- Pokemon fanfiction pokemon protect ash Rolling his eyes, Ash flicked his head towards the Pokemon, motioning for her to choose. " The shadows danced around Arceus, like the Evil of this world was under his control. Ash X Harem COMPLETE 5 days ago · -Ash, Arceus rumbles in-between the eager licks; Ash finds his breath as desperately as a drowning man manages to finally swim up to the surface. V IN 3º PERSON. Ash kept on trying to tag the Ralts who kept on using Teleport to avoid Ash giggling all Feb 27, 2025 · I was prepared to see Ash dead, or at the least barely alive. One day while Ash was traveling by himself, he found Rilou beaten up, he helped him. No longer is the plot protected for all ages. However, tragedy stricks when Giovanni launches a massive attack on Kanto which takes many lives, including Ash's friends, Pikachu, and mother. 3 days ago · Fem Ash, Pokemon Ash, Strong Ash and team, Ash will win leagues, and have more pokemon then canon, secret will eventually be revealed, no move limit, strength increases over time. 2 days ago · Ash wants to start out on his Pokemon journey only because of his narcolepsy his mother is not sure so to put fears at rest Professor Oak finds Ash a travelling companion in the form of the legendary trainer, Red. The presence in Ash's mind was suddenly, brighter, or bigger than before, Ash had trouble putting into words what it felt like. "Go Vespiquen," Cynthia yelled. J and Richie with their hands balled up in excitement to see Ash battle, whilst Maddison sat back quietly, her eyes trained to the field in curiosity - The only pokemon of Ash's pokemon she had met Apr 20, 2019 · Mew and Mewtwo both approached, feeling drawn to the trainer who was willing to sacrifice himself to protect people and Pokemon alike. Bulbasaur was one of the most trusting and loyal friends he had, and Ash 4 days ago · Then Nurse Joy calls Ash to take his Pokemon. "Thank goodness, I am glad you are fine. Imagine my shock when I found Ash very alive, and at least bodily healthy. Delia: Queen. Which is another amazing pokemon fic which I enjoy a lot as well. As Red's and Ash's eyes connected and they looked at each other for the first time Red found himself with a need to protect Ash Mar 7, 2025 · Mostly wild and untrained, the bull Pokemon fell one after another to the trained Pokemon's assault. Ash Ketchum sat up straight, his back supported by the wall, as he pulled the covers of his bed. 2 days ago · That was around ten days ago. I nudged aside the tangle of wires surrounding Ash's head. AshxCynthia (Rayshipping) Despite Ash's loss at The Lily of the Valley Conference, Cynthia is impressed with his performance and decides to trains him. 2 days ago · Ash was walking along the shores of Cyllage City. 2 days ago · Ash nodded and crawled closer to Pikachu-the other Pokemon following protectively around him. " Ash said. 2 days ago · It has been 3 months since the death of my mother, she got a heart valve disease and was beyond repair. Ash and 12 girls harem. Dragonite made a soft bellow to his son and made a gesture to Ash implying it is Dratini's job to protect Ash. But the boring pokemon had slowly found itself caring about the little upstart. "I considered that, but for now, let her rest for now. Ash's temper was strained often enough with his jibes. 3 days ago · When she saw Ash, her vision changed as she saw Ash standing with a grit. All recognisable characters, plots, Ash knew it was his pokemon's first time facing down a legendary. 2 days ago · Join Ash as he goes on misadventures with the other champions as they help him adjust to the role of champion of Alola while Ash helps them out in his own chaotic way. Butterfree completely sagged onto the ground now that he was free from the jacket. Author's Note: Well readers, this is my new story. Please, read, relax and enjoy it!xxxooo. Ash smiled warmly at the Pokemon. As Ash grabbed his backpack, Delia slipped a lunch box and thermos inside before he darted toward the door. It took a second for Ash to recognize that the look was more of a question. Reportedly, lessons started from his Alola Pokemon, teaching the most experienced of Ash's Pokemon the requirements for different types of Z-Moves, and then the lessons were passed to other Pokemon, in a natural cycle of teaching and training. Ash begans to glow brighter and brighter. 3 days ago · "And the winner of the Sinnoh League Competition is - ASH KETCHUM OF PALLET TOWN!" "I love you Misty. He also saw that same fidgeting Feb 2, 2025 · Ash and friends had just arrived in Viridian city and were now at the Viridian city Pokemon centre healing up their Pokemon. After an accident that almost took Ash's life, Delia Ketchum left Pallet Town with a bit of help from her ex-husband and made a new life in a different region. Fem Ash, Pokemon Ash, Strong Ash and team, Ash will win leagues, and have more pokemon then canon, secret will eventually be revealed, no move limit, strength increases over time. The three friends had become family, and vowed that one-day they would set off on their journeys and never look back. A year later, 2 days ago · The Pokémon that had been taken many of them will attempt to find you, following an inherent desire to remove you since you are a threat. Ash Ketchum was looking up at the Plane that would take him to a new region and a new adventure in the Kalos region, every time the young trainer goes to a new region to explore, catch Pokémon, and take on the Pokémon league of that region he always starts with his best friend and first Pokémon 'Pikachu', always starting fresh Jun 25, 2021 · While playing with the pokemon Ash suddenly gasped and looked at the forest outside the ranch. Jan 15, 2025 · "Uh oh," Ash thought aloud, speaking in a low, hushed tone. "Do it again and I'll kill you!" Ash shuddered, he could still feel the pain in his battered cheek. Feb 22, 2025 · Returning from the Battle Frontier Ash realized that he could have done better and trains both himself and his pokemon preparing to take Sinnoh by storm. Ability: Damp and the hidden ability Swift Swim (Not unlocked) I've read a fanfiction with Leaf inside of it, and I also don't really like her. And the Arceus in the 12th movie will be Ash. That means I'll be having the privilege of screwing with the timeline and other canon plot points or whatever. "That doesn't sound like Professor Kukui. 3 days ago · 'If only I knew Ash's last pokemon,' He thought, grimacing. " Oak presented them. Sep 25, 2021 · But not in this one. Being half blind, it is no surprise that Ash wasn't meant to be a pokemon trainer, but neither was he meant to stay home and do nothing. Mar 6, 2025 · "Friede, i think sooner or later you have to train Liko on her Pokemon Battle so she can protect herself when Ash wasn't there at all. 4 days ago · Inspired by Pok'emon: Ashs Adventure by Lady Nature. Rated: Fiction T - English - [Ash K. Ash's eyes glowed in excitement and he began babbling happily to the two new guests. With gentle reverence, they welcome the newest members of their family, their presence a testament to the enduring bonds forged in love and shared purpose. "We're gonna have fun, you and I. Dad is finally going to give me my own starter Pokemon. 'Togetic! I can't believe it's really you!' Misty cried. While it was nice sleeping in a real bed,it was quite boring, and nothing interesting happened. Feb 19, 2025 · Flashback Ash's P. "Protect!" came the reply. Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or the song. The lone Tauros that Ash used for battling tried to protect it's herd but even he had fallen. But now, he was stuck in the Viridian forest, and for the past few hours all he could see were trees. " "AND THE NEW YOUNGEST POKEMON MASTER AT AGE 17 IS ASHTON SATOSHI KETCHUM!" 1 day ago · Summary: Ash Ketchum has a secret. Ash, himself, looked up from the ground and laughed as well. A while later, Ash noticed another familiar face. Feb 21, 2025 · Lucario opens and closes his mouth in silence until a choked whimper of sob comes out of his mouth and makes Ash embrace the Pokemon's. Oct 13, 2012 · Ash's journey throughout the 5 years has been a long one and his battle with Tyson has ended in victory, and after Ash began to reminisce on how he got to that point. Mrs Reigh was marking math questions. " Latios said. It takes him a few moments to find himself back to the present, and that Arceus has its eyes fixed upon him intently. Ash Ketchum the protector Fanfiction. Oct 11, 2023 · FanFiction | unleash Join Ash on his journey of the 10 regions and become the Pokemon Master. " "Pika," Pikachu whispered back. " After the link stopped. He is loved by all the pokemons whether legendary or not. "Hello Pest. She was gazing so much at Ash, she failed to notice a mess she's making. Ash tells his story about his journey at Sinnoh to Liko, who is intently listening to Ash. He hummed and let Lucario hear him humming to calm his Storm that happened inside of him. He reached out a hand for Pikachu to sniff and watched the yellow mouse take in 4 days ago · The pain that consumed Ash was their own pain, their guardian angel who protected them at all cost was broken and the cheerful and friendly Ash had died today. Ash Ketchum enjoyed murdering people. To Ash's ice-cold surprise, Charizard didn't buckle in the slightest. Ash Ketchum displays a bad sense of direction as he had often got lost in the forest but managed to find his way around with the use of tall trees to get a better view. However, nobody recognized him as Ash. Professor Oak and all of my Pokemon had been trying to cheer me up, but I could feel right now is guilt. "Vespiiquen," the Pokemon cried. 1 day ago · Pikachu starts to glow and a white light flows from pikachu and envopes Ash. Apr 30, 2023 · Ash became the Pokemon master of his generation, and was on top of the world well, until he fell into a coma. "We're Ash's Elite Four. Ash had nearly mastered his Psychic and Aura abilities and should have both fully mastered by age twelve. O. Let's go back inside, Pikachu. " Eve met his gaze, her voice unwavering. "Mewtwo was rightI'm back. Mar 3, 2025 · Mew hadn't bought into the Ash Ketchum merchandise craze not like some of the other Legendaries. In my story, Ash meets Pikachu at the age of 5 and things get pretty wild after that. One drew me in with great pokemon battles, as well as compelling interactions with Ash and his pokemon team. Ash recognized the Galar and Kalos gym badges right off– each set of eight in their own case. The sizzling aroma of her cooking made Ash starve. Ash thinks it's a great idea to take a break here and there to relax and enjoy nature. "I love you too Ash", smiled Misty as they kissed. "Thanks," Leaf whispered. ). It wasn't long before all of Ash's pokemon had arrived and were waiting for their trainer to speak. Of course, Quillon mistook it as Mew going out of control, so he lets Urshifu out to use Dark Pulse. "You did great, Starly, you deserve a rest. Nemona was selecting several berries and pulling out a potion for the Pokemon, while Ash stepped towards the badges that hung on the wall to get a better look at them. 2 days ago · And so the new Pokemon story has come! This is the sequel of "Unexpected Twist" so you better read it before this one. Rowlet hooted it's arrival flew around glancing at its surroundings. Otherwise, you will not understand a lot of things that are happening. Especially the group of Pokemon Ash is currently carrying with him, which is literally ALL of his Pokemon (with the exception of 30 Tauros, only the leader). "But remember, this isn't just about Ash. He is actually a female Zorua pretending to be a human male, how does this change the journey. If you don't like it, don't read. " Murdock suggested. Dec 8, 2021 · When Ash shook it, Lance pulled him into a quick hug before releasing him. " Friede replied back. After Ash is betrayed he and his pokemon take refuge on Mount Silver and this is known only to two people. " Ash gently rubbed the top of Butterfree's head and nodded. " Ash says as he recalls his Pokemon, so does Paul. Arceus then takes out all the Pokemon that belonged to Ash. My name is Ash Ketchum, and I'm ten years old. The last thing Ash remember is falling from the waterfall, no Ash is in an endless where everything he could see was darkness. Ash collided with Calem with such force he staggered backwards, falling. "You ready to Battle Ash?" asked the Dragon Master. /Satoshi, Zoey/Nozomi] "Leobreaker Protect," Ash countered stopping the attack cold, "Now use Flame Charge," bursting through the smoke was Pyroar as 4 days ago · The intruder continued as he spoke. Palkia uses Aura Sphere, while Darkrai counters with Shock Wave. I hail from Otem Town in the Sevestar Region, where my father, Adam Rift Ketchum, holds the prestigious title of Champion, while my mother, Aurora Delia Ketchum, reigns as the Champion of Kanto. But, I'm not a fan of stories that have coordinators beating trainers, like Ash, or even come close to beating him. "C'mon buddy!" Ash yells to his best friend, "we're almost there!". Things CAN happen, like real life problems. " Ash shouted out, leaving his Pokémon to prime themselves. Mar 5, 2025 · Ash was lucky that Delia didn't realize that a pokemon for protection came with the package. "Ash has always fought for everyone. 'Hello Ash,' thought the small Pokémon. Oak, his Grandsons Blue and Gary, His uncles, Giovanni, Wallace and, Lance, as well as his aunts 2 days ago · Knowing what she wanted, Ash stepped into her hug, and allowed her to wrap him in her arms; she wished that she could protect him, but she knew that she couldn't. Mime waited to wash the dishes. Another had certain plotlines and ideas that were fun to 2 days ago · They were stopped by Nihilego, fired a Sludge Wave at them. He would need to be careful and strategic. Part 5 of the series: Sinnoh (Modern) Darkrai uses Shock Wave, while Palkia uses Protect to protect itself. Two reached the town and walked in to the Pokemon Center. He trains with his pokemon for 4 years training and catching pokemon Hilda and Hilbert along with Nate and Rosie. Feb 24, 2025 · Ash gesticulated wildly with both his arms for further emphasis on this last word, nearly knocking Pikachu from its perch on his shoulder. It was then the last two pokemon appeared. It's a Mother's Job to worry about their son, but I know that the pokemons will protect him. A smarter, pokemon ranger, aura guardian Ash Ketchum. The Chosen One also had a nact of attracting trouble. "Arceus. Pairings: Ash/Misty. Ash hadn't forgotten what he had promised to his brother and wanted to go and 2 days ago · "Use Hydro Pump!" Bugsy calls. Ash: Prince, 2nd Child. At the same time the other pokemon flood Ash with their energy and Charizard's energy. His pokemon shot him an annoyed glare, but seemed to think the better of giving him a nasty shock. Mar 3, 2025 · Then another pokemon popped into existence. The man was very grateful for the extra protection his partner had suggested. After dressing lightly, but warmly, the teen climbed downstairs, hearing Gary in the kitchen. A small round owl like pokemon. He already had a Pokemon in mind. Feb 12, 2025 · Ash and Gary seemed to get along when they were young, but that was a long time ago now. "Quick use Protect!" Ash calls. Oak lead Ash into one of the side rooms from the main lab. "Vespiquen, use Bug Buzz again," "Protect," Ash called again, then another thing came into Apr 10, 2023 · So this is the 10th movie. Pokemon: Ash and Mays Grand Adventure. "Of course not! Thanks for breakfast, Mom!" He rushed to the sink, where Delia's Mr. Gary blinked, "Ash? Is that you?" The main thing that let him know it was Ash was the girl's honey brown eyes. Also, Gary isn't much of a dick here (I hope) but he despises Ash. " he laughed. Pikachu, Ash's trusty first Pokemon, was chewing on a carrot in the hallway, and she chirped happily to see her master awake. I cannot risk you hurting. Ever since Gary and Ash started catching Pokémon, Gary showed himself to be conceited and full of rivalry, putting Ash down at every opportunity. This is an idea I've been toying with for a while; a more lowkey, character driven story. "So, Ash can challenge the Cerulean city gym leader. Aug 21, 2021 · A/N: Hi everyone and welcome to my very first fanfic. Ash got on top of him and punched him multiple times, until he was bruised and nose bleeding. A few minutes passed, and Ash watched the continent of Sinnoh move further and further away until only the ocean could be seen, his latest adventure officially over, but he still had things to do. Hello everyone, this What if is going to be my Feb 16, 2025 · Title: Back To Protect. Nov 1, 2023 · Ash fue uno de ellos y sin nada más que perder irá tras Arceus, con la esperanza de poder hacer algo para que el mundo vuelva a ser lo que era. With this, their dynamic once more changed and so did Deino. But what he saw was a grown little trainer, worried and ready to protect that small Swablu at any sign of danger. Ash and Pikachu got a room and Pikachu had a full check up. Summary: There stood 10 year old Ash in all of his short glory. Moonlight Pictures . 5 days ago · Ash continued with the introductions: the Jigglypuff was the one the gang kept meeting & singing people to sleep during Ash's journey, the Blastoise was from the island where the Squirtle & Wartortle live, the Venusaur was from the Mysterious Garden, the Grimer was from the Grimer Horde Ash's Muk used to lead in Gringey City, the other 5 days ago · This story is my take on the Pokemon anime, it'll have some dark moments but is mostly lighthearted and fun, some characters from the Adventures manga, games and characters that appear later in the Pokemon anime make an appearance I hope you all enjoy. Current votes for pairing 3 Poll Votes combined 2 Review votes for a total of: Ash/Pikachu: 2. Dec 22, 2017 · Lets go Ash I will be your pokemon. Inside the room Ash spotted his two potential 2 days ago · Ash grinned. But he wasn't scared, because he still had a promise to keep "I need to live! Jan 23, 2024 · asked Misty shocked. I can do whatever I want. 4 days ago · Ash immediately recognized the Pokemon in front of him, "A Pikachu. May 3, 2023 · A three-year Ash was running away from home since ever since he can think he was abused, mistreated, malnourished by his mother, father and Brother Red for a reason they wouldn't tell him the only once that cared about him was the local Pokémon professor Pr. Right Ash. After awakening from his coma, he is confused. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure - Ash K. Eventually Ash complied and caught him. Now it's our turn to stand by him. " Ash introduces Misty to his Pokemons, they thank her for lending the bike. "A show of talent and togetherness between trainer 5 days ago · Nemona set Pawmot on her bed, and Ash placed Pikachu next to him. Misty also makes an appearance, and here she's going to compete in the Indigo League. We stay. 3 days ago · All of Ash's Pokemon are also capable of using Z-Moves, and Ash Ketchum himself had no idea of this fact. Level: 13. (A/N- Surprise, Surprise! Infernape deserved more time in my opinion. 2 days ago · Ash grinned broadly and, with a few last pats of his Pokémon, scurried after her, eager to see the sorts of Pokémon she had been training during her reign as a gym leader. "Yeah but, Nidoking isn't coming with us. He's never been even half of Gary's or Ash's or Natalie's level. "Not gonna lie, Ash, I heard stories about his Piloswine growing up but never saw it in person, and it was tough to raise as well," Georgia told Ash. Then thunder rang out throughout the sky and the rain was came pouring on. From what he had been told, he had been electrocuted by the tiny rodent, enough to maim his limbs and send his nerves into a frenzy, no thanks to the powerful electrical impulses raging through them. J and Maddison sat down in the stands: A. Presents . Feb 19, 2025 · Ash wanted to defend his Pokemon, but the truth was even Ash doubted Ralts' ability against a Bulbasaur, much less a Pokemon such as Squirtle or Charmander who possessed a much better counter to Ralts. Ash will be paired off with a guy. Ash played with his skirt and kicked the ground, "Y-Yes! I'm sorry! I knew it would be a big surprise!" Ash bowed. 2 days ago · Hey everyone, TWoS here, and with a new story. Note: This Pokemon has the egg moves: Avalanche, Rock blast and Mud Shot. Follow along as Ash proves to the world that there's more to him and his team than just being a reject. "NOT YOU! I was talking about the Pokemon! You. Her long hair looked like it had been pulled, hard. You all look much different now" Ash says. But when Ash is kidnapped, drugged, and experimented on, he loses ALL his memories and has been turned into a spiky After Ash is betrayed he and his pokemon take refuge on Mount Silver and this is known only to two people. Nurse joy could hear Ash coughing through the door. " Said Ritchie. 2 days ago · Betrayal, that's all Ash felt at that moment. The Focus Blast impacted against the impenetrable barrier, causing no damage. Psyduck, the Duck Pokemon. 5 days ago · "Ash Ketchum, Pokemon Mast-" "ASH! Get to bed!" "Gah!" Ash cried, stumbling from his practiced victory pose and accidentally tossing the ball in his hand across the room, where it was caught by a middle-aged woman with long, reddish-brown hair and a 1 day ago · Ash laughed as he jumped to try and grab another Butterfree, but it flew a little bit out of his reach making Ash fall to the ground with a thump. The two creating a soothing and pretty harmony. Ash turns to the Professor and nods. Then when the barrier goes down Araquanid suddenly appears in front of Gigalith and has its legs ready as Bugsy speaks. A certain interference would change the entire course of the story. "Excuse me!" one of the girls coughed. Ash stood up as the Butterfree began to fly away, "Goodbye you guys see you next time" Ash waved. To the outsiders he looked like a skinny, finely-dressed girl. " Said Ash. Surprising everyone here. "That's right, and as you probably already know, its an electric type Pokémon. Ash was ready to embrace his fate when A sudden voice cried, "Luxray, Thunder shock on the Spearows!" A huge lion-like Pokemon jumped in front of Ash and Pikachu, who had black and blue coloured skin with jet black mane and a slim tail with a small four-pointed star in the Mar 7, 2025 · However, when I encountered two Pokemon time-travel fics where Ash restarts his pokemon journey from the beginning let's just say the writer in me screamed to do my own version. Ash used his aura to protect them, a dome -like structure appeared. I was trying to protect her-" "By letting the whole world burn?" Ash's voice carried the weight of something raw, something breaking. He figured it was as good as time as any to make his case. Oct 17, 2013 · Okay, this was a very short chapter and as I said in the beginning, if you had a problem with Ash's Pokemon being overpowered, I'm sorry. Then they capture the Pokemon. Ash/Male Zorua: 2 Apr 11, 2022 · "Todays the day. " "Flygon!" At the call, the dragon pokemon landed next to him, leaning its head down to let Pikachu jump down. They need to unwind. Mar 7, 2025 · 'Toge Togetic!' the Pokemon squealed, while flying towards Misty and jumping in her arms. . Ash and the Pokemon look around to see other Pokemon aren't moving, and people as well. "Take care, Ash!" 2 days ago · Leaf and Ash sit together in detention, doing their homework quietly. Eventual Legendary Pokemon - Moltres (from Mount Silver) Sep 29, 2024 · Moonlightquill here with the start of his very first Pokemon fanfic! I loved this show growing up and am now going to express that love through the writing of this story. (Discontinued) 3 days ago · An orange haired girl with a ponytail said, then she noticed the Pokemon in Ash's arms. Feb 5, 2025 · Charizard seeing Misty protect Ash went crazy he practically burnt Dustox's wings off and swung Syviver into the balloon and used Overheat and shot that ballon sky high. "They've got Gyms and a Pokemon League, maybe not those again just yet. The two Legendaries also felt themselves begin to cry at the loss of this trainer. "Ash here is your pokedex and 5 starting balls you have to buy some later at the store. Ash decided to use his Pokédex to check on his newly caught Meowth's summary 4 days ago · Hi! My name is Yoloashes13, and this is my first fanfic. "I understand your loyalty," he said. Ash felt a second head and he knew he was now being embraced by and embracing a Zweilous Aug 4, 2023 · Ash smiled as he looked over the pastures behind Professor Oak's Lab, he had been traveling across the regions from Kanto to Alola, and he knew of Galar and Paldea but had yet to travel those regions, he planned to in the future but had decided that after becoming the first Alolan champion to take a few months off to take a break and hang out with his family and Mar 6, 2025 · A new reality where Ash was raised in Alola rather than just visiting there on vacation, how will this affect our heroes journey, and the journey's of those around him? Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Suspense - Ash K. Feb 22, 2025 · The door opened to reveal Professor Oak. And remember, it's a FANFICTION. "No problem," Ash smiled. Ash was able to grow up in a school with people who didn't insult him and treated him like a real friend. " The pokemon only looked down at it. "Nidoking wants to stay here and help protect the Pokemon here from people like team rocket. His ability to think during a situation is quite impressive, as displayed when he met Larvitar. " as Pidgeot directs this to Pidgeotto, who glares at them. Shimmering glitter became her background as Ash regained strength to stand. It was all matted. "Guys, wow. Mar 6, 2025 · A. ) what his mother couldn't protect him from was the fact that he was almost ten and would leave for his Pokémon journey. " Said Ash as he held Nidoking head looking sad at 4 days ago · Chapter 1. 3 days ago · Ash's Pokemon Journey (Kanto-Alola) Supersonic, Icicle Spear and Protect. Today he had finally been released from the Poke-Center. In this Story, Ash's Father Aaron is a king, His mother Delia is the Queen, That, in turn, Makes Ash a Prince. " Latias said. "And what would you have done, Ash?" Sep 23, 2023 · Everyone looked & saw 3 of Ash's old Pokemon "Larvitar, Ambipom, Haunter. ' Ash noted, as he saw his Pokémon take battle stances around him. The boy showed such compassion to not just the pokemon in his team, but everyone he came across in his travels. He was alone and tired. I'm surprised to see you owning your grandfather's Pokemon in that battle today," Ash asked Georgia, who sighed and nodded. Nihilego then fired Power Gem, they released their pokemon to prepare. Lucario sniffed and wiped his tears, "Thank you, Ash" "No problem. Apr 30, 2023 · The ref called out. Since Dialga and Palkia are Ash's siblings, they will give Ash the copy unlike other legendary who gives him originals. You see, Ash sometimes reverted to his 'Ashley' personality in order to take a break from the burdens of daily life and his stressful journey. Soon the light becomes to bright for everyone to look through and they all close their eyes. !" But then both her and Ash heard the Spearow flock. Pikachu and Espeon had promised him that they were going to be their guardians and swore to protect her if she was in any danger. 3 days ago · "Goodbye Ash, thanks for everything. I found this guy chewing on some cables. I will truly enjoy tearing you limb from limb. Lance got on its back, before taking off. Ash carefully climbed down from the wall before hastily making his way back towards the stadium entrance. Ash then heard Bonnie yell, "NO!" Ash turns around before the attack and sees Max, bent over a crying Bonnie trying to protect her. 28th of Feb 15, 2024 · Every Legendary Pokemon, Mythical Pokemon, and cherished companion from their own Pokemon family surrounds the house, a silent testament to the profound significance of this moment. 2 days ago · Ash's brown eyes met her own, though her stare didn't drop. Alain's eyes narrowed. B. 2 days ago · Dragonite picked his son up and embraced him. Pikachu, as well as Ash's other Pokemon, their clones, and all other Pokemon in the arena began to cry. For example, Ash and Paul's battle happened at the semi-finals so that means Ash will be facing Tobias in the finals. Pokemon sentience is on par with the anime, but they have animalistic tendencies. "Crap!" Sep 3, 2020 · Ash released his first pokemon and released his first pokemon, "Rowlet! I choose you!", Ash shouted. While Ash couldn't understand the Pokemon language, Ash got the gist of what was said. 2 days ago · "Then let's go," Ash said then sudennly stopping feeling a Pokémon aura, "Huh," Ash said looking for the Pokémon not able to find it began racing to his hometown while being watched by a small Pokémon. " Misty asks, "What is that Pokemon?" Leaf replies "Oh, it is a Sylveon, one of the Eevee evolutions. I have set your limit to 12 since your a Ranger and Aura Grand 2 days ago · Ash and Pikachu are partners as well as best buddies who would do anything for each other. I really like the Alola characters (which might be obvious from the fact I've now written two stories which focus on them), but I feel like I've kinda neglected them in Ash's Just Reward, so I wanted to do a story which was more focused. " Oak said stepping aside for Ash to enter. The Butterfree stopped and giggled at Ash. Ash's Pokemon (He Found them abadoned by their owner since they were Anthro) 1 day ago · Getting Ready For A New Region. This Charizard clearly was Ash's best pokemon. And I have changed some plot in the movie, since Dia and Plamo have no reason to fight really hard to make Alamos Town trapped. " Butterfree nodded before he fell unconscious from Mar 1, 2025 · Ash sighed, trying to cover the embarrassing mark with the collar of the robe. An instant later, it crashed into Charizard's protected form, splashing its power across Charizard's surface like freshly molten lava. 4 days ago · Lucario was the Pokemon that Ash found as a Rilou during Ash's journey. "Stay safe," she whispered. Then Lusamine sighs, "At least you are fine, I just hope that you are safe" "Thanks, mom. A few of his Read the most popular pokemon ash stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. Ash and Gary had grown up with one another and had spent a lot of their time together. Ash did and waited for Oak to lead him to the testing room. 2 days ago · AN: This is a gift for Copperfur/Tomoe Mami since today's her birthday! She ships Ash x Alain like I do so this is for her! Hope you like it! Happy Birthday! Established Ash x Alain. Please, Enjoy! (If you think I can improve my writing, please tell me in the reviews. "This way. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Adventure - Ash K. Ash smiled, 'Take good care of her Max. /Satoshi, Yellow, Leaf, Serena - Chapters: 2 - Words: 13,305 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 1 - Published: 11/1 - id: 14294606 Feb 13, 2025 · Ash looks at Georgia and says, "I must say Georgia. He had the poison on his side for the Infernape, but he had no idea who Ash's last pokemon was. Ash was holding Misty in his arms when Charizard fell down its wings badly hurt by the unexpected attack. Type Story: Pokemon. Ash stared at mouse Pokemon, and Pikachu stared back, wary of Ash. 4 days ago · "This is a matter between Ash, Fearow, and myself, not involving any members of your flock, especially cowards. Mar 8, 2025 · Ash had changed to Red, his mother wishing he had died instead of his father, and attempting to make an exchange for his life, by beating Ash. Ash tries to counter with a Wing Attack, but Paul's Starly uses Double Team followed by another Aerial Ace and as a result, Ash's Starly is knocked out. " Adam looked at them, his lips tightening in thought. /Satoshi - Chapters: 4 - Words: 6,394 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 22 - Follows: 19 - Updated: 10/16/2012 - Published: 10/13/2012 - id: 8605510 3 days ago · Ash, after coming close to winning the Kalos League, stays home a bit and catches up with some friends. " Lillie says. Which it was, I guess. Arceus explained his new destiny of saving the world from the forces of darkness. Ash smiled down at her, scooping her into his arms. " Back with Ash "So let's see what we've got here. 6 days ago · {Ash} Ash is having the time of his life as he played an innocent game of tag with a shiny male Shinx, a female Azurill, and a shiny female Ralts. That'll come up in the later chapters. luckily his real father sir Aaron was able to recover him,six years later he finds his elder brother Red and they journey through the Kalos Region with a few new friends to boot. But Ash had spent his life overcoming impossible odds. "I think I need a break. Ash let Rilou go but Rilou insisted on following him. " Ash said, grabbing a pamphlet as he left the docks. " This was his chance to change everything. "Mom? Feb 11, 2025 · Pokemon fanfic. " Meowth said happily as she nodded "Alright, Go Poké Ball!" Ash said as he threw the Poké Ball & caught the female Meowth "Awesome, I caught a Meowth!" "Congratulations Ash. "Oh Damn. 4 days ago · "Well, in that case, why don't you come with us?" Ash said "Meow. " Mar 6, 2025 · While Ash charged, he saw heavy bloodmarks on Serena's once-smooth back, now beaten and full of red ridges. Oh, Pokemon. I still don't know which. /Satoshi, Pikachu, Lillie, OC - Chapters: 157 - Words: 211,993 - Reviews: 124 - Favs: 143 - Follows: 125 - Updated: 6/14 4 days ago · So, this story is going to take on a more serious light compared to the anime with elements from the games and manga. A mysterious illness has affected our favorite hero, leaving him unconscious for 1 year. Oct 2, 2024 · The Midden were home to several Steel-type Pokemon, so he wouldn't have to travel far to get one. Those who had not been taken will Pokemon ash Tg by Rezuban on DeviantArt Mal Omorashi Fanart by creepypastajack on DeviantArt pokemon serena omorashi pokemon bonnie diaper Old and New by 5 days ago · Ash has just taken 2nd in the Kalos Battle Royale. It had emerald and white feathers and a blue green leaves sprouting from its chest like a bowtie. I got shocked before I caught him. You can cry after all you are already strong enough. )The story starts at the sinnoh league conference but with a few tweaks. A theme song for this fic would be "I'd Come For You" by Nickelback. Ash said "Get ready, i cant hold this long!" As the shield disappeared, they ordered their pokemon "Pikachu! 5 days ago · Ash gritted his teeth, remembering how Bulbasaur had mistrusted humans for a long time, but eventually softened up to Ash and became one of his best Pokemon. But when Ash is kidnapped, drugged, and experimented on, he loses ALL his memories and has been turned into a spiky-haired Pichu, he has no control over his new powers, and every criminal organization is hunting for him and Pikachu is the only one who can protect Ash. Tubes and wires connected him to at least a dozen machines. It didn't take a step back, it didn't bend its knee. Leaf played with her hands, rubbing them against each other anxiously. 4 days ago · "But Bulbasaur have stay here to protect" said Ash "Who are gonna protect you and wilds pokemon" said Brock to Melaine "Bulbasaur have start journey learn about other side world but i know wilds not gonna stay here forever have start lnew life in wild nature, my mission not finished and i wait some Pokemon appear here" said Melaine Mar 8, 2025 · Yes, I finally did it! A Pokemon fanfic of Ash getting serious after the Battle Frontier Arc and training before going to Sinnoh. Gary Oak, the grandson of Professor Oak, had been one of the three to pass the exam as well. Chapter 1 The Beginning Ash and Pikachu . It was the first time that Tobias was forced to be defensive in any of Feb 28, 2025 · Natalie is more competent, like on Gary's level, while Jack is someone for comic relief. Ash quickly runs over to them, Pikachu and Sylveon hugs him. Ash calls out to Aipom, while Paul throws out his Chimchar. Contests?" Ash said with intrigue. Ash's fist clenched. Nurse Joy brought Pikachu back to the room where he and Ash were staying. Feb 28, 2025 · Paul's Starly uses Aerial Ace. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Humor - Ash K. 5 days ago · After Danaka disables the crystals by accident, chaos ensuing as the wild Pokemon start fighting each other, and Mew was about to launch an electric attack to calm them down. It either was a bad matchup against his Drapion, or even stronger than his Charizard. But only for a reason! Only if they posed a threat to him; only if he had to. "Hyper Beam!" Paul called, not letting himself be discouraged by the failed attack. Feb 28, 2025 · "Snorlax, Protect!" Ash shouted. Poll results: Shiny Articuno: 11 Feb 26, 2025 · Mark nodded in agreement. "Ash, these are Lance, the Indigo League Pokemon Champion, and Drayden, Unova's Dragon-type Gym Leader. "See you later!" Ash waved, nodding in thanks to both his mom and Mr. ' Ash thought as he looked back at the ball of energy that had formed in front of him. Ash fell to his knees. It's just how this story goes. This would be the last time they would see each other for a long while. Such is the tale of Nessa and others who wish to be free once more. Mar 6, 2025 · FanFiction | unleash During the last part of the song, the pokemon decided to join Ash in his singing, humming beautifully alongside the boy. 2 days ago · "Pikachu, summon them. 2 days ago · Ash knew it himself and he didn't care about the fact that he was the most dangerous species in the world. This story originally belonged to a user named MAJORMATT1234 I personally really enjoyed his story as it was one of the few fanfics in the pokemon fandom about reading another fanfic which is Traveler. Feb 22, 2025 · Black t-shirt under the blue and whote jacket, a mini blue denim skirt, and the same tennis shoes Ash always wore. Riley had started teaching his pupil about healing, which to Ash's dismay would involve a lot of reading and studying about the body first before he could actually start learning the Aura techniques. 2 hours later Ash was outside of Pallet town, "Come on bud," Ash said racing Pikachu to the town Feb 24, 2025 · "We're almost there!" Ash cheered as he looked to Pikachu as Pikachu looked back and smiled too. I realized those were the only things keeping Ash alive. This is my first ever Pokemon fanfic so forgive me if there are any errors, but nonetheless, this was . It is fairy type. The bolt was enough to blow a grown man off his feet. Capturing a Pokemon in the Midden was no easy feat, especially without any Pokemon to protect him. " Jun 23, 2020 · Red lightning crackled across the surface of the beam, vaporizing snow and rock alike. Ash will catch many more pokemon (I enjoy stories where Ash tries/manages to complete the Pokedex) and his normal traveling companions will change slightly, there will be no Misty and no Max with Ash because I never 3 days ago · In a Fantasy Pokemon World, where a massive empire controls most of the world, many pray to the Star Champion Ash Ketchum, who is a great legend across the world. Feb 28, 2025 · Ash had spent most of his youth learning from the professor and playing with the Pokémon that lived in the laboratory or the ranch where Oak lived. Mar 7, 2025 · " Ash knew he couldn't escape, so he just sat there waiting for the impact. " he whispered, his eyes still widened. 6 days ago · Only able to see half the world, Ash still hasn't lost sight of becoming a Pokemon Master. "I was trying to save Mairin. Join Ash as he journeys to a region called Vale as he participates in a new tournament where he will make some new friends. "No really, you risked getting detention just to Protect me. They stood in front Jul 30, 2019 · Ash placated himself by reminding himself that he had been training very slowly and in his spare time, and that during his actual journey he would produce stronger Pokemon much faster. (AU) (AshxMulti) 3 days ago · This Ash Ketchum is mute and was bullied in Kanto, especially by Gary Oak. Ash nodded, and boarded up the stairs and inside the ship, then the ship let out a large honk, and it was ready for sailing. "Oh my gosh a Pokemon, are you okay?" she asked in a worried tone. " Ash said surprisingly as Ambipom & Larvitar were on Haunter's back "What the heck, Ambipom!? You messed up the trap, whose side are you on!?" Dawn said incredulously "Ambi Ambi!" Ambipom said as she point at Ash 3 days ago · Ash did not stop the fight, he tried to trample the man on his feet so that Charles would drop Ash. "Ah, Ash. After Rilou healed Ash realized that it was the same Rilou from back when he was younger. He had protected his pokemon. Dratini got a determined look in his eye and nodded with vigor. Every day I've lived in Pallet Town, watching my Pokemon training to become stronger and stronger. (Aside from a phone call from his mother, she wasn't angry, she was livid. Betrayed by his friends Ash was alone in the world. Oct 25, 2017 · Ash mastered Aura Sight and Protect (which he learned the shield he pulled up that fateful day was called). /Satoshi, Charizard/Lizardon, Pidgeot/Pigeot - Chapters: 81 - Words: 252,228 - Reviews: 259 - Favs: 358 - Follows: 335 - Updated: 2/8 2 days ago · - 5 minutes later, on the Gym battle field-Ash and Misty made their way to their respected sides of the battle field as Richie, A. Ash managed to trample the man on foot, Charles forced Ash against a wall and hit Ash in the face. Oct 30, 2024 · Ash smiled sardonically before he reached down and unclipped the jacket. They are out running through the deep forest where they can see lots of wild Pokémon roaming around. of course. Palkia chases after Darkrai around the towers. Araquanid roars and fires out a large stream of water that heads for Gigalith as Ash speaks. This was Ash's Deino and he would do anything for him. He glowed and transformed. Author: Writing My Life. the Professor remembers he is a Ranger and Aura Grand master so he sets his pokemon limit to 12. "I think we're done for the day, you can relax. "Snor" Snorlax lowered his arms as a green energy dome formed around him. Mime. "Battle begin," the ref yelled. Come in. They were in charge of the care of their pokemon, keeping themselves alive, 6 days ago · Join Ash and friends as they embark on a journey through Johto as if it originally had intended to if Ash made his promise to Pidgeot Smart and Calmer Ash. Ash was so close to achieving his dream of becoming a Pokemon Master only to have it ripped away from him. )Like most fanfiction, this is AU. Dratini nuzzled into his father's neck. "Alright, listen up. -I feel your body is straining to endure it, Ash. 1 day ago · Ash thought to himself, feeling more and more confident with his plan. 3 years later, with Giovanni launching an attack on Kalos, Ash comes back to protect the region. 1 day ago · Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction based on the Pokemon anime. Before he can shush them, Ash hears a voice. Leaf knew Ash didn't know how much big of a favour he tried to do for Leaf. May and Apr 14, 2023 · Ash noticed his wife cooking breakfast for the family. Unknowingly 6 days ago · All the Pokemon cheer for them, but Ash is a little afraid that the ruckus would cause the traitors to come outside and watch. Gigalith quickly summons a protective barrier and blocks the attack. Ash watched him disappear into the distance before turning to his mom. Ash saw all of this and looked back toward the lab to see a sight that brought him hope despite how bleak the situation was. So the trainer wasn't entirely stupid. Rated: Fiction K - Spanish - Romance/Drama - Ash K. "Make sure to let me know how you are. 1 day ago · Ash Ketchum wasn't like other 16 year olds. "Ash" Misty mentally pleads. "said Ash. Feb 3, 2024 · Damn Ash and his talent for attracting pretty girls! Inside the ship, Ash sneezed, Pikachu patted his neck in slight concern. Why the hell are his friends looking at him? This is getting scary. "Thank you again Ash, goodbye. " Pikachu on the order from its trainer, jumped off his shoulder and sent out and thunderbolt which indicated for Ash's pokemon to converge on the location of said thunderbolt. "Ready when you are Lance. Ashley: Princess, 1st Child. Moving quietly, Ash hoped he wouldn't be seen despite being in a well lit Feb 27, 2025 · Author Notes: This is my first pokemon Fanfiction, so can you try to be nice, and should I do the Victini Ark, because I could have Ash start of in Unova or should I do the Darkrai Ark where Ash starts off in Sinnoh he'll eventually get both, but the one he gets sooner would bond more. "What why!" they Asked. After all, he was only testing his opponent. There's more at stake here. " At this she gave a secretive and amused smile, "That child took a liking to you, He Sep 10, 2019 · Ash blushes at the words as he realizes what Arceus meant. May 31, 2022 · On the verge of being killed by his former Pokemon, a key shaped weapon appeared and saved his life. "Vespiquen use Bug Buzz," "Eevee, use Protect," Ash called out, "Eeveee," the Pokemon cried as a protective barrier appeared around it. " Misty congratulated. Feb 26, 2025 · Ash took a deep breath and sighed. Mar 3, 2025 · (2)This likewise seemed more in character for Pikachu to say as he's always been willing to put Ash's other Pokemon's happiness first; Ash likewise has paid goodly amounts of attention to many Pokemon over the years, from Pidgeotto to Charizard to Treecko to Greninja to, even more recently, Dragonite and Gengar, and Pikachu never once complained. "Yeah me and Riolu are fine we just" Ash didn't finish because the girl cut him off. " Oak said knowing the boy would want to start as soon as possible. He trains with his pokemon for 4 years A Pokémon fanfiction. Serena was stocking up on supplies they'd need for their Journey; Ritchie was gathering information on the area and trails they could take, and Ash was talking to his Mom on the phone and he had just showed her Pikachu, "Oh! 2 days ago · Ash tilted his head to the side cutely, not understanding what was going on, but obeyed the silent request. When a trainer passed their exams to become active, they legally became adults. Normal 16 year olds enjoy hanging out with friends, talking, gaming, the strange ones even liked school, and studied! Ash Ketchum has more absurd hobbies - more dangerous hobbies. Each of them 5 days ago · Ash has just taken 2nd in the Kalos Battle Royale. 'It seems like they're expecting a fight. Back when she visited Ash in Hoenn, she had to release her Togetic in the Mirage Kingdom, so Jun 3, 2015 · Ash has been betrayed, fled into the forest and fell unconscious cursed by a mad depression that filled him to the brim. Wild pokemon are in a dog eat dog world out there. /Satoshi, Cynthia/Shirona, Lance/Wataru, Diantha/Carnet - Chapters: 20 - Words: 95,510 - Reviews: 477 - Favs: 1,488 - Follows 4 days ago · Today was the day, Today is the day me and Pikachu go on our pokemon journey, we quickly sped over to 's Lab, I knocked on the door, I waited for a few minutes until it opened, had opened the door groggily, I had planned for this and gave him a 10 teaspoon of sugar tea, he always drank it to wake up, but I'd bet he just woke up and didn't have 4 days ago · Mainly Because only of my jobs, i will only be free on 1 day. Nov 3, 2019 · Ash Ketchum bonded with a male Larvitar in the Forest of Harmony. 4 years later Ash is invited to the Master Cup, a tournament where all the best trainers competed. Paul chose to believe the former. Ash/Latias: 1. The blue-haired heard and looked down to see the teacup and saucer overflowing with tea. The outskirts of Rota, northwest of the Kanto region. "Alright everyone, I need your help. Characters: Aaron(OC): King. He grabbed at Ash's arms but was startled as electricity shot up his gloves. There will be the Tauros trade and aura training. ?: Don't worry, I have already stopped the time, they wouldn't be able to hear anything. Below him, the ruins of Lumiose City stretched endlessly, a scar upon the world. lqjwd swk exl cgazp hhhqx lsptnb giertfxn zlzqrr ltipgf hdlnle xfeqzcw qmumi mtz tpc tnm