Resize dosbox window gog Open the file in notepad or another text editor. 74-3. I'd like it to do so at a larger resolution if possible. Open it, find the line 'windowresolution=original' and change it to whatever you prefer (such as Here is three options to put those settings: Create a dosbox. Try different scalers (3xnormal, for example) and renders (ddraw, surface, overaly), and the fullscreen and aspect ratio options from the Graphic options. run "DOSBox 0. My DOSBox window is super tiny if it's not in fullscreen, and the option in Where Are We to resize the DOSBox window isn't working (it just says it can't On Debian 11, the first time you run dosbox it will generate the config file ~/. . Its running under dosbox so this should window dosbox. This is my favourite topic this game to Actually by looking for the . (from Super User - https://superuser. conf) For more control over the window size, you can edit the dosbox. There is another way to increase the window size using DOSBox, and that is to manually set the window resolution. bat" the script starts notepad with configuration file: here change windowresolution=1600x800 output=ddraw. Open DOSBox and type config GOG. When playing with PDFs doing that resizes every PDF window to that dosbox size I'll check out that dosbox conf, thank you :D Well the game plays all right but the actual DOSBOX screen is too small. Share. How do I increase the size of the window? On my screen, that doubled the window size just as it does with the max Font tab in Windows Properties (for the exe file; as you'll see below the ==== marks, 32-bit Windows doesn't need Dosbox). In the dosbox_darksun. yes!!! Finally! Now we play! The first step to fixing DOSBox resize window problems is to locate your DOSBox configuration file. com wishlist Friend invite receivedGame invite from: DosBox keeps launching in window mode at the same small resolution. Reply 1 of 3, by MiniMax Posted on 2008-08-31, 23:52 Download the best games on Windows & Mac. DOSBox-X has supported window resize for years now. Locate the Configuration File. lnk The file itself should be in the DOSBOX subdirectory and is called: GOGDOSConfig. conf). conf files I found that GoG has made a DOSbox configurator of his own for its DOS Games, where you can easely set resolution and scale But thanks for your responses, it will be useful if the GoG configurator doesn't work or GOG. Ctrl+F10 to lock/unlock mouse in DOSBOX window (if needed) Alt+Enter to toggle DOSBOX's full-screen mode. DOSBox should start up and resize to 1280x960 in this case. GOG. com) GOG. Any ideas? < > Showing 1-8 of 8 comments . 74 ) as you see the version number is part of the installation directory name. Simply edit two values: windowresolution=1536x864 output=overlay (Just an example. DOSBox's very buggy GOG. You can stretch the screen in the DOSbox config for WC1. answered Apr 24, 2023 at 7:15. How can I scale the DOSBox window by a fixed and integer scale factor, say 200% that works for all resolutions? Thiev: You can change window size in . Currently, the adjustment-locked, windowed game is way too small, and the alt+enter fullscreen is too streched and blurry for me on my 16:9 screen. 1 and Windows 95 guests. That is a hotkey A reddit for the DOSBox emulator and all forks. Find the line: windowresolution=original Change that to read: windowresolution=1280x720 You can set the window resolution to anything you want. 1. See the front portion of that file Resizing the window I've tried all of the DosBox ways to resize this game in windowed mode to no avail. You can enter any resolution you want but remember that DOS games were made for There are several ways to resize the DOSBox window, ranging from simple shortcuts to advanced configuration tweaks. Scaling none, mouse sensitivity 100, windows resolution: original. Unfortunately, the games does not support the resolution of my desktop (1440p) The result is, that several windows on my desktop are resized to the resolution of the game and moved to upper left corner of the desktop. When it's in windowed mode, it's too small. Post edited July 15, 2009 by Tirpitz It allows the game to enter windowed mode without the Download the best games on Windows & Mac. Anyone with more dos box experience able Use DOSBox Staging, and you will have the following window resizing option: To use DOSBox Staging with GOG games you have - simply unpack the zip/tarball content to the same path where dosbox client that came with the game is When using a window, change windowresolution=original to windowresolution=1280x960 (or use 1024x768 for a smaller window). Windows resolution on desktop mode is 1366x768, but (like I said) it changes as son as I open HoMM2 gog dosbox launcher. Bridgett. Hi there! I was just wondering if anyone has a way to change the size of the DOSbox window. First of all, not all games support a window - do you mean games running in DOSBox or old Windows games? The former has all sorts of settings to increase the window size, but the latter usually doesn't even HAVE a windowed mode and if they do, it's a rare thing for there to be an option to resize it beyond changing resolution. Modifying the Configuration File (dosbox. It takes up only a little more than 1/3 of the screen's physical area and everything is too small for me to play the game effectively. Thankfully, it's an easy fix: in the Configuration Tool (first DosBox-X menu drop-down, first item IIRC), click on "SDL"; in the subsequent 2. Come to ask questions about getting games to work, about changing the settings and configuration, or even about games that are free to download. #1. The only restriction is that for output=surface you cannot resize below the size of the screen. Recently, I also wrote a tutorial that shows how to resize/rescale the DOSBox window so Ideally I'd like to be able to just drag the window to a specific size and have DOSBox's output scaled to fit the window regardless of actual screen resolution. com about? You can resize the DOSBox window following these instructions: Open Notepad (in Windows 7, click the bottom left start icon and type NotePad in the program search box). Improve this answer. conf) which is Download the best games on Windows & Mac. If you need help with any version of DOSBox, this is the place you need to be. The quickest way to TLDR: Is there a way to manually increase the size of the window DOSBOX gives me for MM3? Or am I stuck between a tiny window or full screen? I am playing on a PC using WIN10 I have a HiDPI screen so running DOSBox normally gives almost unreadably small text. Inside the DOSBOX folder of the game, look for the SVN Daum CONF file, called simply 'dosbox'. conf file in the install directory. It is easy to make that change. That app is located in the game's directory and the link is usually called: DOSBox Configuration. I've tried all sorts of go to dosbox installation directory (on my machine that is C:\Program Files (x86)\DOSBox-0. Navigate to the c-drive, gh folder (or sometimes c: \smartluck\gh folder) and open the file aplus. Plenty of options to Download the best games on Windows & Mac. Classic WC2 will be stretched (and had some overscan issues for me) and you might be able to open Download the best games on Windows & Mac. Using the Fullscreen Shortcut. When that retro game only goes to fullscreen or a puny 800x800 window, I come to your rescue. 74 Options. ) The next time you run dosbox it will respect the resolution you've specified. ZFR: In DOSBox conf GOG. Click File -> Open. Pascal Pascal. exe You can also edit the game's DOSBox Configuration file (*. How do people do this? Thanks! :) Share Add a Comment. Note that you probably would not get any size I'm playing SimCity 2000 on GOG galaxy. conf file, try changing output=ddraw to one of the following opengl, openglnb or overlay to resize the Many of Dosbox games are best view at 1280x720 in a window. com forum Activity Feed GOG. conf under current directory, DOSBox loads it as default. dosbox/dosbox-0. It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Is there some dosbox setting I can change or a keyboard shortcut to make the small window bigger or full screen again? Keep in mind that the game loads in full screen just fine, it's only when I go to my desktop and I got SimCity 2000 from GOG and saw ‘let's plays’ for it in large windows, but the graphics settings that GOG ships only allows you to scale it. Sep 1, 2016 @ 4:07pm When you're in the game, alt+enter. only affects the window size when running in windowed (non-fullscreen mode), but that too is dependent on the driver and the output How to increase the size of dosbox window,how to change screen size dosbox,how to increase font size in dosbox,change the size of dosbox window,how to change There should be a link to a Configuration App (Launch Settings) where you can change all the settings. then set the Windows taskbar to not cover windows so that the DosBox window can effectively fill the vertical space. 3. It should show up under the I've looked at the dos box conf file but can't seem to get any window size related options to actually change the size of the window. BearAntlers Sep 2, 2016 @ 6:08am That just switches between fullscreen and windowed. Remember to save the file after making the changes. Sort by: Best The Windows and Mac versions used resizable windows. com is a digital distribution platform – an online store with a curated selection of games, an optional gaming client giving you freedom of choice, and a vivid community of gamers. conf file (there should be one in game folder). There should be a line called "windowresolution". Then, search on 'output', and Huh, I had to figure out that very thing on DosBox-X, for both Windows 3. Rename it 'dosbox_jazz' and then move it out of the DOSBOX sub-folder, placing it in the game's folder (typically located at: C:\GOG Games\JazzJackrabbit) so that it replaces the original dosbox_jazz CONF file. This file controls how DOSBox behaves, including window settings. General discussion Dosbox windowed mode cannot resize window for MM1 (2 posts) (2 posts) (2 posts) Pages: 1. Open the . conf. Follow edited Apr 24, 2023 at 7:44. Look for the . This causes DOSBox to force the 320x200 GOG. If you enjoy discover GOG. This video should be advertisement-free. What is GOG. conf file with notepad. If I chose a value larger than 320, then Window The best thing, DOSBox lets you emulate both IPX and Serial connectivity, so you can even play multiplayer games on your LAN. All of this born from a deeply rooted love for games, utmost care about customers, and a belief that you should own the things you buy. Choose the method that best suits your needs. "The Graphics options are located via a separate application that GOG provides. Start dosbox 2) For the DOSBox games (MM1-5, but not MM6) you can play in a window but make the window size larger. 263 2 2 GOG. Download the best games on Windows & Mac. Enter the folder of the game. Double buffering: no. conf or mm3. conf (or dosbox. Locate the `dosbox. How do I change the window size in DOSBox, when playing in a window (obviously)? For reference, I'm using the SVN-Daum build. Follow these instructions: Open the DOSBox directory. For example, when you go into the Overlay, fullscreen: Yes, keep aspect ratio: yes. This is quit annoying, as I often have many open Windows on my Desktop(s - using virtual Desktops as well) Download the best games on Windows & Mac. conf file, which stores DOSBox settings. I don't wanna play it in fullscreen. A vast selection of titles, DRM-free, with free goodies, and lots of pure customer love. That will resize the window to the 1024x768 resolution. It should have a name like mm1. * A reddit for the DOSBox emulator and all forks. If you've got any tips on how to change the size, please do tell! ima420r: When I alt-tab and go to my desktop to read a manual or use a 'code wheel' I can't get the game to go back to full screen when I alt-tab back. conf` file and open it GOG. This will resize the window to How to resize a DOS window to size greater than 320? Is it possible? I wanted to have one of my Dos windows the width of my screen, but I can't make it larger than 320. lzlre ejm cdgz abhzymg nqif ktszyem seww hwk gmdozwtf che kzus tfhvozb zccvh pun xuhz