Osu jump only maps. Total Posts 9 show more FlyingKebab.

Osu jump only maps Maps that come to mind immediately are Shuffle Heaven [Extra], Mephisto [Extra], and F. Download maps Add to osu! Favorite (56) No comments. New comments cannot be posted. rhythia. Still I'd rather play well made maps than shitmap that I made with one basic pattern :3 looking for some pretty fast 5 star jump maps with not much distance in between the jump osu! is a rhythm game based on the gameplay of a variety of popular commercial rhythm games such as Osu! Tatakae! A Dance of Fire and Ice! The subreddit is in Read Only Mode due to inability to moderate on the official reddit app. Be the first to leave a comment! Sort by: Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » 180 bpm maps for practice 338K subscribers in the osugame community. sh/b/839569 https://osu. It'd be great if the map was just jumps with maybe some stacks or short bursts of like 5 notes but mainly just jumps. sh/users/8670725Map: osu. Perfect your skills and enjoy the rhythm! #osu #osugame #osugameplay ». 49★ Captain's description (by vyper): For this month's Popular Playcounts pick, we are bringing in a legendary stream benchmark mapset, Various Artists - Stream Practice Maps hosted by NewRulerNA, for players to test Looking for a map to set my first 200pp play on. click on the chart to filter by star rating. also prefer dt or nomod. There is also Hugu's Jump Training which is old but still really good. An example of a jumpstream map that is on point on my skill level or rather slightly above it: https://osu. Download osu! to create your own account! osu! is a rhythm game based on the gameplay of a variety of popular commercial rhythm games such as Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan and Elite Beat Agents. Mapped by QuadroKiller. I've personally played on touch screen before, and honestly, even with jump-heavy maps like [Game Over 6-7* Jump Maps Training. Total Posts 9 show more FlyingKebab. Mapped by This is a collection of maps I found to be fun, while still teaching useful skills. . I really like maps with stream and jump combinations or anything that are heavily accuracy-based, like mou ii kai for example. com/file/d/1WkxwjKI1t3mBuH7bBxjse-KowtoVK8CK/view?usp=sharingSave That Shit [Hard]: I am currently playing only jump maps I can easily fc 5* maps and hold a good combo on 6*. I will be constantly updating this collection, so keep looking. #2 Just because people get A rank on the harder maps that doesn't mean they are actually of that level. 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 332 119 119 166 76 76 41 41 37 37 14 14 21 21 6 6 8 8 6 6 1 1 10 10 9 9 4 4 4 4. That is if you really care about being good about something so uncommon. If this topic were about you, I'd give other maps. Mapped by Blue Dragon. Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » Consistency maps? Also circle only maps are usually harder than normal mapping style maps. These are all your standard Jump maps from TV size to 5 minute maps etc. sh/b/820483 https://osu. Those maps are mostly created for some kind of mapping experiment to not use sliders at all. beatmap info Toggle navigation. sh/s/19624 I've looked around for more but I seldom seem to be able to find many in terms of either hardcore like this (not happy hardcore) or hardstyle since most of the hardstyle maps tend to be unranked/unqualified so pretty low quality. google. 146. sh/s/69681 (don't judge me, I suck lol) osu! » beatmaps » tiktok - jump. I'm having fun playing them for example : Wonderful World, Yuudachi no Ribbon, Kotoyaku no tori. sign in / register Guest home news team changelog download search beatmaps beatmap listing featured artists I'm trying to find easy maps with star jumps, full screen jumps or something like that. Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » Short ranked Insane maps 30 seconds - 50 seconds :D KupcaH wrote: Skidayo wrote: big black, scarlet rose, meikaruza is the only 300+bpm maps ranked since 2012 play doubletime. Direct. osu! is a rhythm game based on the gameplay of a variety of Download maps Add to osu Favorite (5) No comments. New comments cannot Falcom Sound Team jdk feat. The maps range from 4 stars all the way to 13 stars, however it is more heavily focused on maps 7 stars and above since decent quality jump 6-7* Jump Maps Training. I'm trying to improve my singletap endurance and speed so if you can give me some jump maps in that range that'd be cool, preferably 5-7 stars Archived post. AKINO from bless4 & CHiCO with HoneyWorks. I can barely fc 5* on "normal" maps, and cant play stream/tech maps at all. Mapped by bldoggy51. maps are like 5 years old jul 29 - part 2 is in progress and the average pp per map will be even higherfor whatever reasons it's really hard for me to find good nomod farm maps even w Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » farm/jump maps. preferably a length of 30s-2:00. And yes, pretty good for practice jumps. 04 Limited Sazabys. hello guys does anyone have good farm maps that range from 7. epic jump map. 4. Be the first to leave a comment! Sort by: Artist: A-Z Title Mapper Stars BPM Length. Be the first to comment Nobody's responded to this Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » 400pp to low 500pp stream maps Download maps Add to osu Favorite (1) No comments. 00 stars should be okay. For stream maps I'd prefer under 8 stars and above 6. I honestly hate jump maps, and was hoping for some stream or speed maps but everywhere I look, the only decent PP maps are all jump farm. Recently, I've been getting some good recommendations (not jumps) from osu!Oracle, just put i don't think you'll find much modern maps with barely any sliders since filler rhythms is widely used nowadays, so you'll probably be looking at old maps https://osu. 802. Reply. sh/b/776951 is the only modern map i can think of without much sliders, and that's only in the top diff lol https://osu. 198 bpm. UNION!! 765 MILLION ALLSTARS. 2:35. I’ve been playing for a few months and really don’t like playing TV size farm maps and stuff because they’re just so boring, but I like aim maps. Can't Defeat Airman. You could also try Jump training #1 and Jump training #2 (both are sus links but the collections are pretty good, To stream as a Tablet-only player, the player should alternate between tapping the pen on the tablet and pressing one assigned secondary key (since the pen tap was considered as M1, only the secondary tap button will work, and X is usually the default secondary tap button). Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » Jump map plz. 459. Or the other way around only because it didn't work for one person doesn't mean it can't work I'm looking for jump maps, ( and spaced stream maps ) I would refer to other discussions but star ratings a bit low. ADMIN MOD any 8 star jump maps . 5* star range. Uploaded a month ago. More posts you may like r/osugame. osu! is a rhythm game based on the gameplay of a variety of popular commercial rhythm games such as Osu! Tatakae! Hello friends, took a pretty big break from the game around 3 years ago and after finding maps to play I see a lack of aim consistency maps in the ranked section. a everything to boost the amount of pp. Not ranked but good jump practice map https://osu. Mapped by Azrealy. sh/b/731576 https://osu. sh/b/853779 But much easier to play, to enjoy them without use Relax mod. Maps like this: https://osu. sh/s/711813 Holy. ChuChu Lovely MuniMuni MuraMura PrinPrin Boron Nururu ReroRero (Chiptune Cover) Forums » osu! » Help » Resolved Issues » [Archived] How to show beatmaps one one particular game mode only? Great Jump Practice Maps for osu! anywhere from 4 stars to 6 stars which will help improve your aim. 2:12. 38. 8. Download osu! to create your own account! osu! is a rhythm game based on the gameplay of a variety of popular commercial rhythm games such as Osu! bpm jump maps . My current rank is 100k Ps: I paly with a mouse Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » Longer 6* Jump maps FAQ: #1 Why are there beatmaps, which are not even containing standard jumps?. sh/b/50892 Diamond [Insane] is the only jump map with a title I can remember. Not sure if my calculations are right but you will only gain 30-40pp from a low 300pp play. 2:18. My collection of 300pp dt farm maps, everything from shitty 30 sec jump farm to burst, fingercontrol consistency maps, will update as I add more maps and some might be missing as I have left out a couple that I have farmed before. 32 stars, fkn hard to read) ^These are the just for fun maps, I could link you a lot of jump maps in the form of easily FC-able DT stuff, but that's more for PP and grinding rather does anybody have the 10 star jump map with (one hope sniper) and (Kyouran Hey Kids) i cannot find it but it was a good jump map. Only you <3. (though that's only 200pp with SS; Light Insane, I believe, is 220 hddt SS so there's some wiggle room there) My Youtube (1 Osu play a day, Twitch highlights, gameplay, and osu! is a rhythm game based on the gameplay of a variety of popular commercial rhythm games such as Osu! Tatakae! la_police_depot. :p https://streamable osu! is a rhythm game based on the gameplay of a variety of popular commercial rhythm games such as Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan and Elite Beat Agents. It is true, but as a player I would pass the harder maps with A rank then go on the osu! » beatmaps » MadhouseDUDE - Team A(Circles ONLY) Download osu! to create your own account! Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » 4 star jump maps osu! » beatmaps » Various Artists - High BPM Jump Pack Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » 6 Star Jump Maps? Really hard 6-7* Star Jump Maps? practicing my flicks, something like high 6 no title literally almost any ranked "farm" map ranked since 2016 is probably gonna be exactly that. the reason i don't find this kind of thread stupid is because the beatmap search is stupid. TimTeamio #8314. FLYING OUT TO THE SKY (covered by Nanahira, moimoi, Nana Takahashi) Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » I need the best dt jump maps. A collection to help you practice your jump aim with a decent spread of difficulties Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » any 3 star jump maps to improve on map: https://osu. 1-2 Jump maps Help Hi guys! I'm currently hitting out high 5* maps but I'm struggling to hit 6 at all, because a lot of ranked maps seem to rely on 1-2 jumps (idk if that's what they're called he never asked for good maps 2. 2. Reply reply osu! is a rhythm game based on the gameplay of a variety of popular commercial rhythm games such as Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan and Elite Beat Agents. sh/b/184846 https://osu. No bursts sliders and all that Locked post. Topic Starter I want to practice jump consistency and can 98 acc fc songs around a 4. 260 bpm. Something like the following maps: https://osu. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 120 bpm. Add to osu! There are ~3000 maps and I have looked in the editor for the majority of them. Looking for jump aim practice maps. k. Maps like Mommy's little soldier , Lone digger and Sharnoth . Download maps Add to osu Favorite (4) No comments. 5-10*? i need them to give around 650-1kpp. https://osu. The guy asked for maps that's only one note jumps and no sliders, and I gave him what he wanted. Camp0C #120294. +0. I'm only fulfilling his request. FLYING OUT TO THE SKY (covered by Nanahira, moimoi, Nana Takahashi) epic jump map. Old/new maps are fine. You can add mods if you want. FLYING OUT TO THE SKY (covered by Nanahira, moimoi, Nana Takahashi) talking about pure jumps like ghost rule or kegare naki and not jump maps which also have streams e. This set tests multiple different aim-based skills. Various Artists - Jump Practice Maps #1 · beatmap info | osu! My first jump practice set. Collection uploaded by erui osu! » beatmaps » Ata - Euphoria Jump Training. FlawOfTheWorld #124388. I made this because for some reason no one makes good Jump Farm Collections and only makes Speed/Streams. JUMP. Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » Looking for easy first 300pp I don't really main DT since I can't read well above AR10 or DT-ed AR8,5. I can do that only on jump maps though. Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » Low bpm non diffspike jump maps (~150-160) side of bpm may be alt since its quite slow for a jump map try playing the preview point! you can tell a lot about the map just by playing the preview point, if you hear 1/4 everywhere that indicates streams/alt i only briefly skimmed through the maps in Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » Requesting AR8 maps (4-6* range) Looking for primarily slider-heavy or jump maps, but ones with prolonged bursts or streams would be fine to be given as well. her everything Mainly for NM Jump maps. lots of half beat rhythms mapped mainly with small jump patterns that maybe have a short burst Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » Any good 5 star jump maps, lower diff? Mainly for NM Jump maps. Variety of consistency, burst, (small)streams, and jump maps, varying from 1-4 minutes long. 2:46. Open comment sort options. forum Toggle navigation. r/osugame. New comments cannot be posted and votes osu! » beatmaps » Various Artists - Mizu's Jump Training. db file is for Collection Manager (you can read about this in the text file). Mapped by Shurelia. Download osu! to create your own account! About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Brazil only has horizontal fullscreen jumps + the map length's 40 seconds 🤕 Last edited by his everything 2023-05-18T01:02:54+00:00 , edited 1 time in total. Aitsuki Nakuru. 165 bpm. I want to improve. sh/s/552702 https://osu. Jump maps. 58 ★ESTi - HELIX (Edit ver. sign in / register only the last 2. sign in / register I need the best dt jump maps posted 2020-09-18T18:45:05+00:00. Hybrid64 - 2 years ago (Read Description)- My osu!: https://osu. Just play jumpy maps and you'll be able to handle star patterns. 44. 3. 42. 4k pp off 4 digit. You must either achieve a 95% here's the original nightcore jump trainings #1 and #2 by rezoons, they seem to have disappeared off the website but i remember them being all the rage when they were poppin' fresh. 101. I'm looking for around the 7-8-8. Team Nekokan. sign in / register Guest home news team Slider "only" maps posted 2014-08-27T09:25:52+00:00. sh/s/416153 180-250bpm preferably Archived post. Corner Jump Training. osu! Collector. com/player/7550i couldn't resist Main thread: [osu!]Project Loved: April 2024 Various Artists - Stream Practice Maps by NewRulerNA 142 – 220 BPM, 2:24 | 4. No description. Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » Beatmaps for single tap training? Learning streams/jumps/patterns is just part of playing the game, and avoiding most of it (like playing jump-only maps) is somewhat unhealthy in the long run, in my opinion. 7*> Maps:All maps download: https://drive. I only look at the notes when they first appear on screen, then trusting that I've read the rhythm correctly and hit them with only a gaze of my eyes (using muscle memory) when it's Beatmaps Listing osu! » beatmaps » Etia?! - Triangle Jump Practice Map But I only have a few maps like that so I am looking for some more. Farmy maps are okay too so long as they are long enough. Would really like some suggestions so I can move onto 6* soon. Also, I don't think you need to practice "the star pattern" itself. Share Add a Comment. square jump training is pretty literally almost any ranked "farm" map ranked since 2016 is probably gonna be exactly that. '' osu! is a rhythm game based on the gameplay of a variety of popular commercial rhythm games such as Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan and Elite Beat Agents. Help Basically title. Misc Let me be more specific i need maps in the 5 to 5. osu! » beatmaps » Various Artists - Quadro's Jumpy Maps Farm maps are maps that exploit the pp system for players to get a high amount of pp with the least effort. - Jump maps. Collections Tournaments App Users. Share Sort by: Best. I'm looking for jump focused maps at least 2 mins long but ideally 3-5 mins +. 75* level. Would prefer to have a little room for inaccuacy (Like 97-98 acc FC) and I don't really care what skill basis. So for that reason I'm fine getting a 240bpm burst jump map too, but ofc higher priority to something I can actually farm Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » 7 stars jump maps Good 5 star jump maps . Total Posts 3 show more CursedHarold. 5 stars. Searching in the sub I could only find one thread asking the same question but they also wanted tech maps and maps with cutsteams so they got recommended tons of maps that aren't really what I'm looking for. Is there a way for me to change this? I am aware that I can manually import maps to stable by dragging the beatmap into the osu window, but this is sometimes osu! » beatmaps » Various Artists - 1-2 pp Jump Training. 4:49 I'd rather learn jump streaming on unranked practice maps and then sightread the ranked stuff that I can't FC atm. Some include bursts and small osu! » beatmaps » Various artists - Phonk jump training maps Interested in this Rhythm Game?How To Download Rhythia: https://youtu. be/BAk5BuM00mEMy Rhythia Profile: https://www. HaonJ wrote: Your about 1. sh/beatmapsets/456986#osu/979155- Enjoyed t Thanks so much for watching guys! Here's a Jump Practice Map Excel Sheet with a lot of different maps as well as some categorization on what types on jumps are in them. 5 ish range. ) AR10. sh/s/413117 https://osu. 5. sh/b/1210660Player: https://osu. Anything above 6. This mainly consists of short songs, only one hardest part with just jumps, high OD a. My comfort range is around 180bpm but I can manage around 210. 135 bpm. Download maps Add to osu Favorite (0) No comments. chances are the majority of the sets you get will have exactly what your Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » NM 300 PP consistency maps. 2:53. Mapped by Mr Moseby. Taiko. Mapped by Sotarks. ? Smolpox wrote: https://osu. 0. Please suggest your favourite beatmaps with very fast jumps like the ones mentioned. Download maps Add to osu Favorite (1) No comments. Jump Training #1. Uploaded 16 days ago. sh/u/8203608- Map: https://osu. Took maybe 6 or 7 hours across a few days to make. Download maps Add to osu! Favorite (4) No comments. Mapped by Settia. Mapped by osu! » beatmaps » Various Artists - Burst Stream Practice Maps Jump. Collection uploaded by YoloTVXD Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » Need streaming maps ~150 BPM -> 170 BPM Problem details: When downloading a map (or attempting to import a beatmap through other means such as funorange osu trainer), the map is immediately imported to lazer instead of stable. eonvro #15415. Historia is also pretty good for jumps. Download maps Add to osu! Favorite (0) No comments. I don't care if he can play it or not. 126 bpm. 69 and 5. it only gives you maps by the parameters you MakesnoSensei wrote: cheezstik wrote: Maffalda - pensamento tipico de esquerda caviar (Last two diffs, 4. Catch. sh/b/211897 https://osu. Dead to Me. sh/s/74306. osu! » beatmaps » Various Artists - Square Jump Practice Maps Square Jump Practice Maps. Uploaded 10 months ago. also if you don't restrict yourself to jump only maps you'll slowly build up the skills to play other types of maps. Hardware Store "Weird Al" Yankovic. alexnev1803 eunjoo. if you can't find a map of your liking, then you may attempt to map 1 your self i mean since it's unranked anyways and you want to practice jumps, you can map the patterns you want to practice on yourself unfortunately my mapping is so bad and slow that i Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » Jump stamina maps? What are the best training maps specifically for jump stamina? I think one of the main things that holds me back from improving right now is that consistently aim for long periods. However, if you do end up getting her I will keep to the original wording and buy you 1 month. Some include bursts and small (can you) understand me? was a map I liked quite a bit when I was around that range. Mapped by Dada. S: I think I have DLed pretty much every jump map in ranefire's googledoc spreadsheet by the way osu! » beatmaps » Various Artists - Square Jump Practice Maps I was wondering if anyone had recommendations for full size jump maps in the 6-6. sh/s/269969 comes to my mind. Uploaded 2 years ago. 2:02. 8:58. Also 2018-2019 era farm maps such as quaver are simply not rankable any more. So I suggest finding ranked maps of songs you like, and play them, regardless of what that it contains—as long as it's within your skill level. Download maps Add to osu Favorite (3) No comments. 3:23. Ai no Scenario. 62. honestly if you have direct just click the most played button and download basically everything in that tab. An example I can Anyone got any suggestions of long 5+ minute jump maps in the high 3 low 4 star range? Looking to improve my consistency and streams are for another day. 7. sh/b/75263 Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » Need Marathon maps! osu! » beatmaps » Silent Partner - Spam challenge The only reason you struggle with doubles is because of how uncommon they are. Download osu! to create your own account! osu! is a rhythm game based on the gameplay of a variety of popular commercial rhythm games such as Osu! Trying to look for some good jump maps between 5. Massimo99 #7417. Shoujo-tachi no Majogari-45. The . Was fun. I am looking for alt jumps, warriors would have speed sections if I With great maps comes great osu! gains xDBeatmap (Eu Li Na Biblia) - https://osu. Thanks in advance. g happy song or preserved valkyria. 12 ★Marathon. 93 stars) DJ Okawari - Luv Letter (Posthumous, 5. I [Platinum] (Philippines' version). permalink. sh/b/186599 (only a couple of copy pasted overlapping jumps in this one) Can't hit them, but I find them extremely fun to play so if you can help me find some more I'd be glad . check dif filter in osu settings +2. Mizu's Jump Training. 15 months ago. I want to work on screen jumps and difficult jump patterns around 4 - 5* level. I can average around 95% accuracy on 5* maps but sometimes tense up during hard parts. Should no maisou (not sure if jump only) , Mate um bonito home mesmo Reply reply osu! is a rhythm game based on the gameplay of a variety of popular commercial rhythm games such as Osu! Tatakae! jump. Radiant1098 #26512. Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » Slider "only" maps. Basically what I'm saying to is play more (doubles). Thanks Also placing upper limit on as high as 500pp maps because it's just convenient to have more maps so that I don't have to bother hunting for them later on; and if I can't farm it might play for fun then - if the map is good. Members Online. sh/b/48096 https://osu. 381. Be the first to leave a comment! Sort by: Artist Title Mapper Stars: highest BPM Length. 339 posts Joined July 2014. osu! is a rhythm game based on the gameplay of a variety of popular commercial rhythm games such as Osu! Tatakae! Members Online • chughes2001 . Also a plus if they have a good number of bursts mixed in. 5-7. sh/b/623699 https://osu. A little above that range is fine too. sh/s/43607, https://osu. sorry if this is too specific Also arles maps aren’t jumps only, there are plenty of bursts, streams, flow aim, maps that I mentioned in the post are specifically alt jumps and nothing else Reply Bruh I know that osu trainer exists, but not every map that is sped up is what I described in the post. You have to pass those maps too, because they are containing useful experience for the further levels' maps. Fullscreen jump practice maps Way of practicing endgame jump skill I guess? 5/28/24 Update Added Monster (Godzilla), 8bit Princess and Reprogrammed Princess 1/15/25 Update Tags and stuff for loved, hopefully it passes vote! also I changed the HP of every map, it is no longer 2 on everything 1/19/25 Update - Jump maps. osu! » beatmaps » Various Artists - Jump Patterns Training. 3mplify. If you only have issues with them when they come in-between I hurt my wrist and can't do any bursts or streams right now, so I want to find pure jump maps or mappers known for pure jump maps around the 4*-5* range. 8. Just don't get the Nightcore Flower Dance, they're usually 6. Theres only a hard diffspike at the end and the first 800 combo is From now on the only thing left imo is practice by just playing many maps and trying his bestI know what I need, and I simply asked for it-Jukke- wrote: You can create practice mapsGood idea, but it's gonna feel like a chore Whatever, gonna try anyway. 1. sign in / register Guest home news team changelog download search beatmaps beatmap listing featured artists beatmap packs rankings performance https://osu. 102. sh/users/9122436 osu! » beatmaps » Various Artists - Jump Practice Maps 2. osu! is a rhythm game based on the gameplay of a variety of popular commercial rhythm games such as Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan and Elite Beat Agents. My HERO. Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » Looking for 5 and 6* jump only maps? No streams? The result of this is that very few farm farm maps are ranked nowadays, and the mappers are pretty much always well known "farm mappers" with connections to get their maps ranked. lots of half beat rhythms mapped mainly with small jump patterns that maybe have a short burst stream or two. 100. osu! is a rhythm game based on the gameplay of a variety of popular commercial rhythm games such as Osu! but after I started doing those older maps and practicing my aim I was able to get up to 7* jump maps after about a month of practicing. 15 Voices. sign in / register Guest home news team changelog download search beatmaps beatmap listing featured artists beatmap packs Only hoshizora and https://osu. Uploaded 15 minutes ago. Standard. 55★ – 6. Mania. Uploaded 2 months ago. jump. 4:14. Be the first to leave a comment! osu! » beatmaps » Various Artist - Jump Training #1. Edit: To clarify it has to be because she was impressed by your skills. Daidai Genome *namirin. Monochrome Butterfly. Various Artists. Suehiro Yuuri. 6-7* Jump Maps Training. osu! is about practice and therefore if you do not practice a specific pattern or sequence you will suck at it. osu! is a rhythm game based on the gameplay of a variety of popular commercial rhythm games such as Osu! Collection uploaded by pohoenx. I don't need farm maps per se, and they don't need to be short, but stuff where my tapping arm doesn't need to use speed pretty much at all. Includes a text file with instructions. Just search " basic osu jump maps " Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . The osu! server only records cursor movement at 60fps (and increasing that limit would increase server costs) so a fast tablet or mouse player could easily snap their cursor fast enough to have this type of detection falsely flag them. MIIRO vs. Yeah, but no one cares about what you can or cannot do. 175 bpm. Non-breath oblige. osu! is a rhythm game based on the gameplay of a variety of popular commercial rhythm games such as Osu! Tatakae! Do you guys have any pure jump maps Misc Like maps where there is only jumps. No comments. ppy. Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » Hardcore/Hardstyle songs? https://osu. 1 reply +2 +1. Misc some shit like we are the rats and sakura no uta sped up Archived post. Pikamee_ #52544. _____ osu! » beatmaps » Camellia - FLYING OUT TO THE SKY (covered by Nanahira, moimoi, Nana Takahashi) Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » Maps with lots of interlaced streams and 1/4 slider jumps it might also help to play maps with "stream jumps". Trxnks #90603. Quaver is basically a ranked jump training map, Make a Move used to be a nice jump practice map that got deleted and now replaced with the cancer sotarks short shit and Flower Dance is a pretty fun one. Imo these are one of the best jump maps ever created 7 star jump. Skidayo wrote: stop using that stupid spreadsheets. Forums » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » Need Fast Jump Maps :D Player: osu. Download maps Add to osu! Favorite (12). Upload. 19 posts I need a map that has spin only, basicly i cant achieve a 400 spin speed without my keybaord holder being in the right spot (its a broken table) arigato gozaimasu click this circles Make a Move, Quaver, Flower Dance, these are all jump training maps. Not saying that the only reason they get ranked is bc they're popular, but it helps a ton. 6 star area with lots of jumps, corner jumps star jumps anything that will help with aim and speed osu! is a rhythm game based on the gameplay of a variety of popular commercial rhythm games such as Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan and Elite Beat Agents. 144 j'aime,Vidéo TikTok de sigong osu! (@sigong_osu) : « Explore the challenging farm jump map for 6Digit in Osu gameplay. These maps are all ranked I mainly added 6 stars but as sets so there are a few 5 and 4 stars included. sh/beatmapsets/1535818#osu/3140407Beatmap (Baby MY Phone) - https://osu. If this topic was about his skill level, I'd give other maps. I was wondering why Tillerino was only recommending jump maps despite me not having any really in my top 10. sh/beatmapsets/2280225#osu/4885549 >LOL YOU HAD A RANDOM JUMP MISS ON THIS 170BPM DT MAP, IT'S BECAUSE YOU CAN'T READ THE AR What I mean is that I'm playing osu as if I'm playing high bmp DDR. 0:01. Mapped by Delis. Thanks in advance ! P. Uploaded 3 years ago. osu! Jump Compilation. 97 stars) DJ Fresh - Gold Dust (Insane, 4. if so thx or just any other 10 star jump maps Last edited by gpwyt 2022-08-30T10:57:08+00:00 , edited 1 time in total. ncwe rcoywkh rqqrsp anevtl bstlr klbi ssdn vyk cuu kptai oclru lnc kjz mnfrxv tnevhiz