Lee county alabama gis records. Lee County Alabama Realtor GIS Website.

Lee county alabama gis records com Phone: (770) 886-4645 Icon by Dryicons Mar 1, 2025 路 Lee County, Alabama - Section Township and Range Map View Lee County, Alabama Township and Range on Google Maps with this interactive Section Township Range finder. 1 - LeeAL - 09-15-2024 Basic Search Pin: Big Map Big Results. Lee County GIS makes no warranty, expressed or implied, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. It is our goal that these values be fair and equitable throughout Lee County. A Division of The Montgomery County Revenue Commissioner's Office. Most of the instruments are pertaining to real estate in Lee County. 1 - LeeGov - 10-21-2024 Parcel Search Lee County Recorder of Deeds Services Maps Parcel Maps & GIS Maps, Tax Maps Records Mortgage Tax Affidavits, Certified Copies of Records, Death Certificates, Deed Records, Land Records, Lease Records, Lien Records, Mortgage Filings & Records, Property Ownership Records, Property Records, Property Tax Records, Real Estate Records Marriage and divorce records are included in Lee County's public records. QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties. 355 Fax 803-484-3518 The Lee County Commissioner of the Revenue Office makes no warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, currency, reliability, or suitability for any particular purpose of information or data contained in or generated from the Lee County property assessment and mapping database. Explore Chilton County, Alabama's official Public GIS records for 2023. Box 696 • Decatur, AL GIS is a technology that uses geographic displays of maps with smart points, lines, and areas. Lee County Appraisal Department Personal Property Division PO Box 3050 Opelika, AL 36803-3050 Explore the ArcGIS Web Application to access GIS data and mapping tools for Halifax County. Our goal through this website is to allow you to conduct your business, whether it is paying your property taxes, renewing your car tag, or simply researching Lee County tax records. 1 - LeeAL - 09-15-2024 Basic Search AcreValue provides reports on the value of agricultural land in Lee County, AL. Daily maintenance includes keeping track of changes using the most recent documents recorded in the Probate Judge's office; i. Search by address, place, land parcel description or GPS coordinates (latitude, longitude) Township and Range made easy! Use this free township and range locator to search by Dec 3, 2024 路 Welcome to the Tax Collector’s Office, serving the citizens of Lee County. Manufactured Home Documents: Manufactured Homes - Registration/Renewal Information; Manufactured Home - Bill of Sale (Notarized) Lee County Alabama 2024 - Public GIS W18/M1111 - f16. The laws of Alabama are shown below, but you should remember that these laws may not apply if the deceased was not a resident of Alabama, of if the property is located in another state. chilton county: Chilton County GIS Interactive Map. The forms on this website have been updated to reflect these changes. Jan 1, 2024 路 The mission of the Lee County Register of Deeds is to maintain, protect, and make accessible all recorded transactions and vital records for the County. Careers Fees & Costs Records Request Feedback Contact Us. 1 - LeeAL - 09-15-2024 Basic Search Lee County Parcel Data Alabama. , Opelika, AL 36801 Phone: (334) 737-3655 Fax: (334) 705-5081 Search Land Records (Official Records) Deeds, Mortgages, Easements, Liens, Maps, Plats. Don't show this again Tax Records in Lee County (Alabama) Find tax services and records in Lee County, AL. Please click the Expungement of Records link for access to these forms. The data may not reflect the most current records. 1 - LeeGov - 03-03-2025 Parcel Search Looking for public records in Lee County, AL? Quickly search government records from 75 official databases. CSV Export, RES PRC) and hit GO - Click Open when prompted for an export. 1 - LeeAL - 09-15-2024 Basic Search - Select the records to include in the report either one by one or by using the options in the Selection Manager. A feature service is a web-based service created and maintained by the Lee County GIS Department to be utilized by GIS professionals in their own web maps, desktop apps, and field apps. Email: GIShelp@FlagshipGIS. com/Lee/. Lands Search Options Welcome to the Lee County Court Records Search website. Records include Lee County property tax assessments, deeds & title records, property ownership, building permits, zoning, land records, GIS maps & more! Lee County Alabama Reval GIS Website. Access property, tax, flood zone maps, and public land surveys. The mission of the Montgomery County GIS and Cadastral Mapping Department is to work in partnership with county agencies to provide accurate, consistent, accessible and comprehensive GIS data, GIS infrastructure, and GIS services to support the GIS needs of Montgomery County and the citizens we serve. LiDAR data is provided on request. Lee County Assessor’s Office Directory: GIS Maps in Russell County (Alabama) Find detailed geographic information with Russell County GIS maps. org is an Welcome to the Secretary of State's Government Records Inquiry System. 4663 x 5445 Subdivision Plat: $20. 1 - LeeAL - 09-15-2024 Land Search LandUseMarketFlag Land Use Code : Sub Code Land Method Land Value A subdivision is defined as the development and division of a lot, tract, or parcel of land into two (2) or more lots, plats, sites, or otherwise for the purpose of establishing or creating a subdivision through the sale, lease, or building development of the lot or lots. Discover Lee County, Alabama plat maps and property boundaries. Lee County Commission. Conduct parcel searches with ease and access a wide range of records, from a maximum of 1,000 to 20,000 entries. 2 - WilcoxGov - 01-16-2025 Parcel Search Max Records Lee County Alabama Public GIS Website. Our valuation model utilizes over 20 field-level and macroeconomic variables to estimate the price of an individual plot of land. If you have any questions, contact the Lee County GIS Department. Explore all Property Records in Lee County, Alabama. Lee County GIS Department has prepared this data for informational purposes only. AcreValue provides reports on the value of agricultural land in Lee County, AL. Price, Revenue Commissioner Phone: (334) 737-3655 - Fax: (334) 705-5081 Our office hours 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM Central Lee County Alabama 2026 - Realtor GIS W18/M111 - f16. , Opelika, AL 36801 Phone: (334) 737-3655 Fax: (334) 705-5081 Contact Info City of Auburn Floodplain Information. This office also provides public viewing stations in the Probate Office to encourage public access to recorded Lee County Commission. Explore geographic data and interactive maps with the ArcGIS Web Application. NETROnline does not guarantee that any information contained within this database or map is accurate, complete, or current. Public Records for Alabama include 1,603,532 properties with a median sale price of $215,000, the average home typically offers 3-4 bedrooms and 1-2 bathrooms. The real estate tax relief programs for the elderly and disabled, disabled veterans, and surviving spouses of officers killed in the line of duty are also administered by the Commissioner’s Office. gis Open Data The open data portal provides the public with access to the shapefile downloads of public data for use in personal mapping applications and software. C. NETR Online • Lee • Lee Public Records, Search Lee Records, Lee Property Tax, Alabama Property Search, Alabama Assessor Lee County Alabama 2023 - Subscription GIS W12/M111 - f23. It is the policy of the Chilton County Commission to comply with Alabama’s Open Records Act, as amended by Ala. Looking for GIS maps & data in Auburn, AL? Quickly search GIS maps from official databases. Details shown may be unofficial determinations and may not be accompanied by warranty or guarantee. This facility provides you easy access to public information maintained by the Secretary of State's office in electronic format. The GIS map provides parcel boundaries, acreage, and ownership information sourced from the Lee County, AL assessor. The GIS Portal is hosted and maintained by the Lee County GIS Department, and the data therein maintained by respective County departments. Also, the filing fee for expungements has increased from $300 filing fee to a $500 filing fee. Inspector General The Revenue Commissioner's Office for Lee County is located at the Lee County Courthouse, 215 South 9th Street, Opelika, Alabama, 36801. GIS / Strategic Services performs responsible mapping, recording, and technical computer work to record, produce and update deed information, tax maps and all GIS layers for Lee County, the City of Sanford and Town of Broadway. 12131), which prohibits Lee County Alabama 2024 - Public GIS W18/M1111 - f16. Price, Revenue Commissioner Phone: (334) 737-3655 - Fax: (334) 705-5081 Our office hours 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM Central Lee County GIS Department has prepared this data for informational purposes only. g. Flagship GIS hosts GIS websites and provides support services to County Appraisers and Tax Mappers, primaritly in Alabama and Georgia. I am Noelle Branning, your Tax Collector. 2024-278, effective October 1, 2024, to allow Alabama residents to inspect and take a copy of public records within the custody and control of the Commission, subject to the payment of reasonable fees and to appropriate protections for private, confidential, privileged, and While every effort has been made to ensure that these data are accurate and reliable, Lee County cannot assume liability for any damages caused by errors or omissions in the data. 00 each additional lot after 15. Welcome to the Lee County, Alabama online Assessment and Appraisal record search. - Select the desired report option (e. 1 - LeeGov - 02-24-2025 Land Search Land Records County Court Remote Access. We require 3 copies- 1 returned to the customer, 2 to be kept in Records Room. It also incorporates a database to store tabular information relating to each parcel. 1. Access city maps, property records, and government GIS data services for comprehensive land and property research. Lee County GIS is a division within Information Services that provides the following GIS services for all of Lee County Departments* and public use. Acres features 1 sold land records in Lee County with a median price per acre of $8,200. Use the Data Explorer to view a variety of layers with a traditional, map-focused interface. Agendas & Minutes; Board Appointments; District 1 - Doug Cannon; District 2 - Ross Morris; District 3 - Jeff Drury; District 4 - Tony Langley; District 5 - Richard LaGrand, Sr. Lee County Assessor Phone Number (334) 737-3655 GIS; IT Staff; Maintenance; Parks; Public Hearing/Comment Period Notice for Lee County Solid Waste Management Plan Proposed Update. Lee County GIS has extensive additional data available through on-line maps and mobile applications including road maintenance, evacuation zones, elevation certificates, bus routes, and county districts. Price, Revenue Commissioner Phone: (334) 737-3655 - Fax: (334) 705-5081 Our office hours 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM Central Property involving transportation, utilities, manufacturing, and personal property are appraised by the South Carolina Department of Revenue. net are interactive public access portals that allow users to view County and City information, public records and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) via an online portal. 5. Lee County. This web page is a public resource of general information. LastName="Jones" & FirstName begining with "W". Lee County Revenue Commissioner Lee County Courthouse 215 South 9th St. Assessor, Revenue Commissioner and Tax Sales Lee County Revenue Commissioner Lee County Courthouse 215 South 9th St. 2-d24. alabamagis. County Overlays Street View Show Legend Interact with various maps and data using ArcGIS Web Application, a powerful online tool for geographic information. Browse land prices and land sales in Lee County, AL on AcreValue. While every effort has been made to ensure that these data are accurate and reliable, Lee County cannot assume liability for any damages caused by errors or omissions in the data. Access online land records, property deeds, and registration records through GIS maps and databases. OVERVIEW The Register of Deeds office is responsible for recording instruments that are properly notarized. 1 - LeeAL - 09-15-2024 Parcel Search Find key land records in Lee County, AL, including land ownership, property boundaries, and parcel details. Box 309 Bishopville, SC 29010 Directory Main Number 803-484-5341 ext. The City of Opelika does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admissions or access to its programs or activities. To view Lee County's Tax Maps and parcel information visit www. Search Official Records. com Web: www. click the spy-glass to zoom the Map to that parcel. S. Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm; socials Discover Lee County, AL GIS maps, topographic maps, and urban planning resources. More information at your fingertips Alabama Property Records. AL 36801; 334-737-3660 Welcome to the community page for Lee County in Alabama with demographic details and statistics about the area as well as an interactive Lee County map. The county has a population of 175,126, a median home value of $224,400, and a median household income of $59,288. You can contact them by phone at (334) 737-3655 or by fax at (334) 705-5081. Roberson and Deputy Clerk/Circuit Criminal Kamala Hardnett. deeds, subdivision plats and other miscellaneous documents. Commission Meeting Minutes, Bid Documents, Contracts, etc Looking for Lee County Revenue Commission property tax assessments, tax rates & GIS? Quickly find Assessor phone number, directions & records (Opelika, AL). Get acquainted with the Walk-Through (PDF). 馃椇锔忦煆欙笍 Lee County Alabama 2024 - Public GIS W18/M1111 - f16. Lee County Property Appraiser. GIS Maps in Auburn (Alabama) CountyOffice. The Add Data widget can be used to search for and view additional layers not included in the map. Act No. An ADA Coordinator has been designated to coordinate compliance with the non-discrimination requirements contained in the Department of Justice regulations implementing Subtitle A of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U. He serves on several boards, including Mercy Medical Center, Central Alabama Mountain Peddlers, and as President of the Alabama Cycling Association Board. Lee County is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is committed to providing equal opportunities for all persons regardless of race, age Lee County Alabama 2026 - Reval GIS W18/M111 - f16. This office is also responsible for maintaining the County's real estate and personal property tax assessment records. Absentee Voting; Election Archive; Polling Places; Poll Worker; Voter Registration; Lee Get FREE LEE COUNTY PROPERTY RECORDS directly from 12 Alabama gov't offices & 12 official property records databases. X Lee County Alabama 2024 - Public GIS W18/M1111 - f16. Lee County Alabama Realtor GIS Website. Opelika, AL 36801; 334-737-3660; Business Hours. He has also dedicated time to local organizations such as Big House, Walk to Emmaus, and Youth for Christ. Located at 115 Chatham St, Sanford, NC 27330 Contacts Angela Wood, Director awood@leecountync. gis@leegov. The people featured on this site may not have been convicted of the charges or crimes listed and are presumed innocent until proven guilty. The Syscon Web PSEARCH portal offers the convenience of searching through official public county land records, deeds, mortgages, marriages and other probate, circuit, chancery and county court documents online in many Alabama and Mississippi counties. Jul 1, 2024 路 QuickFacts Lee County, Alabama. This search engine provides property tax and appraisal information of record in Lee County, Alabama. In Lee County, the following additional functions fall under the umbrella of the Assessor’s Department: Mapping/GIS, Addressing, and Manufactured Home Permitting. Our directory offers access to tax record lookup, requests, assessments, and online records. 1 - LeeAL - 09-15-2024 Basic Search Eufaula, AL 36027 Visit Barbour County’s Public GIS Website Visit Barbour County’s Citizen Access Portal (for Appraisal & Assessment Records) Eufaula 334-687-7639 FAX: 334-687-1579 334-687-7630 Appraisal Office. For divorce records before 1950, one should contact the Lee County Circuit Court. AcreValue helps you locate parcels, property lines, and ownership information for land online, eliminating the need for plat books. Lee County FIPS Code: 01081. 1 - LeeAL - 09-15-2024 Basic Search Feb 3, 2025 路 Welcome to the Lee County Revenue Commissioner's Website. 3 days ago 路 Welcome to the Lee County Revenue Commissioner's Website. 1c-e16. Use the links to find property assessments, unpaid tax records, exemptions, tax warrants, delinquent sales, and payment options. Most buildings were constructed between 1973 and 2010, with some properties dating back to as early as 1800. Lee County Alabama 2024 - Public GIS W18/M1111 - f16. What’s New. Monday-Friday gis@leegov. Do not rely on this site to determine factual criminal records. Morgan County Revenue Commissioner Amanda G. , Opelika, AL 36801 Phone: (334) 737-3655 Fax: (334) 705-5081 City of Auburn Floodplain Information GIS and Mapping, Sustainability and Environmental Health Lee County Alabama 2025 - Realtor GIS W18/M111 - f16. This information is updated frequently for the current tax year, but may not reflect actual, up-to-date courthouse records. Meeting Center; Coroner; District Attorney; Elections. O. This directory links to official websites and search portals for public land records and local offices. Search Lee County property assessments, tax records, and parcel maps by name, address, or parcel number. Dec 11, 2024 路 Welcome to our website! If you have any issues, e-mail us. GIS; IT Staff; Maintenance; Parks; Applicant must be a resident of Lee County. 1c-d16. Would you like to download Lee County gis parcel maps? Request a quote Order Now! Mapping & GIS Disclaimer NETROnline's Mapping & GIS Application is a comprehensive and user friendly resource that presents modern and historical property records in a geographic mapping interface. Price, Revenue Commissioner Phone: (334) 737-3655 - Fax: (334) 705-5081 Our office hours 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM Central Search Boxes above, then pick the Search Button. Absentee Voting; Election Archive; Polling Places; Poll Worker; Voter Registration; Lee The mission of the Lee County Commission is to provide for the safety and welfare of all citizens through the delivery of essential public services. A whole new interface. Frequently Asked Questions Report Hurricane / Catastrophic Event Damage Apply for a Milton/Helene/Debby Tax Refund Hurricane Ian Information Apply for Your Homestead Exemption Online Veteran Exemptions Important Senior's Exemption Information Change Address Sales Follow-up Questionnaire Upload Your Photos GeoView Map and Aerial The data contained on this site is intended for information purposes only! It is based on the best information available at the time of posting and is not warranted. Wilcox County Alabama 2025 - Reval GIS W16/M101 - f23. Last Updated: 2024-Q3 Total Population: 137,855. Access comprehensive land and property records for all counties. Browse available maps and apps. Absentee Voting; Election Archive; Polling Places; Poll Worker; Voter Registration; Lee Lee County Assessor Address. Online Voter Registration (Alabama) Why Use a REALTOR ®? Community Service; Non-Profit Organizations in Lee County ; Governmental Affairs ; Alabama Association of REALTORS ® National Association of REALTORS ® NAR Code of Ethics and Professional Standards; Conflict Resolution; Central Alabama Fair Housing Center; REALTOR ® Resources. There are two web sites where real property data for Lee County can be accessed: Ingenuity, Inc. This website offers public viewing of certain court records, pursuant to Supreme Court Administrative Order AOSC23-2 The Access Security Matrix referenced in AOSC23-2, which dictates access to court cases and documents, may be viewed here. Explore Chilton County, AL with our interactive GIS map. View ground elevations from a 2018 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Lee County and other related elevation layers Beacon and qPublic. Lee County, as a political entity within Alabama, carries out numerous governmental functions and assumes a range of responsibilities. Contact the respective county clerk of State Attorney's Office for more information. While the department has made every effort to provide the correct information, independent verification may be required. Lee County Alabama Public GIS Website. For Lee County, these responsibilities primarily consist of the following: Records Retention (i. Access GIS maps, building codes, and tax records. Lee County Clerk 2311 Gateway Drive, Opelika, AL The Lee County Justice Center in Opelika, Alabama, serves as the cornerstone of the 37th Judicial Circuit of Alabama, upholding justice and fairness under the guidance of Circuit Clerk Mary B. Welcome to the LeeGIS Data Explorer! Search for a location to get started. Search by account number, parcel, owner name, address, legal description, and deed date. Lee County Revenue Commissioner Lee County Courthouse 215 South 9th Street Opelika, AL 36801 . Property Sales Information (Courts) Foreclosure, Tax Deed Sales. This office also provides public viewing stations in the Probate Office to encourage public access to recorded The Appraisal Department is responsible for establishing the current market value on all real estate, both commercial and residential, and the appraisal of all business personal property in the county according to the Alabama Department of Revenue appraisal standards. Also for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. gis; it staff; maintenance; parks; for more information on lee county government including frequently asked questions, please click on the link below for our GIS Portal. Opelika Clerk 204 South 7th Street, Opelika, AL The law in Alabama relating to Expungements have changed, effective July 1, 2021. Last Modified: November 18, 2024 Lee County Property Records (Alabama) Public Records for Lee County, Alabama include 50,092 properties , which usually have 3-4 bedrooms and 2-3 bathrooms. 302 Lee Street, NE • P. Oline W. Beacon and qPublic. Land Records in Chambers County (Alabama) Find Chambers County, AL land records, including property tax records and parcel information. Font Size: +- Lee County Clerk of Court, FL Home Menu. For technical problems please contact us. View and download commonly requested printable maps including basemaps, evacuation zones and road functional classification, as well as links to maps from other Lee County departments. Scott is responsible for property taxes in Morgan County Alabama. FlagshipGIS. Member Lee County Assessor And Staff Office Hours 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday Location 123 South Main Street Bishopville, SC 29010 Mailing Address P. Additional Data Available from Lee County GIS Lee County GIS has extensive additional data available through on-line maps and mobile applications including road maintenance, evacuation zones, elevation certificates, bus routes, and county districts. The Lee County Health Department maintains divorce records starting from 1950 and marriage records from August 1936 to the present. Below, the statistics for Lee County provide a snapshot of key economic and 215 South Ninth Street Opelika, AL 36801 (334) 737-3670 (334) 705-5082 Looking for public records in Lee County, SC? Quickly search government records from 72 official databases. A geographic information system (GIS) is a system that creates, manages, analyzes, and maps all types of data. Flagship GIS, Inc | 5400 Laurel Springs Pkwy, Suite 501 | Suwanee GA 30024 Lee County Schools; primarily real estate records. For the GIS professional, GIS data and high-resolution aerials are available for download. 1 - LeeGov - 02-24-2025 Parcel Search Discover Alabama GIS maps for tax, zoning, topographic, and urban planning data. In February 2022, Houston County was flown for updated digital orthophotography. Lee County Alabama and Flagship GIS makes no warranty, representation or guaranty as to the content, sequence, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of any of the database and/or map information provided herein. Lee County Alabama Public GIS Website. The AcreValue Lee County, AL plat map, sourced from the Lee County, AL tax assessor, indicates the property boundaries for each parcel of land, with information about the landowner, the parcel number, and the total acres. gov 919. For each sale, get the price, acreage, land use, buyer and seller information and GIS data, and build a comparable sales report across multiple sales. Box 267 Nov 18, 2024 路 Lee County - Zoning Map Web Map by dcholman. 00 for the 1st 15 lots, $1. Online Property Tax Records. Thank you for visiting our website where you will find valuable information about the services we offer, along with convenient online payment options to save you time. Lee County is primarily an administrative and executive unit of government operating by laws set by the Alabama Legislature. Also, to ensure the benefits and compensation of the County are as such to attract and retain employees, facilitate organizational performance, promote equity and consistency throughout the Lee County Commission. e. Because these feature services are created and maintained by the Lee County GIS department, any data retrieved from this site is up to date. View 8410 recent sale s of farmland, dairies, ranches, pastures and other types of agricultural land. We are proud to announce our new Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Portal. com. net combine both web-based GIS and web-based data reporting tools including CAMA, Assessment and Tax into a single, user friendly Additional Data Available from Lee County GIS. 5 GIS/Mapping 803-484-5341 ext. 3 - LeeAL - 10-04-2023 Parcel Search Chilton County Alabama Public GIS Records. Clayton 334-775-3474 FAX: 334-775-1110 334-775-1112 Appraisal Office. 1 - LeeAL - 09-15-2024 Basic Search Lee County Alabama 2024 - Public GIS W18/M1111 - f16. 1 - LeeAL - 09-15-2024 Parcel Search Welcome to the Lee County, Alabama online Assessment and Appraisal record search. In this list, "issue" means all of the people who have descended from the decedent. Search 74,624 parcel records and views insights like land ownership information, soil maps, and elevation. clay county: Dodge County Clay AL GIS Land Records | Beacon by Schneider Corp. This allows for each parcel to be analyzed for correct valuation. 718. Total Parcels: 70,711 parcels. Unrecorded Plats and Maps (Official Records) Lists of Unrecorded plats and maps County's Web Site Flagship's other Alabama County GIS Websites Association of Alabama Tax Administrators Alabama Department of Revenue, Ad Valorem Tax Division Site created and hosted by Flagship GIS, Inc. Under this category, you can search public property records for free, including property assessment, unclaimed property, deeds, mortgage documents, registries, house ownership, titles, and more. Yes, I accept the above statement. NETR Online • Lee • Lee Public Records, Search Lee Records, Lee Property Tax, Mississippi Property Search, Mississippi Assessor This pair of Lee County web GIS applications features a variety of commonly used data layers. Lee County Alabama 2024 - Subscription GIS W18/M111 - f16. Price, Revenue Commissioner Phone: (334) 737-3655 - Fax: (334) 705-5081 Our office hours 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM Lee County Schools; primarily real estate records. Second (Clayton) Courthouse Mailing Address P. Price, Revenue Commissioner Phone: (334) 737-3655 - Fax: (334) 705-5081 Our office hours 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM Lee County Alabama Subscription GIS Website. Among the principal governmental functions vested in Alabama counties are law enforcement; tax assessment, levy and collection; administration of decedent's estates and probate matters; maintenance of real and personal property title records; construction and Beyond his legal work, Jere is actively involved in the Lee County community. We wish to continue to provide you with personalized service. maintains appraisal and tax payment information online. 302 Lee St NE 4th floor, Decatur, AL 35601 (256)-351-4790: Lowndes County Recorder Lee County Alabama 2026 - Reval GIS W18/M111 - f16. Our records are maintained daily. hkhld pifmkg nvrdgy swnmt ttb rbdzb waeta dlel gtwk mdkltk yvam fxmxdij lwrkdq ywi pyyztqq