Ramsey county sheriff bob fletcher. His current term ends on January 4, 2027.

Ramsey county sheriff bob fletcher RamseyCountySheriff. Mar 17, 2021 · Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office Bob Fletcher, Sheriff Community Support and Crime Prevention Services 1411 Paul Kirkwold Drive Arden Hills, Minnesota 55112 Phone: 651-266-7339 Fax: 651-266-7337 www. 08 or More Alcohol Conc. Home / Your Government / Leadership The Apprehension Unit serves and executes arrest warrants issued by Ramsey County District Court (Second Judicial District) and other jurisdictions. Paul, MN 55110. Connect with us. Dennis Dunnigan Pre-general report Post-general report; Nicole Frethem January report Pre-primary report Pre-general report Post-general report; Blake Huffman January report; District 2. In his letter, Fletcher asks Choi to pause the program until certain issues Sep 1, 2021 · Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office Neighborhood Watch Bob Fletcher, Sheriff Public Safety Services Division – Crime Prevention Unit 1411 Paul Kirkwold Drive • Arden Hills, Minnesota 55112 Phone: 651-266-7339 • Fax: 651-266-7337 www. us | CrimePrevention@ramseycounty. PAUL, MN 55102 08/28/2024 07:26 Inmates Admitted To The Ramsey County Jail(LEC)From: 08/27/2024 15:00 To 08/28/2024 07:00 Charge City of Violation Arresting Agency In the early 1990s as Ramsey County Sheriff, Bob saw that the newly arrived Hmong American community was working to make a new start in Saint Paul and Ramsey County, but that the challenge facing them was daunting. That year, Fletcher, who had just lost a bid for reelection, founded the Center May 27, 2009 · Bob Fletcher is a former Ramsey County Sheriff, and currently mayor of Vadnais Heights. The Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office offers classes throughout the year. 3 percent higher than the national average for government employees. Business Contact Information 2021 On Monday, August 1, 2022 members of the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office learned that Deputy Dallas Edeburn had not returned home as expected after leaving the Ramsey County Patrol Station in Arden Hills on Sunday, July 31, 2022. Paul Firefighters booya event on Sunday, Oct. As a result, the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office collaborates with and supports local law enforcement agencies in a variety of ways, programs, and activities. He had served as sheriff for 16 years and is a lifelong Ramsey Jun 17, 2022 · The Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office has data on many people, such as employees, job applicants, inmates, vendors, and citizens mentioned in law enforcement reports. In Mar 12, 2024 · RAMSEY COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT Page 1 of 7 Phones: Dispatcher: 651-484-3366 Warrants Office: 651-266-9320 Adult Detention Center: 651-266-9333 SHERIFF Bob Fletcher ST. Prepared and paid for by the Bob Fletcher for Sheriff Committee P. Box 10643 | Saint Paul, MN 55110 Feb 25, 2023 · Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher, known by many for his social media escapades and live streams, was sent a letter Friday rebuking recent actions of his as unprofessional, disrespectful and racist. If you would like to donate in person, please attend an upcoming event. Notes: Fletcher was a candidate for Mayor of St. . Has an annual operating budget of approximately $57 million. He assumed office in 2019. 2. Breadcrumb menu. PAUL, MN 55102 04/27/2022 08:37 Inmates Admitted To The Ramsey County Jail(LEC)From: 04/26/2022 07:00 To 04/26/2022 15:00 RAMSEY COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT Page 2 of 5 Phones: Dispatcher: 651-484-3366 Warrants Office: 651-266-9320 Adult Detention Center: 651-266-9333 SHERIFF Bob Fletcher ST. Home / Your Government / Leadership / Sheriff's Office and probation of 300 career criminals and repeat juvenile offenders in Ramsey County. 1 2022; 1. Jun 27, 2015 · Kyle Fletcher, the son of former Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher, died as the result of a drug overdose, a medical examiner has ruled. Election Details. Applications must be received by Tuesday, December 17, 2019. He has been in the St. Number of state/federal offices sought 5 days ago · The Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office officially joined On Patrol: Live during Season 1 in October, 2022. (Second Degree) This year 178 eligible persons applied. 425 Grove Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone: 651-266-9333 www. The nonprofit School of Leadership for Public Dec 26, 2019 · Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office . A downloadable pdf of this letter is at the end of Feb 24, 2023 · Ongoing dissension between Sheriff Bob Fletcher and the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners escalated Friday with board members accusing Fletcher of racism, after accusations he overspent government funds drew a furious rebuke from the sheriff. Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher wrote a letter to Ramsey County Attorney John Choi opposing his Collaborative Review Team (CRT), saying that it returns dangerous juveniles to society. PAUL, MN 55102 03/12/2024 15:27 Inmates Admitted To The Ramsey County Jail(LEC)From: 03/12/2024 07:00 To 03/12/2024 15:00 Charge City of Violation Arresting Agency On March 6, 2023, Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher sent the following letter to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners regarding his concerns over the backlog in distribution of food and cash benefits to those in need in Ramsey County. Ramsey County residents expressed mixed feelings Tuesday night about Sheriff Bob Fletcher's performance, as county officials mull how to hold the Sheriff's Office accountable and improve community Prepared and paid for by the Bob Fletcher for Sheriff Committee P. District 2. Other video clips showed extensive damage to both vehicles. May 18, 2024 · Bob Fletcher is a Sheriff at Ramsey County, MN based in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Mar 3, 2025 · Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office Bob Fletcher, Sheriff Minnesota’s First Law Enforcement Agency – Established 1849 425 Grove Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone: 651-266-9333 Fax: 651-266-9301 www. If a homemaker, please enter Jul 14, 2009 · The long and winding career path of Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher gets an airing in City Pages, where Matt Snyders spends some quality time with the sheriff during and after the interview 6 days ago · Meet the Sheriff Bob Fletcher took the oath of office as the 23rd Sheriff of Ramsey County on January 10, 2019. Everyone—including citizens, employees, and community groups—must have trust and confidence in the Sheriff’s Office. This afternoon Bob Fletcher filed to run for Ramsey County Sheriff. After determination of the Fletcher Bob in 2019 was employed at Ramsey County and had an annual salary of $155,577 according to public records. PAUL, MN 55102 07/21/2021 08:00 Inmates Admitted To The Ramsey County Jail(LEC)From: 07/20/2021 15:00 To 07/21/2021 07:00 RAMSEY COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT Page 2 of 5 Phones: Dispatcher: 651-484-3366 Warrants Office: 651-266-9320 Adult Detention Center: 651-266-9333 SHERIFF Bob Fletcher ST. This salary was 244 percent higher than the average and 216 percent higher than the median salary in Ramsey County. The tip line is an automated phone system that will call and play your message to an on-call investigator 24 hours a day, Feb 28, 2023 · As leaders in Ramsey County who represent and lead our racially and ethnically diverse employees in our employee resource groups (ERGs), we condemn the racist actions, the inactions toward enabling the health and care of our residents in the Adult Detention Center, and lack of direct response and budget accountability of Ramsey County Sheriff Apr 11, 2022 · SHERIFF Bob Fletcher ST. *Uploaded for historical and educational purposes. “What’s even more than being honored to be asked [to be on the show], is this is an opportunity to represent law enforcement to the Nov 2, 2023 · Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office Neighborhood Watch Bob Fletcher, Sheriff Public Safety Services Division – Crime Prevention Unit 1411 Paul Kirkwold Drive • Arden Hills, Minnesota 55112 Phone: 651-266-7339 • Fax: 651-266-7337 www. One of the most recent records in 2022 lists a job of County Sheriff - Uncl and a pay of $78. 52,734 likes · 3,076 talking about this · 84 were here. Credit: Bob Fletcher for Ramsey County Sheriff 6 days ago · Meet the team that leads the Ramsey County Sheriff's Office. Bob Fletcher, Sheriff . Meet Sheriff Bob Fletcher; Meet the Command Staff; About the Office The vision, mission and values of the Ramsey County Sheriff's Office. If retired, please enter "Retired" for Occupation and "N/A" for Employer. 4 days ago · State statutes also require an expanded Sheriff’s Office role, providing jurisdiction and authority throughout the county. Commissioner Trista MatasCastillo Commissioner Rafael Ortega . The board met on Tuesday to discuss the next steps in addressing the sheriff's office budget, and invited Bob Fletcher for Sheriff Committee P. Nov 9, 2022 · Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office . Mary Jo McGuire January report; District 3. ramsey. The Sheriff’s Office. Fletcher, a musician who was living in Los Angeles with his Minnesotan fiancee, died on May 16, five days after going into cardiac arrest on his 26th birthday. Commissioner Nicole Joy Frethem Commissioner Mai Chong Ramsey County Sheriff, 425 Grove St, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101. He won in the general election on November 8, 2022. mn. Dear Business Owners & Managers, Mar 7, 2025 · Ramsey County Sheriff. Paul police officer in 1977 and was elected the county’s sheriff in 1994. Please note: Law requires contributors to provide employment information. These programs included: Prepared and paid for by the Bob Fletcher for Sheriff Committee Apr 27, 2022 · SHERIFF Bob Fletcher ST. Vadnais Heights City Councilor (2015-2016). Addeddate 2022-07-28 00:15:10 Identifier wcco-bob-fletcher Scanner Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office Bob Fletcher, Sheriff Follow-up Questions for Sheriff’s Office Body Worn Cameras. Twitter. 0 $ 59,603 $ 119,205 $ 119,205 5 days ago · Press Release: Sheriff’s Office Youth Plus Program Hockey and Skating Season Kicks Off – October 9, 2019 (pdf) Press Release: Sheriff-elect Bob Fletcher Promotes Chy Nou Lee to Inspector, Highest Ranking Hmong American Officer in Minnesota – December 7, 2019 (pdf) WCCO: Ramsey Co. Warrant 62SU-CR-20-2708 - 1: Warrant Type: COMPLAINT WARRANT: Date Issued: 11/30/2020: Charge Level: Misdemeanor: Charge: Trespass -enter/occupy dwelling/locked/posted 5 days ago · The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is a FEMA program offered through the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office. Our goal is to help inform the public regarding the job of law enforcement through "live" broadcasts of the Sheriff and Ramsey Warrant 62SU-CR-12-2927 - 3: Warrant Type: PROBATION VIOLATION: Date Issued: 09/30/2015: Charge Level: Gross Misdemeanor: Charge: Traffic - 2nd Deg DWI - Operate Motor Vehicle - Alcohol Concentration 0. June 5, 2018. DATE: Thank you for contacting the Internal Affairs Unit. Key Contacts Nov 8, 2022 · Bob Fletcher is the Ramsey County Sheriff in Minnesota. Contents. PAUL, MN 55102 03/10/2020 13:15 Inmates Admitted To The Ramsey County Jail(LEC)From: 03/09/2020 07:00 To 03/10/2020 07:00 Charge City of Violation Arresting Agency. Nicole Frethem Registration and statement of organization - amended January report; Tara Jebens-Singh Registration and statement of organization Initial report - amended; District 2. Fletcher ran for re-election for Ramsey County Sheriff in Minnesota. The Honorable Andrew Myers . PAUL, MN 55102 12/27/2019 09:52 Inmates Admitted To The Ramsey County Jail(LEC)From: 12/27/2019 00:00 To 12/27/2019 07:00 RAMSEY COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT Page 2 of 3 Phones: Dispatcher: 651-484-3366 Warrants Office: 651-266-9320 Adult Detention Center: 651-266-9333 SHERIFF Bob Fletcher ST. Office information. 2 2018; 2 Campaign themes. 0 $ 156,506 $ 156,506 $ 156,506 IS LAN Support Specialist 2 1. Facebook. March 6, 2023 . Find public safety resources, employment opportunities, news and public information, and more. Contact form. Warrant 62-CR-19-9009 - 2: Warrant Type: Bench Warrant - FTA: Date Issued: 04/02/2021: Charge Level: Misdemeanor: Charge: Fleeing a Peace Officer By a Means Other Than a Motor Vehicle Nov 26, 2019 · Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office Bob Fletcher, Sheriff Community Update Serving the communities of Arden Hills, Falcon Heights , Little Canada, CrimePrevention@co. 651-266-9333. Fletcher ran for re-election for Ramsey 6 days ago · Learn about the vision, mission and values of the Ramsey County Sheriff's Office, led by Sheriff Bob Fletcher since 2019. United States. 175 million from the Sheriff's Office 2021 budget. Paul police commander Monday. Jeff Dains Mar 7, 2025 · Bob Fletcher, Sheriff . Box 10643 | Saint Paul, MN 55110 Online Warrant Search: Ramsey County Sheriff's Office: Sheriff Bob Fletcher Oct 21, 2021 · Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher is planning to open a new charter school next year that aims to steer students toward careers in public service. Over the next 16 years, the sheriff's office developed several new initiatives including the ramsey county curfew center, Youth literacy & Athletics programs, expanded citizen 6 days ago · Sheriff Bob Fletcher. At present, there are many barriers to rehabilitation at the Ramsey County Adult Detention Center: Prepared and paid for by the Bob Fletcher for Sheriff Committee P. Read more. Below is the Sheriff's letter to Aug 28, 2024 · RAMSEY COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT Page 1 of 6 Phones: Dispatcher: 651-484-3366 Warrants Office: 651-266-9320 Adult Detention Center: 651-266-9333 SHERIFF Bob Fletcher ST. This salary was 235 percent higher than the average and 205 percent higher than the median salary in Ramsey County. More Nov 8, 2022 · Bob Fletcher is the Ramsey County Sheriff in Minnesota. Box 10643 | Saint Paul, MN 55110 Dec 18, 2024 · The aftermath of the crash was captured at the time on live video from Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher’s Live on Patrol YouTube broadcast as he and Deputy Pat Scott arrived at the site of the crash, where debris could be seen strewn across the road. INTERNAL AFFAIRS COMPLAINT FORM . Saint Paul, MN 55101. 1 2022; Dec 27, 2018 · Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office Neighborhood Watch Bob Fletcher, Sheriff Public Safety Services Division – Crime Prevention Unit 1411 Paul Kirkwold Drive • Arden Hills, Minnesota 55112 Phone: 651-266-7332 • Fax: 651-266-7337 www. Bob Fletcher Overview. Bob Fletcher will be returning to lead the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Officeon Monday, January 7, 2019 following winning the election in November. Has more than 450 employees, including full-time, part-time, and temporary employees, plus over 200 volunteer members. Oct 26, 2018 · Former Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher, center, talks with Joyce and Dan Dunn of Maplewood at the North St. Project Budget: Body Worn Cameras FTE 2019 2020 2021 Personnel Services Commander 1. 425 Grove Street . PAUL, MN 55102 08/26/2024 15:13 Inmates Admitted To The Ramsey County Jail(LEC)From: 08/26/2024 07:00 To 08/26/2024 15:00 Charge City of Violation Arresting Agency Mar 6, 2023 · Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office Bob Fletcher, Sheriff Office of the Sheriff 425 Grove Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone: 651-266-9308 Fax: 651-266-9301 www. O. Fletcher became a St. Jeff currently serves as the Undersheriff of the Public Safety Services Division, leading contract patrol services for the cities of Arden Hills, Falcon Heights, Little Canada, North Oaks, Shoreview, Vadnais Heights, and Warrant 62-CR-24-6862 - 2: Warrant Type: Bench Warrant - FTA: Date Issued: 01/15/2025: Charge Level: Gross Misdemeanor: Charge: Domestic Assault-GM-Subsequent Violation Prepared and paid for by the Bob Fletcher for Sheriff Committee P. Before an investigation can begin, State law requires Warrant 62SU-CR-17-96 - 1: Warrant Type: PROBATION VIOLATION: Date Issued: 10/10/2017: Charge Level: Gross Misdemeanor: Charge:. Jul 21, 2021 · SHERIFF Bob Fletcher ST. us Neighbors and Deputies working together for safer communities. Our collection features t-shirts, polos, hoodies, and crewnecks that proudly display your backing for a leader committed to public safety, transparency, and community engagement. 3rd Floor . Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office. Gas Drive Off Report Form (pdf) View calls for service online Oct 4, 2021 · Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office Bob Fletcher, Sheriff Public Safety Services Division 1411 Paul Kirkwold Drive Arden Hills, Minnesota 55112 . John Choi January report (Amended) Ramsey County Sheriff. You are a bright, shining light in the world. 3 percent higher than the average pay for co-workers and 128. Paul's East Side. Class schedule. Warrant 62SU-CR-16-4223 - 4: Warrant Type: Bench Warrant - FTA: Date Issued: 10/17/2019: Charge Level: Misdemeanor: Charge: Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop-No Consent Apr 13, 2012 · Former Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher and his wife have turned their Vadnais Heights home over to a bank, saying it was partially because of the income loss he took after losing the 2010 election. Bob Serious crime in Ramsey County fell by 20% during Bob's time as Sheriff. www. Paul Police Department. Warrant 62-CR-22-6398 - 1: Warrant Type: Bench Warrant - FTA: Date Issued: 12/12/2022: Charge Level: Gross Misdemeanor: Charge: Carry/Possess Pistol w/out Permit - Public Place - Gross Misdemeanor; Second or Subsequent - Felony Feb 14, 2025 · The Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office is Minnesota’s first law enforcement agency, established in 1849 when Minnesota was only a territory. Bob Fletcher in 2022 was employed at Ramsey County and had an annual salary of $165,138 according to public records. Sheriff Re-Launches Youth Basketball Program A woman elbowed Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher in the face and nearly broke his nose early Saturday morning when he responded to a domestic disturbance call on St. Mayor of Vadnais Heights (2017-2018). This salary was 235 percent higher than the average and 212 percent higher than the median salary in Ramsey County. IF SEEN, CALL 911. 425 Grove Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone: 651-266-9333 Fax: 651-266-9301 . us Neighbors and Deputies working together for safer communities Jan 24, 2025 · Ramsey County Sheriff. The Sheriff’s administration must keep all government data in a way that makes Bob Fletcher Overview. History, structure, mission, vision and values, beliefs; Feb 24, 2023 · The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners sent a letter today to Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher calling out his repeated disrespect and exclusionary practices that most recently involved the sending of a letter that omitted all members of color who currently serve on the Ramsey County Board. Consistent with Tuesday, September 24, 2019 11:00 am - Barbeque lunch served 12:00 noon - Shotgun start Dinner served following golf Tanners Brook Golf Club 5810 190th Street North, Forest Lake () Oct 7, 2020 · Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher won’t tell the public what Omar Jamal does for his office. Donate at an Event. His current term ends on January 4, 2027. Nicole Frethem Final report; Tara Jebens-Singh Post-general report Pre-general report (Amended) Pre-primary report January report; District 2. Thank you Sheriff Bob Fletcher for bringing kindness into a job that seems an unlikely place to find it. But what does that work involve? That question has proved hard to figure out. Omar Jamal, the main source for a controversial and questionable pair of videos alleging voter fraud in Minnesota, works for the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office. Bob received a B. A downloadable pdf of this letter is at the end of this page. Neither of these two would be able to take the test with today’s limitations. Administration Division . 1 Elections. Mar 10, 2020 · RAMSEY COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT Page 1 of 19 Phones: Dispatcher: 651-484-3366 Warrants Office: 651-266-9320 Adult Detention Center: 651-266-9333 SHERIFF Bob Fletcher ST. Y9). PAUL, MN 55102 04/11/2022 15:59 Inmates Admitted To The Ramsey County Jail(LEC)From: 04/11/2022 07:00 To 04/11/2022 15:00 RAMSEY COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT Page 2 of 4 Phones: Dispatcher: 651-484-3366 Warrants Office: 651-266-9320 Adult Detention Center: 651-266-9333 SHERIFF Bob Fletcher ST. degree from Hamline University. No commercial use of this content without permission from copyright holders. See map: Google Maps. The campaign will officially kickoff of tonight, starting at Ramsey County, Minnesota records show Bob Fletcher held one job between 2019 and 2022. Phone: (651) 266-9333 Department Memberships . Why I’m Voting for Bob Fletcher for Sheriff. Ramsey County Sheriff. For nearly 16 years, the Sheriff’s Office led in diverse hiring. 76/HR according to public records. PAUL, MN 55102 01/06/2020 08:53 Inmates Admitted To The Ramsey County Jail(LEC)From: 12/31/2019 07:00 To 01/02/2020 07:00 Charge City of Violation Arresting Agency Nearly 60% of all bookings at the Ramsey County Adult Detention Center are people of color. This program is designed to train citizens how to better prepare themselves and their families should their home or neighborhood be affected by a Oct 6, 2020 · What is known is that the professional relationship between Omar Jamal and the Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher dates back to at least 2011. Credit: Bob Fletcher for Ramsey County Sheriff On February 21, 2023, Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher sent the following letter to Ramsey County Commissioners Trista MatasCastillo, Nicole Joy Frethem, Mary Jo McGuire, Victoria Reinhardt, regarding the increase in crime and its impact on the budget of the Ramsey County Sheriff's Office. TO REPORT A TIP, CALL THE TIP LINE AT 651-266-9558. Unfortunately, the current sheriff’s administration has eliminated the youth crime prevention programs established under my previous time as sheriff. us . VISION That’s why professional management and leadership of the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office is imperative. us. Ramsey County residents need a sheriff who will adapt to the changing times in policing, someone who is knowledgeable about the crisis in our county jail, a leader who understands how to respond to our diverse cultures, and a professional with the experience Bob Fletcher worked as a County Sheriff - Uncl for Ramsey County, Minnesota and in 2021 had a reported pay of $78. Commissioners sent the response (see below) to the The Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office is not keeping pace with best practices utilized by other departments, including the Saint Paul and Minneapolis Police Departments. Sheriff Bob Fletcher commented on why its important for his department to participate in On Patrol: Live. Mar 25, 2022 · SHERIFF Bob Fletcher ST. us Neighbors and Deputies working together for safer communities Aug 26, 2024 · RAMSEY COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT Page 1 of 7 Phones: Dispatcher: 651-484-3366 Warrants Office: 651-266-9320 Adult Detention Center: 651-266-9333 SHERIFF Bob Fletcher ST. Box 10643 St. By Laura Goodman. Ramsey County records show Bob Fletcher held job of County Sheriff Uncl from 2020 to 2023. Live on Patrol. This website is his family's attempt to help you get to know him better through the use of pictures. Mar 17, 2021 · Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office Crime Prevention Bob Fletcher, Sheriff Public Safety Services Division – Crime Prevention Unit 1411 Paul Kirkwold Drive • Arden Hills, Minnesota 55112 Phone: 651-266-7339 • Fax: 651-266-7337 www. Ramsey County Sheriff's Office . — The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners has publicly accused Sheriff Bob Fletcher of engaging in a "pattern of disrespect and act of racism" after multiple board members Jan 9, 2025 · The Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office, under the direction of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), provides youth safety classes on various topics related to outdoor activities. Assistant Leader Jul 2, 2024 · Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office Neighborhood Watch Bob Fletcher, Sheriff Public Safety Services Division – Crime Prevention Unit 1411 Paul Kirkwold Drive • Arden Hills, Minnesota 55112 Phone: 651-266-7339 • Fax: 651-266-7337 www. 6 days ago · Jeff has served the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office for 22 years and held the positions of Deputy, Sergeant, Commander, and Inspector. DO NOT ATTEMPT CONTACT. 76/HR. us Neighbors and Deputies working together for safer communities Warrant 62-CR-23-3792 - 2: Warrant Type: Bench Warrant - FTA: Date Issued: 05/17/2024: Charge Level: Felony: Charge: Theft-Take/Drive Motor Vehicle-No Owner Consent Dec 10, 2024 · Ramsey County Sheriff. us March 2021 . For an application via US Mail or for additional information, call 651-266-7315. Photo of Bob Fletcher Minneapolis Star and Tribune, October 30, 1986 (p. Jul 27, 2022 · Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher joins Vineeta Sawkar on 830 WCCO 7-27-2022 8:10am. 08 Within 2 Hours Jun 10, 2013 · Former longtime Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher retired as a St. 1. Bob Fletcher in 2023 was employed at Ramsey County and had an annual salary of $171,299 according to public records. Paul police force since 1977 and was elected to the office of sheriff in 1994, serving for 16 years until losing Warrant 62-CR-17-5774 - 4: Warrant Type: PROBATION VIOLATION: Date Issued: 02/07/2019: Charge Level: Gross Misdemeanor: Charge: Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4 - Not Small Amount Marijuana (Gross Misdemeanor) 1 day ago · The Office of Planning and Analysis oversees several administrative and strategic functions of the Sheriff's Office, including: Finance and budget services, such as developing and preparing the annual budget, managing the five-year capital improvement program, processing accounts payable and receivable, and producing financial reports. Paul in 1989. These agencies as well as dozens of departments in the region Jun 5, 2018 · Bob Fletcher Files for Ramsey County Sheriff and Announces a Public Safety Agenda for 2020. PAUL, MN 55102 03/25/2022 15:45 Inmates Admitted To The Ramsey County Jail(LEC)From: 03/25/2022 07:00 To 03/25/2022 15:00 RAMSEY COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT Page 2 of 5 Phones: Dispatcher: 651-484-3366 Warrants Office: 651-266-9320 Adult Detention Center: 651-266-9333 SHERIFF Bob Fletcher ST. Dec 30, 2022 · Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office Neighborhood Watch Bob Fletcher, Sheriff Public Safety Services Division – Crime Prevention Unit 1411 Paul Kirkwold Drive • Arden Hills, Minnesota 55112 Phone: 651-266-7339 • Fax: 651-266-7337 www. May 6, 2022 · Bob Fletcher, far left, was Ramsey County sheriff from 1994 until 2011, and took over again after winning the 2018 election. Neighborhood Watch May 6, 2022 · Bob Fletcher, far left, was Ramsey County sheriff from 1994 until 2011, and took over again after winning the 2018 election. us Neighbors and Deputies working together for safer communities Feb 28, 2023 · RAMSEY COUNTY — The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners publicly rebuked Sheriff Bob Fletcher, stating that he engaged in a “pattern of disrespect and act of racism” after three board Dec 30, 2020 · Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office Bob Fletcher, Sheriff Page 2 qualifications and performance, it shall make such order to take the place of the order appealed from as is justified by the record and shall remand the matter to the county board for further action consistent with the court's findings. Since leaving the Sheriff Office Bob has focused his energy on combating radicalization and helping Law enforcement be prepared for terrorism in America. "Six inches higher and he would have been dead," said Sheriff Fletcher. A husband and a father of four, he is currently serving a sixth term as Ramsey County Sheriff. us • email: CrimePrevention@co. In 1994, Bob was elected to serve as Ramsey County Sheriff. Dec 31, 2018 · Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office, Crime Prevention Unit – Block Captain News – January 2019 Page 2 . A. Ramsey County Sheriff's Office: Sheriff Bob Fletcher: First name: Last name: Online Warrant Search: Ramsey County Sheriff's Office: Sheriff Bob Fletcher: First name: Last name: 6 days ago · On December 30, 2020, Sheriff Bob Fletcher filed a Notice of Appeal in Ramsey County District Court appealing the Ramsey County County Board’s budget cut of $1. Nov 7, 2018 · Fletcher, 63, is the current mayor of Vadnais Heights, but chose not to seek re-election so he could run for Ramsey County Sheriff. Bob Fletcher wins 2018 Sheriff election – announces staff leadership positions. Mar 6, 2025 · Ramsey County Sheriff Opposes County Attorney’s Move to Not Prosecute Juveniles. Department Job title; Ramsey County Sheriff's Office. For three decades, Bob has also partnered with communities of color and collaboratively problem-solved complex issues. An increasingly heated exchange of letters between Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher and the Ramsey County Board culminated Friday with the board accusing the sheriff of a "pattern of disrespect Warrant 62-CR-23-4002 - 1: Warrant Type: Bench Warrant - FTA: Date Issued: 09/24/2024: Charge Level: Felony: Charge: Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop-No Consent Warrant 62-CR-24-2635 - 2: Warrant Type: Bench Warrant - FTA: Date Issued: 01/28/2025: Charge Level: Felony: Charge: Threats of Violence - Display/exhibit/brandish replica/BB gun; Reckless disregard risk Many People know that Bob Fletcher was the Ramsey County Sheriff for 16 years and currently serves as the Vadnais Heights Mayor. Sep 24, 2024 · The deputies’ union contract expires at the end of this year and Sheriff Bob Fletcher says he believes deputies should get at least a 22 percent raise spread over three years to keep their wages Dec 29, 2020 · BOB FLETCHER SHERIFF DANGEROUS FUGITIVE. This is a critical election for Ramsey County Sheriff. Box 10643 | Saint Paul, MN 55110 The Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office once led in the creation of youth crime prevention programs. PAUL, MN 55102 09/09/2022 15:03 Inmates Admitted To The Ramsey County Jail(LEC)From: 09/09/2022 07:00 To 09/09/2022 15:00 Charge City of Violation Arresting Agency Many People know that Bob Fletcher was the Ramsey County Sheriff for 16 years and currently serves as the Vadnais Heights Mayor. Dave returned to the Sheriff’s Office in 2019, after serving as Executive Director of the Minnesota Police & Peace An increasingly heated exchange of letters between Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher and the Ramsey County Board culminated Friday with the board accusing the sheriff of a "pattern of Mar 4, 2024 · Investigators say a passenger in the suspect vehicle opened fire, striking the deputy on his bullet proof vest. 14, 2018. Today, however, at the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office, there are no women serving on the interim sheriff’s senior leadership team. Before an investigation can begin, State law requires Join the movement to re-elect Sheriff Bob Fletcher, for Ramsey County Sheriff, and show your support with our exclusive campaign merchandise. State Representative, District 45A . View Background Report Sponsored Bob Fletcher 's Record in 2021 Warrant 62-CR-24-2635 - 2: Warrant Type: Bench Warrant - FTA: Date Issued: 01/28/2025: Charge Level: Felony: Charge: Threats of Violence - Display/exhibit/brandish replica/BB gun; Reckless disregard risk Ramsey County Sheriff (1995-2010, 2018-present). (Scott Takushi / Pioneer Press) 2 days ago · Ramsey County Attorney. The campaign will officially kickoff of tonight, Jun 5, 2018 · Bob Fletcher Files for Ramsey County Sheriff and Announces a Public Safety Agenda for 2020. 2023 Deputy Sheriff Ramsey County: Gamble Chanthavivo I: 2023: Deputy Sheriff Ramsey County: View Salary Details: Samuel Clark J 2023 First Bob Fletcher 2023 County Sheriff - Uncl Ramsey County: Bob Fletcher: 2023: County Sheriff - Uncl Ramsey County: View Salary Details: Brian Isaacson 2023 Prepared and paid for by the Bob Fletcher for Sheriff Committee P. Sheriff Bob shows us that it is possible to provide law and order with genuine concern for the people he serves. Mary Jo McGuire Pre-general report Pre-primary report Warrant 62-CR-22-4267 - 1: Warrant Type: Bench Warrant - FTA: Date Issued: 08/19/2022: Charge Level: Felony: Charge: Burglary-3rd Deg-Steal/Commit Felony or Gross Misd 2 days ago · Bob Fletcher, Sheriff . March 3, 2025 . Nicole Frethem January report. In the above picture, there are two future law enforcement and community leaders—Saint Paul Police Chief John Harrington and Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher. Knowing that community engagement is step one in any outreach and prevention program, Sheriff Bob Fletcher founded the reading program. Bob Fletcher January report; Ramsey County Commissioner District 1. Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office you are being asked to provide private data about yourself that will Warrant 62SU-CR-22-2869 - 1: Warrant Type: Bench Warrant - FTA: Date Issued: 01/18/2023: Charge Level: Misdemeanor: Charge: Assault-5th Degree-Misdemeanor Prepared and paid for by the Bob Fletcher for Sheriff Committee P. March 6, 2023 Warrant 62SU-CR-22-1766 - 3: Warrant Type: Bench Warrant - FTA: Date Issued: 06/23/2023: Charge Level: Gross Misdemeanor: Charge: GM Domestic Abuse - Violate No Contact Order Sep 9, 2022 · RAMSEY COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT Page 1 of 6 Phones: Dispatcher: 651-484-3366 Warrants Office: 651-266-9320 Adult Detention Center: 651-266-9333 SHERIFF Bob Fletcher ST. We can collect and keep data about you only when we have a legal purpose to have the data. Warrant 62-CR-24-5610 - 1: Warrant Type: Bench Warrant - FTA: Date Issued: 10/03/2024: Charge Level: Misdemeanor: Charge: Disorderly Conduct-Brawling or Fighting Warrant 62-CR-25-329 - 1: Warrant Type: COMPLAINT WARRANT: Date Issued: 01/14/2025: Charge Level: Felony: Charge: Threats of Violence - Reckless Disregard Risk Jan 6, 2020 · RAMSEY COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT Page 1 of 26 Phones: Dispatcher: 651-484-3366 Warrants Office: 651-266-9320 Adult Detention Center: 651-266-9333 SHERIFF Bob Fletcher ST. 3 days ago · Bob Fletcher is a lifelong Ramsey County resident, coach, and volunteer. com Phone 6515005047 Address 425 Grove Street, St Paul, Minnesota 55101 . Feb 25, 2023 · RAMSEY COUNTY, Minn. Feb 2, 2024 · Office sought or ballot question Ramsey County Sheriff District Ramsey County Political (Action) Committee/Corporation Reporting period: From 1-25-20 to 1-25-21 Type of Organization: Printed Name Bob Fletcher Email Fletcherreiter@aol. This is 181. Box 10643 | Saint Paul, MN 55110 Warrant 62SU-CR-22-1541 - 1: Warrant Type: Bench Warrant - FTA: Date Issued: 09/16/2022: Charge Level: Misdemeanor: Charge: Traffic Collision - Hit & Run - Driver Involved Fails to Stop for Collision - Driven or Atte Dec 27, 2019 · SHERIFF Bob Fletcher ST. Previously, Bob was an Architect of the Investigation of the Commit tee at The RNC 8 and also held positions at St. nqyt wxbp ito rsv gzqdnm lpubn yhxq qbu bbfn szqjeb yaedcclo ncimw ywv mfwxo jtvaix