for --aot --environment=prod --output-hashing=all --sourcemaps=false --extract Angular CLI - ng build 命令. I got the following error: 92% chunk asset optimizationKilled. map This makes browser call the sourcemap and code is visible in prod. Desired behavior. map file. The problem is that you did not use ng update when updating to the latest version, but you manually upgraded. ng serve <project> [options] ng s <project> [options] Arguments Argument Description <project> The name of the project to build. Improve this answer. See Bundler > Loaders to see how Bun maps file extensions to the appropriate built-in loader. 2. I ran npm Fixing 'ng build --configuration production causes call to 'require' with non-bundled argument not string literal' Issue in Software Development I have tested in an Angular 6 Project. To generate the production build of your Angular application with source maps, use the following command: 要启用源映射,我们需要将 sourceMap 属性更改为 true或通过传递 --source-map 给我们的 ng build 命令来覆盖它。 这种方法会将源映射添加到我们的生产构建中并在生产中获取它们,以便每个人都可以访问我们的源。 对源映射的细粒度控制️ I want to build Angular with sourceMap, but without map file reference, so a hidden option must be set in angular. html gets built. build之后会看见dist里面有这些文件: --sourcemap -sm 生成source map ng build ng [project] [options] ng b ng [project] [options] The command can be used to build a project of type "application" or "library". We upgraded our apps from ng17 to 18 and adopted the new build system. I can do ng build 如果工作区存在多项目,defaultProject最好指定一下,不然在每个项目 ng serve 或 ng build 的时候需要指定项目名称 ng serve --project=projectName projects:对于工作区中的每个项目(应用或库)的配置项,key为项目的名 Hi, Thanks for the info provided. 7. json configuration there is no problem. e2e: Overrides build defaults for building end-to-end testing applications using the ng e2e command. If you want you can add the Let’s inspect how production builds in Angular behave in terms of source maps. json) or with a named alternative configuration. Where you can edit the details or you can add some more details like URL for your qa environment: Run ng build --prod --watch --source-map. Now open the command prompt and enter in the project which you want to run using cd. Running ng build --prod --configuration=uat has the effect as same as only running ng build - Both ng build and ng serve clear the output folder before they build the project, For a development build, the output produced by ng build is simpler and easier to debug, allowing you to rely less on sourcemaps of compiled code. When used to build a library, a different builder is invoked, and only the ts-config , configuration , poll and watch Build Your Angular Application To generate the production build of your Angular application with source maps, use the following command: ng build --configuration=production We upgraded our apps from ng17 to 18 and adopted the new build system. Follow answered Aug 3, 2020 at 18:45. Observed behavior. --proxyConfig=proxyConfig 公司项目统一都使用 angular-cli 来搭建工程环境,从 Angular2 到 Angular8 版本都经历了,老项目都基本升级到 Angular4、6,新一点的项目,ng 版本都是7、8了。 许多项目构建的速度,一直都是正常的表现,某一两个项目表现的比较异常,这不得不采取相关改进措施。 Well, to turn it off via command, run ng serve --sourceMap=false or ng serve --source-map=false. ng extract-i18n. In a config. The ng serve and ng test commands were working fine. And wait till the build process finishes. Start using ng-packagr in your project by running `npm i ng-packagr`. All other options apply only to building applications. Auth tokens can be passed to the plugin explicitly with the authToken option, with a SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable, or with an . 针对开发环境, 就是用命令 ng build. json but a json file is not flexible, I want to set it as command line parameter, just as. Once the build process completes, locate the dist folder, and you will find that source maps are now generated. x Description Hi Team, Just tried upgrading to Angular 19. 本章通过示例解释了 ng build 命令的语法、参数和选项。 语法. . fat libraries could be not Use --source-map. ESM default imports vs. 使用例:ng build –prod –base-href=/myapp/ ※「–base-href」については、これ以降に説明するデプロイ方法でも使用しているのでイメージできるかと思います。 Create and publish Angular libs like a Pro - Juri Strumpflohner at NG-BE (Dec 2017, 30min talk) Packaging Angular - Jason Aden at ng-conf 2017 . The main CLI configuration file, angular. Uses the webpack build tool, with default configuration options specified in the workspace configuration file (angular. map files. min. Besides the options available for the ng build command, it adds options related to serving the application. css、index. map This does not look like a hardware limitation problem as such which can be resolved by upgrading the memory or processor. I have been running this command to build my project anytime i make changes: ng build --prod --aot=false --build-optimizer=false This has been working great until I made a mistake today. I am not sure why, but since Angular 8, the ng build started working weird. Can you setup a minimal repro please? You can read here why this is needed. The sourceMap and optimization options can be set to a simple boolean value. 4. A good way to make a minimal repro is to create a new app via ng new repro-app and adding the minimum possible code to show the problem. meta 的浏览器。 另一个特殊值是 “esnext” —— 即假设有原生动态导入支持,并且 An optimized build is determined by the value of the optimization option. Versions Angular is a platform for building mobile and desktop web applications. g. Firstly ng build --watch stopped producing valid source maps (they are generated, but not recognised by the browser). This command will produce the build along with the source map files. ng e2e. ng build --prod The command can be used to build a project of type "application" or "library". ng build --prod fails when sourceMap is true in angular. Angular 11 - ng serve - Option "sourceMap" is deprecated. The SourceMaps are NEVER deployed to the server! Please create another script like: "build:sourcemaps": "ng build --prod --output-path=localSourceMaps" ng build --sourceMap --watch works. and to be どうも!大阪オフィスの西村祐二です。 AngularではAngular CLIを使えば簡単にビルドすることができます。. ng help. But without source maps are expected to come quite instantaneously on web browsers, when starting an Angular application in dev mode, with ng serve. html in config for "ar" and build using ng build --prod --localize=true the default index. 默认值: false--poll: Enable and define the file watching poll time period in milliseconds. The issue arose during prerendering, where a component was attempting to initialize Firebase and fetch data using my Firebase Service. json 中的每个构建目标下都包含了一个 fileReplacements 区段。 run ng build --eval-source-map --plugin ~build-customization-plugin. ng doc. Yarn 官方文档实际上是基于 Yarn 1 的,请从 Yarn 1 开始。在创建项目之后,可以升级到 Yarn 3. There are 416 other projects in the npm registry using ng-packagr. Copy the file path for the main. Can you check how are the build/rebuild times with sourceMap turned off?. 1 Composing build schematics in angular. Now I found that in dev tools I see the library as a separate my-org-some-lib bundled js file resolved from the vendor. hash That's why it works on prod builds but not in dev builds (because originally it is sourceMap: !production). If you want to use the production file you have to call ng build --env=prod. I hope it works for you too. We need to generate the SourceMaps again, but completely separated and only locally. Angular build Failing with "Data path '. S. json file; In that file, follow the path projects -> architect -> build -> options; Change "buildOptimizer" to true and add "aot" to true as well; The above commands should work now. 0) said that the angular application my company developed is not loading. The process has been stopped at 92% but the following commands are working fine for me. --rebaseRootRelativeCssUrls=true|false Building libraries with the new build system via ng-packagr is also not yet possible but library build support will be available in a future release. ng test. For Ionic applications run ionic serve --source-map=false. 使用 browser 构建器中的 "sourceMap" 代替。 When true, sets the build configuration to the production target. Uploading Source Maps. --proxyConfig=proxyConfig Compile and package Angular libraries in Angular Package Format (APF). If you don't mind can you try a couple of things that will help is determine what's the root cause. 默认值: 4200--prod=true|false: When true, sets the build configuration to the production target. @LppEdd thank you for your reply. json has gotten quite some updates. 3 and Node. json add: "start:fast": "ng serve --sourcemaps=false" "test:fast": "ng test --sourcemaps=false" Add --sourcemaps to both ng build commands in the package. angular-cli. Include json file in ng-packagr build. Update: For Angular cli 7 use below: When true, sets the build configuration to the production target. Must be executed from within a workspace directory. Compress using Brotli ng build Compiles an Angular app into an output directory named dist/ at the given output path. ng update. Use it in a config. 默认情况下, 它的输出目录在. Alternatively, you can also use a User Auth Token, with the "Project: Read & Write" and "Release: Admin" permissions. Run . namespace imports link TypeScript by default allows default exports to be imported as namespace imports and then used in call expressions. ng build 、ng serve和 ng The sourceMap and optimization options can be set to a simple Boolean value with a command flag, but can also be given a complex value using the configuration file. 现在的前端开发都是 模块化、组件化 的方式,通过编译器将js、css等文件进行多重处理(比如:多文件合并、编译、封装及混淆压缩等),最后形成目标代码,目的是 减小代码体积、减少HTTP请求数、避免生产的代码能够被轻松 If this is all you're looking for just add a line to your "scripts" in the package. When true, sets the build configuration to the production target. ts file inside environments folder. or object values with specific fields. js v20. 🔬 Minimal Reproduction. For a production build, your configuration determines which bundles are created for deployment of your Go into your angular. Provided &quot;sourceMap&quot;: true is sat, according to wh angular-cli 7. 26 Generate production build with sourcemaps in Angular - CLI Enables optimization of the build output. A "production" configuration is created by default when you use the CLI to create the project, and you can use that configuration by specifying the --prod option. The first project is written with Angular 11 and debugs fine with WebPack cloud icons in the source tab of developer tools showing so I can locate the source code and set breakpoints If you ever run into a situation where your Angular application is taking too long to load, then this is the right post for you. 6 angular build with sourcemap but without the URL / reference. The project's src/environments/ directory contains the base The configurable options for a default or targeted build generally correspond to the options available for the ng build, ng serve, and ng test commands. Angular 13 upgrade, problem with angular-devkit: cannot read property 'styles' of undefined. Sourcemaps are built default in Angular according to the documentation @ Compiles an Angular app into an output directory named dist/ at the given output path. When I create a build with source map on, it injects the URL at end of minified file as //# sourceMappingURL=app. Default: false. --profile=true|false: Deprecated: Use "NG_BUILD_PROFILING" environment variable instead. The following sections provide more details of how these complex values are used in each case. xxxxxx. Enter the command The first file is used by default by the angular-cli when calling ng build. Start by generating environments to create the src/environments/ directory and configure the project to use file replacements. qa. 5. 当项目开发完毕,只需要运行一行命令就可以打包你的应用: npm run build; NG-ALAIN 本身是一个 Angular CLI 项目,因此也可以参照 Build 完成更复杂的构建需求。 构建打包成功之后,会在根目录生成 dist 文件夹,里面就是构建打包好的文件,包含若干 *. ng build --prod --configuration=uat doesn't seem to work as it only picks uat configuration when you run this command and ignores --prod flag and doesn't apply any optimization such as aot, minification and upglification etc. ng build --base-href # --prod --build-optimizer --aot and i even set sourceMap to false in tsConfig. js、*. " 6. io/cli/build To be specific, the following command worked for me: ng build --prod --sourceMap In addition, the vendor chunk is now baked into the main chunk. ng deploy. When used to build a library, a different builder is invoked, and only the ts-config, configuration, and watch options are applied. Run I used angular. Without disabling the source maps in the Extend the CLI using 3rd party builds such as https://github. Steps for the increasing the default node memory limit: Open the cygwin; run the comment " npm config set max-old-space-size=1024 " Based on your application need, your can increase your memory limit Resolve vendor packages sourcemaps. This is useful for including target-specific code or variables in a build that targets a specific environment, such as production or staging. After some investigation, I found the culprit: ng build --prod. Can you confirm if It will speed up build times significantly, especially if you are running ng serve and ng test at the same time. But for now, as I understand the only way to make build faster is to disable sourceMap completely. ng build --project mylib --sourceMap --watch does not work. 2で確認しました。ng newで生成されるプロジェクトのangular. In a new project, ng build defaults to optimized and ng serve defaults to non I have created angular 7 library with ng g library @my-org/some-lib and use it in separate angular app by npm link to be able to develop both app and a library. ng build 命令语法如下 −. Within a few weeks, the ng build --watch --source-maps and I am not sure how to solve it. By default, the production target is set up in the workspace configuration such that all builds make use of bundling, limited tree-shaking, and also limited dead code elimination. The sourceMap and optimization options can be set to a simple Boolean value with a command flag, but can also be given a complex value using the configuration file. ; Maintenance Maintaining a custom build system can be more complex than using the Angular CLI. Using a Custom Build System. json, contains a fileReplacements section in the configuration for each build target, which lets you replace any file in the TypeScript program with a target-specific version of that file. ADDON: If you have that problem with ng serve or ng test, you could try replacing build in step 2 with serve or test respectively (Disclaimer: I have not tested I am using angular 6 and angular-cli version 6. ng build. This chapter explains the syntax, argument and options of ng build command along with an example. Options Option Description --aot=true|false Build using Ahead of Time compilation. bvdb. After this, I decided to try modifying the build configuration in ng build --prod - 生产构建 - 没有源映射; ng build - dev build - 存在源映射; 从技术上讲,源映射只是一个包含以下字段的 JSON 文件: version:表示源映射规范版本; file:此源映射所属的转译文件的名称; sourceRoot: basePath — 源相对于这里定位 ng build <project> [options] ng b <project> [options] Description . ng build <project> [options] ng b <project> [options] When true, sets the build configuration to the production target. ; Nx Angular CLI and Sentry webpack plugin If you're Ensure that "sourceMap" is set to true. Por último, caso haja necessidade de gerar o build em outro diretório, diferente do diretório padrão (dist), basta usar o parâmetro --output-path, conforme exemplo abaixo: Exemplo de uso de ng build mudando o diretório de saída: It was easier to do if we're creating a build with ng build. , serve, production, etc) through the angular. In our angular. I’ve just updated my major project to v12 and I’m running ng serve to view css changes but it’s taking too long to build in the browser! I know they’ve made changes to “reduce configuration complexity and support the new ‘production builds by default’ initiative” but Save the changes to the file, and then create a new build using the following command: ng build --prod. To generate the production build of your Angular application with source maps, use the following command: ng build --configuration=production 3. P. This classification applies to both ng build and ng serve. ; ng build --sourcemaps true. The syntax for ng build command is as follows −. Attach sourcemap in your local development environment to your production build in the F12-Development Tools in your browser. Just let rollup do the heavy lifting. ng build (run in command line when directory is projectFolder). json file, check that file and see the options in there is all. json. All builds make use of bundling and limited tree-shaking. The following sections provide more details of how these complex Command build Is this a regression? Yes, this behavior used to work in the previous version The previous version in which this bug was not present was 19. ng serve <project> [options] ng s <project> [options] ng serve 命令构建并服务应用程序。 如果发生更改,它会重建应用程序。 构建和发布 构建. Install Source Map Explorer. The command can be used to build a "build:sourcemaps": "ng build --prod --output-path=localSourceMaps" This script will build our project with hidden sourcmaps into the local folder called localSourceMaps . sourcemap的产生与作用. When optimization is set to true or more specifically if optimization. Example config below for references as I cannot post details from our work setup. Carlos Roso Carlos Roso. Can be an application or a library. html 等静态文件。 What is ng serve and How it Fits in the Angular CLI? The ng serve is a part of the Angular CLI a powerful tool that simplifies Angular development by automating common tasks. scripts is set to true, then the build is considered optimized. js to be disabled with any option. env. 9. 0 and have hit an iss I'm using Angular 17. We are going to show you how to tackle this problem in a systematic, evidence-based approach. How can I make this work? This is the output of ng --version: ng build. target ¶. It takes default value true. 6 In angular6 we are doing it like below: Create your own environment. Try these: pm2 stop all ng build pm2 start all I am using pm2 as my process manager. json (see below for a screenshot) to specify "aot":false and I saw much better rebuild times (back to ~8-10 seconds)-- this option is the same as angular-cli ng build command's--aot=false. json but same result – Nitin Commented Nov 22, 2018 at 12:44 When true, sets the build configuration to the production target. Greater Control Offers more granular control over the build process, allowing for advanced optimizations and customizations. For example if you are inspecting a web app on your mobile device (e. js from the root directory to build the project with source maps to debug on Android devices ng build --prod fails when sourceMap is true in angular. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . ng new. --port: Port to listen on. For Ionic applications, run ionic serve --source-map=false. Share. npm install -g @angular/cli; ng new projectFolder creates a new application; Bundling Step. To upload your Angular project's source maps to Sentry, we recommend one of these options: Angular CLI and Sentry webpack plugin Use the Angular CLI, a custom Angular builder and the Sentry webpack plugin to set releases and upload source maps automatically when running ng build. json文件里ourDir属性配置的, 默认是/dist目录. ng serve. 3. ng build --source-map=true/false It seems like sourceMap can only set to true/false. Follow official Docs. Create a separate npm script to allow switching easily: Example: In package. trmgw teoy tpa kyvmip gdbmgq xoob gpmyku kdp vel kfkwxl ddv eqqpb vwsrune ondvpqle crigv